
2018-08-27 02:59
疯狂英语·新悦读 2018年4期

Dorota Kobiela, Hugh Welchman


Douglas Booth…Armand Roulin (voice)

John Sessions…Père Tanguy (voice)

Eleanor Tomlinson…Adeline Ravoux (voice)

Saoirse Ronan…Marguerite Gachet (voice)Jerome Flynn…Doctor Gachet (voice)

Robert Gulaczyk…Vincent van Gogh (voice)

说起梵高,你首先想到什么?孤苦一生、穷困潦倒的画家?怀才不遇、生不逢时的天才?割掉了自己耳朵的疯子?这些都是梵高,也不是他。时间横断一笔,将真正的梵高留在了历史烟云里,但这并不妨碍我们凭借画家留下的传世杰作一窥他的灵魂。为纪念梵高诞辰125周年,英国著名动画工作室BreakThru Films打造了全球首部油画风格动画长片——《至爱梵高·星空之谜》,片中有6.5万帧画面均采用梵高当年的油画技巧绘制,影片重要人物的原型也均来自梵高的原画作品。



Père: I’m afraid you’ll never deliver that letter to Theo van Gogh.

Armand: Oh, I see. Well, how come?

Père: “Two hearts, one mind.” That’s what Vincent told me. Maybe that was the case after all, because after Vincent died, Theo went into sharp decline. He’d been poorly before, but Vincent’s death destroyed him.He had actually been with him a whole day at the end, but Vincent insisted they use the time to discuss life, not death. And, no1)suicide [΄suːɪsaɪd] n. 自杀suicide note either, so it stayed a mystery. And Theo just kept asking “Why?” Six months after we buried Vincent, Theo was dead too.

Armand: Wow, the two of them. So how did Vincent die?

Père: He shot himself, in the fields above Auvers, by his2)easel [΄iːz(ə)l] n. 画架easel, doing what he loved,painting to the end.

Armand: Do you know why?

Père: No. Theo thought his unhappiness went right back to childhood. He tried so hard to fit into his family. But he never succeeded in this. Vincent picks up a brush for the first time at 28,and with Theo’s support, there is no stopping him.Armand: So what happened then?

Père: Paris happened. He came here of course. They all do. Everyone does—Monet, Toulouse, Seignac,Bernard, Manet注, everybody, because everything that happens in art happens here. And where do they all buy their paints? Père Tanguy’s, of course.

For many artists, Paris is a final destination, but not for him. It was a3)stopover [΄stɒpəʊvə(r)] n. 中途停留地stopover to learn what he needed to learn, and then he was off in search of his own path.

I saw him once more after two years. He was calmer, more4)assured [ə΄ʃʊəd] adj. 自信的,确定的assured. And I thought this is a man whose story will end well. His star finally rising, his revolution won. So think how shocking it was to be standing over Vincent’s coffin just six weeks later. So sad. For many, he died a5)martyr [΄mɑːtə(r)] n. 烈士,殉道者martyr for art, but for me, it seems6)odd [ɒd] adj. 奇怪的,古怪的odd.

Armand: Why?

Père: In only eight years, he had travelled from amateur to an artist of influence, unbelievable. Monet declared him the shining star of the Independent Artist’s Fair. And he was cured according to his doctor,Dr. Gachet, who had looked after Vincent in Auvers.


…there is no stopping him.

这句话的意思是“不可能阻止他”,本句句型是there be结构几个惯用句型中的其中一个:There is (was)+ no + 动词ing,意为“不可能,无法”,相当于“It is (was) impossible to + 动词原形”。如:

● There is no knowing what might happen. = It is impossible to know what might happen.(我们无法得知可能发生什么。)

● There is no denying the fact. = It is impossible to deny the fact.(该事实不容否认。)



Armand: You actually gave me an idea, the idea to7)confront [kən΄frʌnt] v. 与对质confront Marguerite Gachet.

Adeline: Oh, so you ran off to be with the lady of the8)manor [΄mænə(r)] n. (中世纪欧洲的)庄园manor? How did that9)work out 进展顺利,得到预期的结果work out for you?

Armand: She told me she didn’t know Vincent, hadn’t barely exchanged on a few formal words with him.

Adeline: I told you, you can’t believe a word the Gachets say. I remember when Vincent moved in. People were asking him if he was a relative of Gachet. Maybe they were similar on the outside. They had the same red hair,and that same sad look in his eyes. But, on the inside, they were chalk and cheese.Vincent wasn’t10)snobbish [snɒbɪʃ] adj. 势利眼的snobbish like Gachet. He was really polite and kind.

Armand: Marguerite said the brother came here. Did you meet him?

Adeline: No, I heard he came at Gachet’s invitation. Vincent was always saying that they might come here. Always checking if we had rooms at weekends, but they never did come.

Armand: So did Vincent visit them ever?

Adeline: No, you know he’d spend hours on hours writing those letters to his brother when he could’ve just11)hop [hɒp] v. 跳上(汽车、火车等),搭乘hopped on a train.Oh no, he did go once. He said…he said that his brother’s baby was ill. But, I don’t think the visit went that well.

