摘 要:科技英语论文摘要中的时态和语态的使用关系到表达的准确性。本文阐述在撰写摘要时应如何运用时态和语态,以提高论文摘要的写作质量。
1 时态
(1)在介绍背景资料部分,作者要用一般现在时态叙述不受时间影响的普遍事实。如:This is especially true of natural gas which has excellent clean burning characteristic and low greenhouse gas production.
(2)在介绍背景资料的句子内容时,需要使用现在完成时进行某种研究趋势的概述。如:The laboratory research has been conducted to determine actual decomposition rates of wheat and other small grain straws using l4C—labeled plant material.
(3)在叙述研究目的或主要研究活动时,若文章采用“研究指引”型(如:This study discussed…),则句子的动词使用一般过去时;若文章采用“论文指引” 型(如:This paper presents…),则应该使用一般现在时态。关于“研究指引”与“论文指引”的定义,请参阅本书引言部分。
研究指引:In this investigation, we explored vertical nutrient mixing in late summer in a test area 15 kilometers off the coast.
论文指引:This paper investigates the issue of digging out differentially expressed groups of genes of a micro-array experiment.
In this paper, we center on the solder metallurgy and stress-induced laser behavior after mounting.
Experiments on high-enthalpy water blowdown through a short converging nozzle were conducted out to measure the critical discharge flow rate under different stagnation conditions.
We utilize FASTCAP to compute the values of the capacitances, and a closed form formula to obtain the inductance values,
In the sensor section of the system, we make evaluation of the quality of combustion inside the furnace with the means of three parameters—the Air Balance in Future (ABF), the Refuse Mass Energy(RME)and the Combustion Center Point(CCP).
Laboratory compaction and compression tests were done to get access to the compaction characteristics and load deformation response of a sandy silt reinforced with randomly oriented recycled carpet fibers.
(4)在概述結果时,通常使用一般过去时。但是,若作者认为自己的研究结果普遍有效,而不只是在本次研究的特定条件下才适用,则可以使用一般现在时态。对结果的解释和说明,则用一般现在时。如:Our outcomess indicate the value of big discovery and the following samples in order to get further insights into the inherited basis of T2D.
(5)敘述结论或推论时,用一般现在时态、推测动词或may, should, could等情态动词。如:As discussed, the particle size dependent reactivity may reflect as adsorbate induced and facilitated restructuring of the catalyst particle surface.
2 语态
有一些作者和审稿人认为,第三人称、过去时和被动语态常用于撰写科技论文。研究表明(Editorial,2001),在科技论文中,1920~1970年,被动语态的使用较为广泛,然而当前相当数量的期刊都提倡使用主动语态,因为运用主动语态表达的句子更为精准明确,且方便阅读。针对英语语言特征的一些研究也显示(黄大网等,2008),发表在国际性专业期刊中的文章,普遍运用第一人称和主动语态。Kirkman(2001)随机抽取了500份医学和生物学英文期刊的“作者须知用来了解专业期刊对写作风格的要求,统计表明,82%的期刊在文风方面不作要求;在18%给出文体规定的“作者须知”中,就人称、语态等方面的表达提请作者参照相关的体例手册或教材占有13.8%,只有3.8%的期刊要求论文中各部分的人称变化,要求使用第二人称或第三人称和被动语态只有0.4%的期刊(2种)。除此之外,为保证能够进行“双盲”形式的同行评议,有12种期刊(2.4%)告诫在稿件中作者不要采用能够辨别出作者身份的自我引述(如“In our earlier work”),或其他关于可识别出作者工作单位的信息,但并不排斥使用第一人称和主动语态。可见,作者在撰写论文摘要中不需要刻意回避第一人称和主动语态来简洁、清楚地表达研究成果(Editorial,2001)。在这些研究中,可以得出主动语态显得更强有力、更直接,而且使用主动语态通常还可以使论文显得为简洁且直截了当。因此,在摘要中多使用主动语态。
[2]胡庚申,申云桢.英语论文写作与发表之失误例谈(四):引言[J].科技与出版. 2005(3):67-68.
[3]钱 杨.非英语专业多学科大班博士生英语论文写作教学模式初探[J].天津外国语大学学报,2011(5):56-60.
A brief analysis of the tense and voice of the abstracts
of scientific and technological English papers
Yang Yanling
(College of Foreign Languages, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin 132012, China)
Abstract:The use of tenses and voices in abstracts of EST papers is related to the accuracy of expressions. This paper expounds how to use tense and voice to improve the writing quality of abstract.
Key words:EST papers; abstracts; tenses; voice