How a charming figure develops

2018-08-28 03:24:42ByChrisMorris
疯狂英语·新读写 2018年4期

By Chris Morris

Today,people are more conscious about their health and want to get a well-toned body shape.This is because when we are in good shape,it makes us feel fit and healthy.We feel good about ourselves and feel much more confident than before.When you want to build up your body,just workouts will not do.You have to take care of your overall health by eating proper food,doing the right kind of exercises and keeping yourself happy.

The first thing that needs to be done is to reduce the intake of calories.The calorie content of each meal should not be higher than 400 calories.Ideally,one is well advised to have six meals in a day.There should be a gap of three hours between each meal.Fresh vegetables,fruits,egg white,fish,chicken are some of the food that can provide you with the right nutrients,at the same time will help you to get in shape.

Many people make the mistake of avoiding strength training when they are trying for weight loss.They think that strength training will increase their body weight.However,this is not true.Be careful not to over exercise in order to lose weight fast.Too much of exercise can cause damage to you.

Drinking 8~10 glasses of water can help in reducing fat.If you drink ice cold water,then it will be burn out some extra calories from your body.This is because when you are drinking cold water,your body needs to raise the temperature of the water up to your body temperature.In this process,almost one calorie of fat gets burned from the body.Drinking a glass of water before a meal will be helpful in this regard.

You can get a healthy body only if your mind is free from stress.Stress can also lead to other health problems like high blood pressure,upset stomach,headaches,etc.For all these reasons,special efforts need to be taken to relax your mind.







Is“eight glasses of water a day”really scientific?“每天八杯水”真的科学吗?
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