
2018-08-10 02:52:36
中国学术期刊文摘 2018年15期

数据来源:Web of Science 文献出版时间:2017-01—2018-06 检索时间:2018-07-11

Acoustics 声学

41 Rapid ultrasound-assisted magnetic microextraction of gallic acid from urine,plasma and water samples by HKUST-1-MOE-Fe3O4-GA-MIP-NPs: UV-vis detection and optimization study Asfaram, Arash;Ghaedi, Mehrorang;Dashtian, Kheibar Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 2017, 34: 561-570 40 The performance of nanorods material as adsorbent for removal of azo dyes and heavy metal ions: Application of ultrasound wave,optimization and modeling Dil, Ebrahim Alipanahpour;Ghaedi, Mehrorang;Asfaram, Arash Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 2017, 34: 792-802 38 Ultrasonic-assistant fabrication of cocoon-like Ag/AgFeO2 nanocatalyst with excellent plasmon enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity Tang, Dandan;Zhang, Gaoke Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 2017, 37: 208-215 36 EFSUMB Guidelines and Recommendations on the clinical use of liver ultrasound elastography, update 2017 (long version)Dietrich, Christoph F.;Bamber, Jeffrey;Berzigotti, Annalisa; et al.Ultraschall in Der Medizin 2017, 38(4): E16-E47

Agricultural Engineering 农业工程

34 Synergized mixtures of Apiaceae essential oils and related plant-borne compounds:Larvicidal effectiveness on the filariasis vector Culex quinquefasciatus Say Benelli, Giovanni;Pavela, Roman;Iannarelli, Romilde;et al.Industrial Crops and Products 2017, 96: 186-195 29 Combined hot-air and microwave-vacuum drying for improving drying uniformity of mango slices based on hyperspectral imaging visualisation of moisture content distribution Pu, Yuanyuan;Sun, Dawen Biosystems Engineering 2017, 156: 108-119 27 Heterogeneity of biochar amendment to improve the carbon and nitrogen sequestration through reduce the greenhouse gases emissions during sewage sludge composting Awasthi, Mukesh Kumar; Wang, Meijing;Chen, Hongyu; et al.Bioresource Technology 2017, 224: 428-438 25 Conversion of biomass to hydroxymethylfurfural: A review of catalytic systems and underlying mechanisms Yu, Iris K. M.;Tsang, Daniel C. W.Bioresource Technology 2017, 238: 716-732

Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science 农业,乳品和动物科学

15 Effect of organic acid blend and Bacillus subtilis alone or in combination on growth traits, blood biochemical and antioxidant status in broilers exposed to Salmonella typhimurium challenge during the starter phase Abudabos, Alaeldein M.;Alyemni, Abdullah H.;Dafalla, Yousif M.; et al.Journal of Applied Animal Research 2017, 45(1): 538-542 14 ALV-J strain SCAU-HN06 induces innate immune responses in chicken primary monocyte-derived macrophages Feng, Min; Dai,Manman; Cao,Weisheng; et al.Poultry Science 2017, 96(1): 42-50 13 Genomic selection models double the accuracy of predicted breeding values for bacterial cold water disease resistance compared to a traditional pedigree-based model in rainbow trout aquaculture Vallejo, Roger L.;Leeds, Timothy D.;Gao, Guangtu; et al.Genetics Selection Evolution 2017, 49: 17 12 Invited review: Large-scale indirect measurements for enteric methane emissions in dairy cattle: A review of proxies and their potential for use in management and breeding decisions Negussie, E.;de Haas, Y.;Dehareng, F.; et al.Journal of Dairy Science 2017, 100(4): 2433-2453

Agriculture, Multidisciplinary 综合农业

25 Big data in smart farming: A review Wolfert, Sjaak;Ge, Lan;Verdouw, Cor; et al.Agricultural Systems 2017, 153: 69-80 17 Toward a new generation of agricultural system data, models, and knowledge products:State of agricultural systems science Jones, James W.;Antle, John M.;Basso, Bruno; et al.Agricultural Systems 2017, 155: 269-288 16 Application of Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES)for phenolic compounds extraction: Overview,challenges, and opportunities Ruesgas-Ramon, Mariana;Figueroa-Espinoza, Maria Cruz; Durand, Erwann Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2017, 65(18): 3591-3601 15 Genesis, design and methods of the Beef CRC Maternal Productivity Project Pitchford, W. S.;Accioly, J. M.;Banks, R. G.; et al.Animal Production Science 2018, 58(1): 20-32

