1 近景/Nearby view
2 远景/Distant views
3 远景/Distant views
奥地利非盈利组织“集体营造”和来自克恩顿州应用科学大学的两名正在论文阶段的学生组成了设计团队, 一同进行该项目的设计和规划。代表当地社区的筹备指导委员会和客户一同参与了整个过程,并在必要的时候介入进行协商。部落权威人士的推动、监管委员会和当地各相关方保证了公众的成功参与和项目的可持续性发展。
这座桥梁是悬索结构,两个塔架将其分成3个区域。支撑悬索下悬吊着中空的钢支架, 而人行步道位于其上,人行步道以下是稳定悬索。
The community-driven project "bridging Mzamba"originated in the urgent need of and request by surrounding inhabitants for a safe crossing of the Mzamba River and included design and implementation of a 140 metres long suspension bridge in a collaborative manner.
Located in Eastern Cape, South Africa, the Mzamba River separates inhabitants in a 30km catchment area from health care, educational facilities to employment opportunity and even daily supplies. Besides lacking access to basic services, electricity or water people suffer from inequality, corruption and injustice.
While working at the grounds of Ithuba Wild Coast School with universities and inhabitants around Mzamba Mouth, the designers heard about the drowning of a child, the accident of school catering chef Mavis Dlamini and many other stories.They are fascinated by the idea to build a bridge and to contribute to a lifesaving infrastructure,questions of sustainable partnerships, design under scarce financial and working condition and the implementation with lay-people directed the process.
4 草图/Sketch(绘制/Drawing: Thomas Harlander, Florian Anzenberger)
The Austria based NPO build Collective teamed up with two thesis students of the Carinthia University of Applied Science for the design and planning phase. A Steering Committee representing the local community and client guided the process and carried on negotiations with necessary entities. The driving force of tribal authority, ward committee and local stakeholders ensured a successful public participation and sustainable development.
Further support and authorisation could be established in liaison with engineers from South Africa and Switzerland (Dr. Lüchinger+Meyer),environmental experts, the Mbizana Municipality and Eastern Cape Department of Economic Development Environmental Affairs and Tourism to ensure technical accuracy and compliance.
Through this collective approach with users,students and experts, the production of knowledge,cultural exchange, skills development and responsibility is achieved for all participants.
Design features & process
The bridge is a cable structure with two pylons,which divide the building into three fields. The hollow steel brackets on which the walkway rests are suspended from the supporting cables. Below the walkway level are the stabilisation cables.
Span-width between Pylons is 66 metres with the southern Pylon of 15 metres grounded on pile foundation on the river bank and the northern pylon with 13.2 metres is grounded on a rock. 174 hangers connect the 133.85 metres carrying ropes with the two 131.9 metres guy ropes. The hangers are connected to 87 binders which carry 96 walkway-elements between a concrete bridgehead and a steel bridgehead.
Extensive research about pedestrian bridges in Austria and South Africa was followed by a process related design. The design process had been very much guided by the information, data and meetings sourced on site and outcome sent to Austria. The design of the bridge structure took account of the topographical conditions and the needs of future use as well as taking the exceptional conditions of implementation under consideration. Main parametres were the reduction of material, a hardly accessible construction site, self-building process with community members, low maintenance,adaption with the natural landscape and of course span-width and forces of wind and usability.
5 剖面/Section(绘制/Drawing: Thomas Harlander, Florian Anzenberger)
6 桥塔/Pylon(绘制/Drawing: Florian Anzenberger, Thomas Harlander)
社区的成员及建设队伍成员强调了这个基础设施的积极影响:“如今,孩子们能每天上学了!小孩子,老人,每一天!甚至在夜里,你也可以去工作,去诊所。而且,我在这其中还贡献了自己的一份力量!”□(玛琳·瓦格纳 文,张靓秋 译)
(site) The location of the bridge at the Mzamba River Valley was chosen so that the establishment of the pylons and the anchoring of the tension cables could be made in rock formations. Furthermore, the chosen location allows an easy and safe access to the bridge from both sides.
(structure) The lack of infrastructure and the difficult terrain in the area of the proposed river crossing made it impossible to use heavy equipment for bridge construction. Furthermore,supply conveyor and assembly of the individual design elements should be able to take place without expensive technical aids. Therefore, it was decided early in the design process to construct the bridge as a lightweight, small-scale steel structure.
The general geometry of the bridge was developed at the CUAS in collaboration with engineers from Dr. Lüchinger+Meyer for the top structure and adopted in action with new findings on site. Foundations were calculated according to necessary force of connections and the diverse ground conditions of rock, swamp and sandy earth.In 3D Models geometry was developed, presented to the local community and adapted.
When planning the bridge structure the exponential relationship between span and size of forces was considered with material consumption and developed a corresponding optimised solution.The height of the pylons is also enabled by a suitable choice of the stitch minimising horizontal forces.
