摘要: 的士是都市客运系统中的重要组成部分,因其快速、便利、安全舒适的特点日益成为继都市公交、滴滴打车、轻轨等外的又一重要交通工具。虽然这样,因为的士的价格过高,导致在其在大部分时辰内处于空载或承载出行的搭客少,最终导致资源浪费与都市道路拥堵,也损害了搭客和的士司机的利益,造成了“叫车难”的现状。随着“互联网+”时代的到来,有多家公司依托移动互联网建立了打车软件服务平台,实现了搭客与的士司机之间的信息互通,同时推出了多种的士的补贴方案用来缓解“叫车难”的困境。为解决“叫车难”的问题就要对的士资源进行合理配置,实现的士资源的合理配置首先就要分析不同时空的供需匹配,首先需要分析对应都市中影响供给的因素与需求因素,利用供求均衡原理分析当前该都市的的士供求是否平衡。并根据有效行驶里程判定供求匹配程度。
Abstract: Taxi is an important part of the urban passenger transport system. Because of its fast, convenient, safe and comfortable features, it has become an important transportation alternative to urban public transport, drop-dumping, and light rail. In this case, because the price of the taxi is too high, it results in empty or few passengers in most of the time. This will eventually lead to waste of resources and congestion in the urban roads, which also harms the interests of passengers and taxi drivers. This caused the status of "difficulty in getting cars". With the advent of the "Internet+" era, several companies have established a taxi service software platform based on mobile internet, which has achieved interoperability between passengers and taxi drivers, and has introduced a variety of taxi subsidy programs to ease the situation of "difficulty in getting cars". In order to solve the "difficulty in getting cars" problem, it is necessary to rationally allocate the taxi resources. To achieve reasonable allocation of taxi resources, it is necessary to analyze the supply and demand matching of different time and space. It is necessary to analyze the factors affecting supply in the corresponding cities and demand factors, and use the principle of balance between supply and demand to analyze whether the current supply and demand of taxis in the city is balanced. And it determines the degree of supply and demand matching based on the effective mileage.
關键词: 的士;叫车难;互联网+;供需平衡
Key words: taxi;difficulty in getting cars;Internet+;balance of supply and demand
中图分类号:TP18 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2018)21-0001-03
0 引言
目前,都市居民出行的主要方式之一仍是的士, “叫车难”是人们关注的一个社会热点问题[1]。的士资源的合理配置是解决“叫车难”问题的关键[2]。本文为分析不同条件下的士的供需程度而建立合理的指标[3]。本文所采用的方法是供需平衡法[4]。由于供求受多种因素的潜移默化,从供求的角度出发,可以觉察的士的总有效里程对的士的需求和租金有很大的影响,也对的士供应有直接的影响。因此,我们可以选择的士的总有效里程作为的士供需平衡模型变量,并根据的士的总有效里程供求确定匹配度。
1 模型的假设与符号说明
1.1 模型假设
1.2 符号说明
2 模型的建立和求解
2.1 基于供需平衡的都市的士合理规模模型
4 结论
[2]单欣,陆玉,何旭,等.“互联网+”时代的出租车资源配置[J]. 河北北方学院学报(自然科学版),2016,32(3):43-48.