Agronomy 农学

32 Improving agricultural water productivity to ensure food security in China under changing environment: From research to practice Kang, Shaozhong;Hao, Xinmei;Du, Taisheng; et al.Agricultural Water Management 2017, 179(SI): 5-17 21 Synthesis and insecticidal activity of novel pyrimidine derivatives containing urea pharmacophore against Aedes aegypti Liu, Xinghai;Wang, Qiao;Sun, Zhaohui; et al.Pest Management Science 2017, 73(5): 953-959 21 Progress in upscaling Miscanthus biomass production for the European bio-economy with seed-based hybrids Clifton-Brown, John;Hastings, Astley;Mos, Michal; et al.Global Change Biology Bioenergy 2017, 9(1): 6-17 20 Miscanthus as biogas substrate:Cutting tolerance and potential for anaerobic digestion Kiesel, Andreas;Lewandowski, Iris Global Change Biology Bioenergy 2017, 9(1): 153-167

Allergy 过敏

40 Randomized placebo-controlled trial of hen’s egg consumption for primary prevention in infants Bellach, Johanna;Schwarz, Veronika;Ahrens, Birgit; et al.Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2017, 139(5): 1591 39 Epicutaneous immunotherapy for the treatment of peanut allergy in children and young adults Jones, Stacie M.;Sicherer, Scott H.;Burks, A. Wesley; et al.Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2017, 139(4): 1242 38 Omalizumab facilitates rapid oral desensitization for peanut allergy MacGinnitie, Andrew J.;Rachid, Rima;Gragg, Hana; et al.Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2017, 139(3): 873 32 Life-threatening NLRC4-associated hyperinflammation successfully treated with IL-18 inhibition Canna, Scott W.;Girard, Charlotte;Malle, Louise; et al.Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2017, 139(5): 1698-1701

Anatomy & Morphology 解剖学和形态学

15 Evidence for expansion of the precuneus in human evolution Bruner, Emiliano;Preuss, Todd M.;Chen, Xu; et al.Brain Structure & Function 2017, 222(2): 1053-1060 13 Survival of motor neurone protein is required for normal postnatal development of the spleen Thomson, Alison K.;Somers, Eilidh;Powis, Rachael A.; et al.Journal of Anatomy 2017, 230(2): 337-346 13 Tissue- and cell-specific localization of galectins, beta-galactose-binding animal lectins, and their potential functions in health and disease Nio-Kobayashi, Junko Anatomical Science International 2017, 92(1): 25-36 12 Development of the anatomical quality assessment (AQUA) tool for the quality assessment of anatomical studies included in meta-analyses and systematic reviews Henry, Brandon Michael;Tomaszewski, Krzysztof A.; Ramakrishnan,Piravin Kumar; et al.Clinical Anatomy 2017, 30(1): 6-13

Andrology 男科

11 Testicular versus ejaculated spermatozoa in ICSI cycles of normozoospermic men with high sperm DNA fragmentation and previous ART failures Pabuccu, E. G.;Caglar, G. S.;Tangal, S.; et al.Andrologia 2017, 49(2): e12609 9 Couple’s infertility in relation to male smoking in a Chinese rural area Yang, Fen;Li, Lin;Chen, Jianping; et al.Asian Journal of Andrology 2017, 19(3): 311-315 9 Sexual outcomes after partial penectomy for penile cancer: Results from a multi-institutional study Sansalone, Salvatore;Silvani, Mauro;Leonardi, Rosario;et al.Asian Journal of Andrology 2017, 19(1): 57-61 7 Sexual functioning mirrors overall men’s health status, even irrespective of cardiovascular risk factors Capogrosso, P.;Ventimiglia, E.;Boeri, L.; et al.Andrology 2017, 5(1): 63-69

