
2018-09-07 08:38:12建筑设计张悦郝石盟朵宁李培铭王钰
世界建筑 2018年8期


1开间更新和模块置换拆违后的院落空间正视/Courtyard space after bay renewal and module replacing illegal constructions front view

2总图/Site plan

3社区居民访谈/Interviews of community residents









4开间更新和模块置换拆违后的院落空间侧视/Courtyard space after bay renewal and module replacing illegal constructions side view



5位于开发带危改和违建蔓延之间的福绥境胡同50号院/Fusuijing Courtyard No. 50 between reconstruction led by development and the spreading of illegal constructions

The minimum

In the recent years, the old city of Beijing has shown a living environment state of high density, low quality, complex property rights and fragmentation of space, due to reasons such as the surge of population and lack of management and operation ability. As the overall preservation of the old city becomes more stringent, and the residents' awareness of property rights grows stronger, the old mode of large-scale demolition and reconstruction,in which the real estate development dominated the reconstruction of old houses, is no longer sustainable, and has been gradually turning into a kind of micro renewal of the city, which focuses on single courtyards and even houses. In this context,the "minimum" in this project refers to the "bay"(kaijian), the minimum unit of property rights and space in the old city, and within, to explore the design of residential improvement suitable for lowincome residents.

6“开间更新”设施模块植入与夹层空间利用的模型示意/Diagrammatic model of "Bay Renewal" construction module,implantation and the use of mezzanine space

7适应不同开间尺度与家庭情况的系列户型示意/Diagrammatic plans of house type series suitable for different bay scales and family situations

8福绥境胡同50号院原状院落空间正视、侧视/Original courtyard space of Fusuijing Courtyard No. 50 front view,side view

9福绥境胡同50号院原状院落空间正视、侧视/Original courtyard space of Fusuijing Courtyard No. 50 front view,side view

10更新前平面/Floor plan before renewal

11更新后平面/Floor plan after renewal

To maximise

Designing for the low-income residents is different from designing single projects for gentrification or public welfare, the"minimum" should be strived to extend to the"maximum". One aspect of the maximisation is the productisation of the design, which can adapt to the needs of many different users, and is conducive to cost control and convenient installation; the other aspect is that the design should respect and clarify the property rights, not only to prevent the overload of material environment and the collapse of rule consciousness brought by the spreading illegal construction, but also to make it easier for humanised demolition and law enforcement,distinguishing low-income residents and helping them, so that it's possible to form the "maximised"promotion.

Bay-unit homes for the low-income

"Bay renewal" refers to the proposed 6 different types of family space in the unit of property rights, which are suitable for different dimension intervals of width and depth, and suitable for different family structures of one or more generations. The "bay renewal" includes integrated modules of toilet, kitchen, staircase and storage which contained in-house water and electrical facilities, and makes them prefabricated and productised to ensure the quality, control the cost and reduce the construction disturbance.At the same time, the space utilisation rate can be increased through the setting of mezzanine under the pitched roof and the shallow digging of the ground. Different both from the developers' products of short rents and mixed business and from the high-income residents' holdings of large or multiple housing, this project totally aims at the long stay demand and security of the low-income residents.

Courtyard modules to dissolve the illegal

"Module replacement" refers to the suggestion of public rental modules be set in the courtyard, to accommodate the functions of kitchen, bathroom and storage which cannot be loaded within the limited space of bay, and to replace the original illegal constructions in the courtyard. This public rental module should be owned by the government with clear property rights, who will carry out standardised design and assembly with integration, reversibility, and coordination with features of the old city, as well as settling the standards for the prices of rent and property service management, and subsidy.Residents can select and combine modules according to their needs. With the change of residence life style and dynamic combination of rentals, these modules will gradually withdraw from the old city and finally restore a healthy and orderly spatial pattern in the courtyard by means of flexibility rather than forced demolition.

