The Magic of the Mask教学设计

2018-08-16 23:54刘文军
校园英语·下旬 2018年4期



Look at the pictures on the screen .Can you name them?Which festival is your favorite?Do you want more foreigners to learn about our traditional festivals?Now you have a chance to introduce the Dragon Boat Festival to foreigners as a guide.

导入文本 Look at the pictures . Do you want to know more about them?Enjoy this video. What festival is it?Today we will learn more about Carnival!

学生活动 快速浏览学习目标。

Learning Objectives

By the end of the class, I will be able to

1. not only get the main idea of the passage but also describe it to others.

2. have a clear idea of how to organize a good festival introduction.

3. put the above writing skills into practice by introducing the Dragon Boat Festival .



Q1. Look through the passage, and divide the whole passage into three parts .

Q2. Whats the main idea of each part?

Q3. Are you quite clear about what the festival introduction involves?What they are?

学生活动 1:学生在教师的要求下将整篇文本分成三部分。

Part 1 Paragraph ( ) Part 2 Paragraph ( ) Part 3 Paragraph ( )

2:sum up the Main ideas of the three parts

Part 1: Part 2: Part 3


Part 1 : Replace the sentence

Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

If you refer to carnival, you will think of a large number of people gathered, the special clothes and a situation of disorder.

Part 2:Q1. What does carnival mean?

翻译 端午节来自两个汉字,意思是五月初五

Q2. What do people do at carnival?

翻译 我们把端午节看成是纪念屈原的活动。人们吃粽子,划龙舟。

Q3. What was Carnival like at first?And then what happened?

翻译 端午节最初是人们夏日祛病防疫的节日,后来成了纪念屈原的传统节日.

Q4.What was the law about wearing masks?

Q5. When and how was the tradition of celebrating carnival revived?

Part 3:

Q1.How is carnival celebrated in Venice today?

翻译 现在,端午节全国休假三天。

Q2. What is the feature of the carnival in Venice?

翻译 在端午这天,吃粽子关键,南方则十分流行赛龙舟。

学生活动 读后回答问题,并在教师引导下进一步对指向任务的语言点进行巩固和操练。

三、深入探究,巩固技能Sum Up

学生活动 完成下列问题。

How to introduce a festival?


学生活动 根据要求,以小组合作的形式完成下面两个课时任务。

Group Work 1

Retell: Discuss in group and introduce Carnival according to the main points

1.General impression of the festival. 2.the development of the festival

3.What do you do in this festival today?4.How do you feel that day

Group Work 2

Task: Introduce the Dragon Boat Festival

为纪念中俄建交 7O 周年