Armand: Why not?

Adeline: The12)tea towel 擦拭杯盘用的抹布tea towels. He said that canvases were too expensive. And so now he’s only gonna paint on these old rags.

Armand: But what’s the brother got to do with tea towels?

Adeline: I13)reckon [΄rekən] v. 估计,猜想reckon they argued over money.Because it was the brother that bought all Vincent’s painting things. I know because of the last letter Vincent sent.

The day before he killed himself. When he handed it to me, he said it was14)urgent [΄зːdʒənt] adj. 紧急的,急迫的urgent.And, you know I asked if there was anything wrong. And he said he’d run out of paints,and he placed a big order for some more,’cause he had lots of paintings planned. Don’t you think that is odd to place an order with his brother if money was an15)issue [΄ɪʃuː] n. 问题,争议issue between them and then to kill himself the next day?

Armand: It depends, you know, on how16)balanced [΄bælənsd] adj. 沉着冷静的,下文的unbalanced(心神不定的)是其反义词。balanced he was.

Adeline: All seemed fine with him. I mean,something must’ve happened pretty suddenly for him to become unbalanced.

Armand: Like what?

Adeline: I don’t know exactly what. I’m sure it’s got something to do with Gachet.


词汇学习:chalk and cheese 截然相反

两个单词chalk(粉笔)和cheese(奶酪)都以辅音[tʃ]开头,且两种物质均为白色,但奶酪质软而粉笔质硬——两者虽相似,构成和味道却截然不同,这就是chalk and cheese这个短语所表达的意思。该短语属英式英语,用来形容两个事物或人完全不同或完全无法兼容,常用句式为“like / as different as chalk and cheese”。如:Although they are brothers,they are as different as chalk and cheese.(虽然他们是兄弟,但两人完全不一样。)


Marguerite: If it isn’t the Provence17)pugilist [΄pjuːdʒɪlɪst] n. 拳击手,格斗士pugilist.Should I be scared?

Armand: I thought you didn’t18)go in for 对……感兴趣go in for village gossip.

Marguerite: I don’t. That’s why one employs19)servant [΄sзːvənt] n. 仆人servants. They get it for you.

Armand: Did you also hear that your friendly local20)gendarme [΄ʒɒdɑːm] n. (法国)警察gendarme21)put sb. up 让某人留宿put me up for the night?Marguerite: So now you’re up here22)contemplate [΄kɒntempleɪt] v. 沉思,思忖contemplating your future.

Armand: No, actually, I was thinking how come you lied if you’ve got nothing to hide?Marguerite: What makes you think I have any duty to tell you the truth? Maybe I just thought my life was none of your business.

Armand: I wasn’t asking about your life. I was asking about Vincent’s death.

Marguerite: You thought that his death and my life were linked?

Armand: Yes, but...but I don’t think that anymore.

Marguerite: The truth is I’m not important.He wasn’t some23)lovelorn [΄lʌvlɔːn] adj. 失恋的,害相思病的lovelorn teenager.

Armand: I know.

Marguerite: Did you know he was a genius?Armand: No, I can’t say that I did.

Marguerite: Well, I did. And, so did my father. All his life he has tried so hard to be an artist. And, then this24)gruff [ɡrʌf] adj. 脾气差的,不友好的gruff awkward man without any proper training, who’d only been painting a few years, comes25)barge in 闯入,冲进barging in and rushes off in a couple of hours what poor Father couldn’t dream of painting in two lifetimes. My dad would lock himself away and copy them for hours. Father told me I was26)distract [dɪ΄strækt] v. 使分心,使分散注意力distracting Vincent from important work, asked if I really wanted to be responsible for preventing masterpieces from being born. And, of course I didn’t. So I started to not be in or not be well when Vincent called. Soon after that, they had an argument, a terrible27)row [raʊ] n. 争吵row. It wasn’t about me, but, maybe my withdrawal had28)sour [΄saʊə(r)] v. 使恶化soured things. The next time my father saw him, he had a29)bullet [΄bʊlɪt] n. 子弹bullet in his belly.

Are you satisfied now? You want to know so much about his death, but what do you know of his life?

Armand: I know that he tried hard to prove he was good for something.

Marguerite: Yes, he did. That’s why I take flowers to his grave. That’s all I can do for him now. He would appreciate the delicate beauty of their30)bloom [bluːm] n. 花,花朵bloom, even each31)blade [bleɪd] n. 叶片blade of their32)grassy [΄ɡrɑːsɪ] adj. 草绿色的grassy stems. No detail of life was too small or too33)humble [΄hʌmb(ə)l] adj. (重要性等)低下的,微末的humble for him. He appreciated and loved it all.


Maybe I just thought my life was none of your business.

None of one’s business,意思是“不关某人的事”,business具有“个人私事”的含义,该表述可追溯到约1600年。None of your business的意思就是“干你何事”,意思近似的还有mind your own business(管好你自己的事/别多管闲事),两个短语的语气都不太客气。该短语相关的动词表达是have no business,后跟动名词,意为某人不应干涉某事,如:He has no business discussing the will with outsiders.(他不该跟外人讨论遗嘱。)
















