The fact that the assembly of the structure is made by a majority untrained helper, has been considered in the planning: the pylons were designed as resolved trusses of L-profiles with simple screw connections. These were assembled on the ground and erected and the lifting process was supported by a joint at the pylon foot. Prefabrication of steel components allowed a weather- and siteindependent production and subsequent galvanising under controlled conditions and thus promoted a reliable corrosion protection, which is an important prerequisite for the longevity of the construction in the coastal region near the Indian Ocean.
Continuous feedback from user, engineers and the construction process itself guided the design with fine-tuning of details until completion.
In all four construction phases from a temporary access bridge over a tributary, set out and site infrastructure, southern foundation of pylon and bridgehead, northern foundations, pylons and ropes and in a last phase hangers and walkway-elements,participants applied and learned skills working with concrete, steel, wood and necessary tools. A team of fifteen residents and eight volunteers who worked together in close collaboration and informative exchange with the steering committee and engineers enabled skills development, benefit in maintenance through care and identification with the bridge.
The challenges of this project range from the source of financial support in South Africa and the continuously changing conditions, delays caused by different stakeholders, the inaccessibility of the site and political instrumentalisation influenced the time framework and funding.
(Collaborations) As Nonhle Mbuthuma,chairperson of the Community Committee points out: "Our community is used to not getting anything from government but in contrast to other places we are not burning cars or riot. We rather reach out and try to find new ways because we know government is not able to provide service for all. We can meet them half way to provide infrastructure."
The process set up was guided by the principles of trial and error, adopted in action to react to changing conditions and self-organised decision-making structures of the participants due to the lack of clear regulations or official protocol from governmental side. It took three years to set up partnerships in Europe and South Africa, find financial support and adopt the design in contrast to only about nine months of actual construction phases.
(Cost) According to the designers, the biggest challenge is the scarcity of funds for pre- and postconstruction phases, hindering possible sustainable implementation through community driven development, applied research and design-practice beyond the architectural product.
Overall project costs of 200,000 Euros have been carried solely by sponsors, donations and personal contribution. In several phases of negotiations,fundraising, design and construction since 2012,this extraordinary infrastructure could be realised in October 2015 as a self-build project of community members and volunteers.
The Mzamba Bridge is now connecting residents of a catchment area of 30km to necessary infrastructure such as educational facilities, health care, jobs and general food supply. About 100 people are using the bridge on a daily basis with higher rhythms around weekends and holidays. Furthermore,it serves as a landmark and potential tourist attraction in the area to enable socio-economic development.
7 运输/Transportation
8 清理现场/Clean site
9 施工中/Under construction
10 施工中/Under construction
11 施工中/Under construction
项目信息/Credits and Data
地点/Location: Mzamba Mouth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, 31o5'44.89"S / 30o9'31.83"E
客户/Client: bridging MZAMBA Community Steering Committee
设计团队/Design Team: Thomas Harlander, Florian Anzenberger, Peter Nigst
项目管理与执行/Project Management and Implementation:build Collective NPO, Elias Rubin, Marlene Wagner
结构工程/Structural Engineers: Dr. Lüchinger + Meyer Bauingenieure AG
顾问/Consultants: Rudi Keudel-Schaffer, Bruce Plumbly,Wolfgang Steiner, Nonhle Mbuthuma, Felicity Swanepoel
主要赞助方/Main Sponsors: Friedrich Bauer, Gunter Weisbrod,Birgit Werner, Bank Austria, Pfeifer Seil und Hebetechnik, GEA,Teufelberger, ATE, Haslinger Stahlbau, HSG, Nuquip, Land Kärnten, Land Salzburg, Land Niederösterreich
支持方/Supporters: Mbizana Local Municipality, Eastern Cape Department of Economic Development, UNESCO
社区指导委员会/Community Steering Committee: Nonhle Mbuthuma, Mashono Dlamini, Nkhulwani Mnyamane,Macube Mathembu, Mavis Dlamini, Thandazile Gampe,Sajini Dlamini, Stera Ndovela, Mdumiseni Dlamini,Madoyisi Dimane, Ntlahla Hlebo, Portia Ogle, Xolani Zindela, Simon Nzimakhwe, Nhindelwa Dlamini
施工团队/Construction Team: Melan Juta, Pakhamini Ngeleka, Siyabonga Khuzwayo, Siyabonga Mxunjini, Aiysha Dlamini, Khona Gampe, Ntombizethu Mnyamana, Ntobeko Dlamini, Zenzile Chiya, Andile Dlamini, Siphiwe Dlamini,Ntomsetu Dlamini, Monde Mdunyelwa, Mjo Bhele, Mbongeni Dlamini, Xolani Mnyamana, Lizwe Dlamini, Yandisa Dlamini,Sithole Dlamini, Mthokozizi Ndlovu, Moses Mbuthuma,Richman Ntuli, David Mbuthuma, Lonwabo Dlamini,