Anesthesiology 麻醉学

45 Relationship between Intraoperative hypotension,defined by either reduction from baseline or absolute thresholds, and acute kidney and myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery a retrospective cohort analysis Salmasi, Vafi;Maheshwari, Kamal;Yang, Dongsheng;et al.Anesthesiology 2017, 126(1): 47-65 31 European Society of Anaesthesiology evidence-based and consensus-based guideline on postoperative delirium Aldecoa, Cesar;Bettelli, Gabriella;Bilotta, Federico; et al.European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2017, 34(4): 192-214 26 Dorsal root ganglion stimulation yielded higher treatment success rate for complex regional pain syndrome and causalgia at 3 and 12 months:A randomized comparative trial Deer, Timothy R.;Levy, Robert M.;Kramer, Jeffery;et al.Pain 2017, 158(4): 669-681 25 Isoflurane anesthesia has long-term consequences on motor and behavioral development in infant rhesus macaques Coleman, Kristine;Robertson, Nicola D.;Dissen, Gregory A.;et al.Anesthesiology 2017, 126(1): 74-84

Astronomy & Astrophysics 天文学与天体物理学

122 KiDS-450: Cosmological parameter constraints from tomographic weak gravitational lensing Hildebrandt, H.;Viola, M.;Heymans, C.; et al.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2017, 465(2): 1454-1498 106 The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Cosmological analysis of the DR12 galaxy sample Alam, Shadab;Ata, Metin;Bailey, Stephen; et al.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2017, 470(3): 2617-2652 77 H0LiCOW-V. New COSMOGRAIL time delays of HE 0435-1223: H-0 to 3.8 per cent precision from strong lensing in a flat Lambda CDM model Bonvin, V.;Courbin, F.;Suyu, S. H.; et al.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2017, 465(4): 4914-4930 75 Assisted inspirals of stellar mass black holes embedded in AGN discs: Solving the ‘final au problem’Stone, Nicholas C.;Metzger, Brian D.;Haiman, Zoltan Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2017, 464(1): 946-954

Automation & Control Systems 自动化与控制系统

100 Extended state observer-based sliding-mode control for three-phase power converters Liu, Jianxing;Vazquez, Sergio;Wu, Ligang; et al.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2017, 64(1): 22-31 80 Robust object tracking via key patch sparse representation He, Zhenyu;Yi, Shuangyan;Cheung, Yiuming;et al.IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2017, 47(2): 354-364 71 Model predictive control for power converters and drives: Advances and trends Vazquez, Sergio;Rodriguez, Jose;Rivera, Marco; et al.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2017, 64(2): 935-947 70 Descriptor reduced-order sliding mode observers design for switched systems with sensor and actuator faults Yin, Shen;Gao, Huijun;Qiu, Jianbin; et al.Automatica 2017, 76: 282-292

Biochemical Research Methods 生化研究方法

80 CHARMM36m: An improved force field for folded and intrinsically disordered proteins Huang, Jing;Rauscher, Sarah;Nawrocki, Grzegorz;et al.Nature Methods 2017, 14(1): 71-73 73 iRSpot-EL: Identify recombination spots with an ensemble learning approach Liu, Bin;Wang, Shanyi;Long, Ren; et al.Bioinformatics 2017, 33(1): 35-41 64 cryoSPARC: Algorithms for rapid unsupervised cryo-EM structure determination Punjani, Ali;Rubinstein, John L.;Fleet, David J.; et al.Nature Methods 2017, 14(3): 290 62 iATC-mISF: A multi-label classifier for predicting the classes of anatomical therapeutic chemicals Cheng, Xiang;Zhao, Shuguang;Xiao, Xuan; et al.Bioinformatics 2017, 33(3): 341-346

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 生物化学与分子生物学

548 Sex-specific, male-line transgenerational responses in humans Pembrey, Marcus E.;Bygren, Lars Olov;Kaati, Gunnar; et al.European Journal of Human Genetics 2017, 25(1): S95-S100 325 mTOR signaling in growth, metabolism, and disease Saxton, Robert A.;Sabatini, David M.Cell 2017, 168(6): 960-976 258 The STRING database in 2017: Qualitycontrolled protein-protein association networks, made broadly accessible Szklarczyk, Damian;Morris, John H.;Cook, Helen; et al.Nucleic Acids Research 2017, 45(D1): D362-D368 235 Pedigree tests of transmission disequilibrium Abecasis, Goncalo R.;Cookson, William O. C.;Cardon, Lon R.European Journal of Human Genetics 2017, 25(1): S40-S44

