□ 文/本刊记者 刘丁睿
① 法国戏剧《雪》剧照。
② 法国戏剧《雪》导演布朗蒂娜·萨维提耶
③ 诺贝尔文学奖作家奥尔罕·帕慕克。
奥尔罕·帕慕克(Orhan Pamuk),1952年6月7日生于伊斯坦布尔,自幼学画,大学主修建筑,后从文。他是土耳其当代最著名的小说家,被称为当代欧洲最核心的三位文学家之一。2006年,帕慕克获得诺贝尔文学奖,亦为史上第一位土耳其籍诺贝尔奖得主。他的小说创作始终站在文化交流与融合的立场上,述说着他对于东西方文明的态度与看法。主要作品有《雪》《红发女人》《黑书》《我的名字叫红》《白色城堡》《别样的色彩》等。
研习过绘画和舞台表演,萨维提耶曾师从克罗德·布什瓦尔德、斯坦尼斯拉斯·诺德、提埃尔·塞蒙、马克·列本斯,先后在莫斯科和巴黎参加过俄罗斯著名戏剧导演安纳托利·瓦西里耶夫的大师班。萨维提耶十分擅长经典改编,由她导演的戏剧《雪》于2017年2月1日首演于法国斯特拉斯堡,受到国际上的关注与赞誉,多家媒体对其进行了报道,包括ARTE、TV5 Monde、BBC及CNN的土耳其频道等。
What’s the first word that comes to your mind when it comes to France?Romance, perfume, the Louvre or the Eiffel Tower? On July 18, the French dramaⅡSnow(Kar), adopted from the original work of Nobel literature writer Ferit Orhan Pamuk, was staged in Chongqing Grand Theater. Coincidentally, a film poster exhibition of the French detective novelist Georges Simenon was on display at Chongqing Jiefangbei from July 6 to 26. The midsummer July invites you to enjoy the French arts with unique French style.
On such a hot summer day, there was a “snow” in Chongqing. The French drama—Snow tells a story about the small steel-built city in the atmosphere of terrifying, in which something is ready to happen. It is a French drama Snow which is adapted from the oringinal work of the Nobel prize winner Pamuk, and performed by the French Inertial Insomnia on July 18.
Previously, the creators of the French drama Snow came to Chongqing on July 1 ahead of schedule and held a salon for art appreciation and analysis of the drama in the Classic Bookstore at Nanbin Road. The drama’s director Brontina Sevitille shared her creative experience with the audience face to face at the event. Huang Bo, the associate researcher of Chongqing Academy of Culture and Art and the vice chairman of Chongqing Dramatists Association, attended personally.
Orhan Pamuk, born in Istanbul on June 7, 1952, has started learning painting since he was a little kid. He majored in architecture at university and later in literature. He is one of the most famous contemporary Turkish novelists, and is known as one of the three most important writers in modern Europe. He won the Nobel Literature Prize in 2006 and became the first Turkish Nobel laureate. His novels, always from the standpoint of cultural exchange and integration, express his attitude and views on eastern and western civilizations. His main works include Snow(Kar), Kirmizi Sacli Kadin, The Lost Mystery, My Name Is Red, The White Castle, and Oteki Renkler.
Snow is a work full of connotation. In this book, Pamuk explored the hot issues of modern Turkey including nationalism, democracy, tradition and Europeanization,wealth and poverty. Sevitille said she hoped to convey the rich connotation and realism of Snow by adapting it into a play. At the same time, she also hoped to take this opportunity to understand Chinese drama culture better.
Sevitille has learned painting and stage performance from Claude·Buchwald,Stanislars·Node, Tiel·Semon, Mark·Lesben, and has participated in the master class of the famous Russia theatre director Anna Tory·vasiliev in Moscow and Paris Sevitille is particularly good at the adaptation of classic works. Her drama Sonw has premiered in Strasbourg, France on February 1, 2017. It has received attention and praise around the world as well as coverage from ARTE, TV5 Monde, BBC and CNN Turkish Channel.
China-France Cultural Spring(also known as “China-French Cultural Exchange Spring”)committed to original artistic inspiration, encourages and develops exchanges between artists and cultural institutions of China and France, so as to extend the road of joint creation. More than 19 million audiences have participated in the exchange since its inception in 2006. It is known that this year's China-France cultural spring, covering 68 projects in various cultural fields including visual arts, drama and dance, classical music and modern music, film and literature, will be held in 30 Chinese cities.
④“西默农电影海报展”展览现场。 摄影/刘丁睿
⑤ 参加展览开幕式的主创人员和来宾。 摄影/刘丁睿
With strange plot, gripping suspense, and mysterious case, detective stories have a magic power that makes your brain cells on fire. Simenon Film Poster Exhibition, sponsored by Chongqing Alliance francaise, was exhibited at the 3rd floor of Xiexinxingguang square in Jiefangbei.
This was the first stop of its exhibition around the country in Chinese alliance francaise, which featured posters of movies based on the novels of French detective novelist George Simenon. Train, Red Light, Betty, Passing Fancy, Maigret Sets a Trap, all of these vivid posters hung on the wall seemed to tell thrilling stories one after another. At the exhibition, the audience could feel the inspiration sources of the author’s creation while reviewing classics with the touching melody of accordions.
“At present, French is increasingly popular among young students in China and more and more Chinese students are studying in France, which reflects the friendly atmosphere of Sino-French exchanges. That’s what pleased me!”said MoniaⅡ, principal of the French side of Chongqing Alliance Francaise,in a speech at the opening ceremony. Healso said that Alliance Francaise,with a history of more than 130 years, is a language and culture promotion organization which aims to spread French and French culture. It has built more than1,000institutions around the world. Chongqing Alliance Francaise was jointly set up in 2008 by Paris Alliance France foundation and Sichuan International Studies University.
Next, the exhibition will be held in cities including Beijing, Shanghai and Xi’an.
Photo provided by Consulate General of France in Chengdu and Alliance française of Chongqing
Exhibition posters
闻名世界的侦探小说家乔治·西默农(Georges Simenon),1903年生于比利时列日。曾做过面包店学徒、书店店员以及记者。16岁时发表处女作《在拱桥上》即引人注目,从此他开始致力于文学创作。