Abraham Ngeleka, Jesko von Jeney, Virginia Clasen, Sebastian Schweinberger, Christoph Jach, Laura Stock, Lukas Hofbauer,Anna Weisbrod, Hadrien Clair, Valentin Kandler, Tobias Lackner, Simon Spenrath, Günther Egger, Reinhard Stundner技术数据/Technical Data: 悬索桥全长140m,跨距塔架66m,塔高15m,4组钢丝绳24mm 直径,总长531.5 m;基础: 38m3混凝土,174 组吊挂扁钢,87组桁架,96 通道组件/suspension bridge total length 140 m, span-width between pylons 66 m, pylon hight 15 m, 4 steelropes 24mm diameter, total 531.5 m, Foundation: 38m3concrete, 174 hangers fl at steel, 87 frames, 96 walkway elements
材料/Materials: 钢,混凝土/Steel, concrete
项目时间/Project Year: 2012 - 2015
摄影/Photos: Marlene Wagner(fig.1,7,8,10,14), Hadrien Clair(fig.2,3,16-18), Florian Anzenberger(fig.9), Anna Weisbrod(fig.11,13,19), Thomas Harlander(fig.15)
12 步道/Walkway(绘制/Drawing: Thomas Harlander, Florian Anzenberger)
13 步道实景/Views of walkway
14 步道实景/Views of walkway
15 远景/Distant view
The main issue arising out of this extraordinary project, bridging Mzamba, is its potency as a case study providing a base for future partnership in areas weak for formal structure. What is the role of universities, NPO´s and communities for the implementation of needed infrastructure where governmental capacities or the private sector are failing? Guidelines can be developed through the experienced challenges from financial constraints and delays over communication and mediation,interest of diverse stakeholders to the design process and technical specifications.
In the process, the suitable media for exchange and narratives needs to be developed, visual representation through photography, drawings and film to be tested for inclusivity, treating all participants as experts. Analysing the documented process, collective reflection and exploratory feedback with partners accumulate to be shared as initial impulse and a first step to future projects.
Only after a certain time period will the outcome on strategies of ownership and maintenance be visible. A first utilisation phase was followed by feedback and technical adaptions a few months after realisation. An impact assessment on socio-economic development (children reaching educational facilities,river crossing possible at night, etc.) would generate information and values supporting arguments for the collective creation of needed infrastructure and space.
This collaboration between designers and different stakeholders allowed, on the one hand,the future users learning of different construction techniques; it also encourages, on the other hand, the professional maintenance of the bridge. In addition,the residents identify very strongly with "their" bridge over the Mzamba through their work performed.Additional strategies like exhibitions, screenings and collective reflection celebrating steps and a big official opening ceremony organised by participating members accompanied all implementation phases.
Headman Mashono Dlamini is happy to say that "It's the first project where the representing Steering Committee is still communicating and working together after the project!"
Community member and part of Construction team member Pakhamani Ngeleka underlines the positive impact of the infrastructure "Now the kids go to school every day! Children, old people every day! You can go to work and access to the clinic, even at night. And I have been playing my part making this possible!" □ (Text: Marlene Wagner)
16 桥身局部/Parts of the bridge
17 桥身局部/Parts of the bridge
18 桥身局部/Parts of the bridge
19 团队与桥塔/Team members with pylon
ZHOU Zhengxu: This suspended bridge concentrates on expectation, collaboration, and 4-year-long action by people from different countries including Austria, Switzerland,South Africa, as well as the local residents. Compared with the demanding of local residents, the form seems not so important, but the span becomes the prior question for consideration at the same time. Students and engineers join their hands in designing this light bridge structure, and purposely adopt a method for assembly construction that can be done by unskillful workers and with high degree of adaptation, so as to fully motivate the whole community into the construction of the bridge. It is worthy of mentioning that steel structure is particularly advantageous in lasting and anti-risk, which makes it possible for the bridge to provide convenience for local residents for a long period of time.
LI Ye: The so-called common wealth projects usually use a small amount of fund to motivate more resources so as to result in public significance. From this perspective,the project is no doubt successful. And the design of the project is also in line with such a criterion.
As we can see, the components of the bridge, like bridge piers, inhaul cables, and pedals, are disassembled into construction parts that can be built with simple human work. While reducing the construction cost, it also decreases the engineering volume during the implementation and increases the degree of participation by local residents. The large amount application of flat steel on the components of the bridge realises a delicate fusion between the scale of the bridge and the surrounding woods environment; the light grey painting on the bridge body responds with the uncovered rocks around; and the curve of the bridge provides an interesting bridge-passing experience for the pedestrians.