1 总平面/Site plan
2 鸟瞰/Aerial view
3 草图/Sketch
4 从阅览空间看庭院/Courtyard view from reading space
首先,我们对原有院落中的墙面、门窗、屋架、铺地等构造系统进行了梳理与修复。在此基础上,设计选择将一套回廊系统植入历史院落,而非将旧有建筑完全封存起来。回廊系统重塑了进入院落空间的秩序与层次,使院落的空间划分从“一”到“多”, 确立了基本的空间使用格局:一个可供灵活使用的户外场地以及4处绿化院落。回廊系统在入口处伸入胡同巷道,具有一定昭示性;它同时串联起了社区图书馆包括入口、阅览室、咖啡厅、展厅和卫生间在内的各个功能空间,也为户外活动延展提供更多的场地。在特殊天气情况下,廊道亦可充当避雨的场所。
Suochengli Neighbourhood Library, as a satellite branch of the Chefoo Institute and Library, locates in a traditional Chinese courtyard in the northwest corner of Yantai's historic district of Suochengli.Before the renovation, three rooms in the backyard of historic Zhang Ancestral Hall revealed an intricacy of information and elements. Although the original conditions might appear messy, in our point of view, the added structures by local residents in the past years embrace precious traces of time.In order to accommodate the courtyard with needs of contemporary lifestyle, the focus of our design became how to deal with the relationship between the old and new.
Firstly, we did a systematic reorganising and restoring of the original walls, doors, windows, roof truss, flooring and other architectural elements.At the same time, we established a cloister system for this courtyard house, reframing the courtyard into several smaller sections, including a multifunctional public space at the centre and three parts of vegetation on the sides. At the entrance,the cloister opened out into the alley of Suochengli neighbourhood as a gesture of invitation for the public. Within the courtyard, the cloister connected all the programmes, including the entrance, reading space, café, gallery and restroom, creating space for outdoor activities. The cloister would also function as a rain shelter in bad weather conditions.
Weathering steel, a new material introduced to the existing courtyard, would serve as the structure as well as the spatial interface. Its muted colouration would sit well with the tones of old brick, stone, tile and greenery. The bent steel canopy was suspended by the gantry-like frame. The bent steel plate became structure itself and served in place for the beam system. It also functioned technically as a rain gutter and visually as an element of lightness. The 8 mm thick steel plate articulated the delicate edge of the material and the 40mm-diametre steel columns supported the cloister system, indicating the historic weight of the new intervention in comparison to the old house.
We believe that the architecture of our time should, in an intelligent way, reveal and reactivate the historical assets and local cultures. The library would retain both the lifestyle and pace of the local community as the practice of contemporary culture and aesthetics of modern society. Within the space, where a dialogue between the new and the old would be cultivated, the energy and vitality from local communities could be stimulated, further contributing to the knowledge production and dissemination as well as space sharing.□
5 入口原状/Original condition of entrance
6 入口/Entrance
7 入口/Entrance
8 轴测/Axonometrix
9 剖面/Section
项目信息/Credits and Data
地点/Location: 烟台市芝罘区时彦街12号,山东,中国/No.12 Shiyan Street, Chefoo District, Yantai, China
业主/Client: 烟台创源文化传媒有限公司/Yantai Chuangyuan Culture Communication Co., Ltd.
主持建筑师/Principal Architect: 董功/DONG Gong
项目建筑师/Project Architect: 张菡/ZHANG Han
建造管理/Construction Management:周飏/ZHOU Yang
驻场建筑师/Site Architect: 赵丹/ZHAO Dan
项目成员/Design Team: 陈周杰,赵丹,Jacopo Ruggeri,李思敏,谭业千/CHEN Zhoujie, ZHAO Dan, Jacopo Ruggeri, LI Simin, TAN Yeqian
结构及设备专业/Structural and MEP Consultants: 马智刚,赵晓雷,韩工/MA Zhigang, ZHAO Xiaolei, HAN Gong材料/Material: 耐候钢、水刷石、禾香板/Weathering steel, pebbledash, melamine board
建筑面积/Floor Area: 150m2
设计周期/Design Period: 2016.12-2017.01
建设周期/Construction Period: 2017.03-2017.07
摄影/Photos: 苏圣亮/SU Shengliang (fig.2,4,6,7,11,12,15,18-20), 直向建筑/Vector Architects (fig.5,13,14), 朱锐/ZHU Rui(fig.16,17)
10 首层平面/Ground floor plan
11 从南侧看阅览空间及庭院/Reading space and courtyard view from the south side
14 使用状态/In use
15 庭院/Courtyard
16 回廊/Cloister
17 内景/Interior view
18 使用中的庭院/Courtyard in use
19 黄昏时的阅览空间/Evening view of reading space
SHI Kehui: The designer connects all the spaces with a corridor. Though it is a small yard, the clear division of different functions realises a lavish space that used to be simple. The design also pays attention to the base itself and actively extracts the elements of the original architecture like the colour, material, space, and shape,in order to reduce the influence of the corridor upon the original architecture. The design is considerate and meticulous, but the method is a little bit homogeneous.As a renovation plan for a historic block with apparent local characteristics, the architectural design should give more considerations to the people and their life style in the block, so as to endow the architecture with more "locality" and "popularity".
BAO Wei: The status of this yard before renovation represents the actual conditions of many torn folk houses in North China. This project provides an ingenious thought concerning how to input new life to an old building via artful operation. Without touching the original façade, a corridor system that is totally opposite to the texture and scale of the construction was introduced into the site to activate the exterior space:the roughness of the brickwork and the exquisiteness of the steel, the thickness of the beam and the slenderness of the steel pillar, the mottled grey wall and the pure darkness of the metal. The steel pillar corridor not only adds the layers of the scene and provides shelter for people's outdoor activity, but also brings the sense of history of the old architecture to the present.
20 阅览空间与回廊/Reading space and cloister