No. 50 Fusuijing Hutong pilot project

Under the commission and operative support of Beijing Xicheng District Government and Beijing Huarongjinying Investment Development Co., Ltd.,"bay renewal" was experimentally carried out in Courtyard No. 50, Fusuijing Hutong. In September 2017, the project participated in the Beijing International Design Week. Same year November,it won the honorary nomination award of Lafarge Holcim Awards for Sustainable Construction in the Asia-Pacific area. In the course of design,construction, and use after completion, No. 50 Fusuijing has been continuously involving public participation and discussion of the residents, opened to interested try-out residents since January 2018 to collect feedback and continue to improve the design, encouraging the promotion and adjustment of the feedback for relevant policies.□(Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

12建筑开间更新与院落模块置换的剖透视示意/Diagrammatic section perspective of architecture bay renewal and courtyard module replacement

13西开间户型楼梯内置的空间格局/Space arrangement of west bay house type with internal stair

14东开间户型楼梯外置的空间格局/Space arrangement of east bay house type with external stair

15 东开间户型的上层卧室空间/Top bedroom space of east bay house type

16 东开间户型的下层起居兼卧室空间/Bottom living & bedroom space of east bay house type

项目信息/Credits and Data

设计单位/Design Company: 清华大学,北京建筑大学,北京度态建筑设计咨询有限责任公司/Tsinghua University, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, dot Architects

城市调研与城市设计团队/Urban Research and Urban Design Team: 张悦,吴俐颖,聂聪,曹梦醒,王钰,余

旺仔/ZHANG Yue, WU Liying, NIE Cong, CAO Mengxing,WANG Yu, YU Wangzai

开间更新设计团队/Bay Renewal Design Team: 张悦,郝石盟,李培铭,王钰,张阳,訾滨阳/ZHANG Yue, HAO Shimeng, LI Peiming, WANG Yu, ZHANG Yang, ZI Binyang院落模块设计团队/Courtyard Module Design Team: 朵宁,张龙潇,白玉明,周正,刘雁鹏/DUO Ning, ZHANG Longxiao, BAI Yuming, ZHOU Zheng, LIU Yanpeng

照明设计团队/Lighting Design Team: 张昕,韩晓伟,周轩宇/ZHANG Xin, HAN Xiaowei, ZHOU Xuanyu

项目委托与承建管理/Client and Management: 北京华融金盈投资发展有限公司/Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment and Development Co., Ltd.

场地面积/Site Area: 150.8m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 93.5m2

材料/Material: 砖木/Brick, wood

造价/Cost: RMB 5400/m2(开间内面积/Area in the bays)

设计时间/Design Time: 2015.01-2017.07

完成时间/Completion: 2018.01

摄影/Photos: 陈溯,孙海霆,项目团队成员/CHEN Su,SUN Haiting, Team members

17 东开间户型的内置开放厨房/Internal open kitchen of east bay house type

18 东开间户型的外置卫浴模块/External bathroom module of east bay house type

19 西开间户型的内置封闭厨房/Internal closed kitchen of west bay house type

20 西开间户型的内置卫浴洗衣间/Internal bathroom & laundry of west bay house type

21 西开间户型的内置卫浴洗衣间/Internal bathroom & laundry of west bay house type

22 开间更新的空间组合示意/Space combination example of bay renewal

23院落公租模块的拆违和置换示意/Diagram of demolition and replacement of public rental module in courtyard

24院落公租卫浴模块的构造、通风、保温设计示意/Diagram of the design of construction,ventilation and insulation of the public rental bathroom module in courtyard




SHI Kehui: The messy and crowded "compounds" in Baitasi area are condensed into the concepts of "minimum" and "maximum"by the designer. The design uses the "bay" (kaijian), the minimum space in a compound, as the unit of human settlement renewal in the block, in order to explore the degree of efficiency and comfort in spatial use. Meanwhile, the application of the module replacement method makes the renewal process gentler and easier, and the combination of spatial units is more flexible. But during the process moving from "minimum" to "maximum", the exploration on the collective interaction space in high-density living space is lacked, so the interpretation of "maximum" is not so clear.


BAO Wei: Hutong renewal is never a pure design issue, but a product of coordination of a series of problems like property ownership,neighbourhood relationship, community functions, etc. The real intention of this academic design is not about the design itself, but an attempt to explore the universal strategy for housing renewal in Hutong. The design precisely focuses on "bay", the smallest spatial unit, and puts forward six modules for different family types. The system has the potential of being widely promoted and applied in the whole old city. Prof. ZHANG Yue adopts a strategy of concentration on the primary contradiction that sees the whole picture from small points and proceeds from one point to another from single to multiple levels for many years in competitions, as brought into full play in this small-scale renewal project.

26 西房成果展示区开展的居民设计讲解/Design interpretation to residents in the west house exhibition area

27 中开间公众参与区开展的社区设计讨论/Community design discussion in the middle bay public re

28 不同 家庭 结构 的社 区家 庭进行 试住 体验 与意 见反 馈/Community families with different family structure carrying out living trials and giving feedbacks

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