Biodiversity Conservation 生物多样性保护

30 A synthesis of radial growth patterns preceding tree mortality Cailleret, Maxime;Jansen, Steven;Robert, Elisabeth M.R.; et al.Global Change Biology 2017, 23(4): 1675-1690 26 Opening the black box: An open-source release of Maxent Phillips, Steven J.;Anderson, Robert P.;Dudik, Miroslav; et al.Ecography 2017, 40(7): 887-893 25 Mainstreaming the social sciences in conservation Bennett, Nathan J.;Roth, Robin;Klain, Sarah C.; et al.Conservation Biology 2017, 31(1): 56-66 24 Global variations in ecosystem-scale isohydricity Konings, Alexandra G.; Gentine, Pierre Global Change Biology 2017, 23(2): 891-905

Biology 生物学

53 Multiple successional pathways in humanmodified tropical landscapes: New insights from forest succession, forest fragmentation and landscape ecology research Arroyo-Rodriguez,Victor; Melo, Felipe P.L.; Martinez-Ramos,Miguel; et al.Biological Reviews 2017, 92(1): 326-340 41 Detecting and avoiding likely false-positive findings: A practical guide Forstmeier, Wolfgang;Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan;Parker, Timothy H.Biological Reviews 2017, 92(4): 1941-1968 33 Empirical assessment of published effect sizes and power in the recent cognitive neuroscience and psychology literature Szucs, Denes;Ioannidis, John P. A.Plos Biology 2017, 15(3): e2000797 28 Long-term operation of microbial electrosynthesis cell reducing CO2 to multi-carbon chemicals with a mixed culture avoiding methanogenesis Bajracharya, Suman;Yuliasni, Rustiana;Vanbroekhoven,Karolien; et al.Bioelectrochemistry 2017, 113: 26-34

Biophysics 生物物理学

46 Beyond graphene: Electrochemical sensors and biosensors for biomarkers detection Bollella, Paolo;Fusco, Giovanni;Tortolini, Cristina; et al.Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2017, 89(SI): 152-166 42 Graphene-like 2D nanomaterial-based biointerfaces for biosensing applications Zhu, Chengzhou;Du, Dan;Lin, Yuehe Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2017, 89(SI): 43-55 42 The role of mitochondria in metabolism and cell death Vakifahmetoglu-Norberg,Helin; Ouchida, Amanda Tomie; Norberg, Erik Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2017, 482(3): 426-431 38 Fabrication technologies and sensing applications of graphene-based composite films: Advances and challenges Yu, Xiaoqing;Zhang, Wensi;Zhang, Panpan; et al.Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2017, 89(SI): 72-84

Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology 生物技术和应用微生物学

132 Strategies and challenges for the next generation of antibody drug conjugates Beck, Alain;Goetsch, Liliane;Dumontet, Charles;et al.Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 2017, 16(5): 315-337 92 Multiplex gene editing by CRISPR-Cpf1 using a single crRNA array Zetsche, Bernd;Heidenreich, Matthias;Mohanraju, Prarthana;et al.Nature Biotechnology 2017, 35(1): 31-34 78 Induced pluripotent stem cell technology:A decade of progress Shi, Yanhong;Inoue, Haruhisa;Wu, Joseph C.; et al.Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 2017, 16(2): 115-130 73 iRSpot-EL: Identify recombination spots with an ensemble learning approach Liu, Bin;Wang, Shanyi;Long, Ren; et al.Bioinformatics 2017, 33(1): 35-41

Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems 心脏及心血管系统

146 2017 ESC/EACTS guidelines for the management of valvular heart disease: The task force for the management of valvular heart disease of the European Society of Cardiology(ESC) and the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS)Baumgartner, Helmut;Falk, Volkmar; Bax,Jeroen J.; et al.European Heart Journal 2017, 38(36): 2739 120 2017 AHA/ACC focused update of the 2014 AHA/ACC guideline for the management of patients with valvular heart disease a report of the american college of cardiology/american heart association task force on clinical practice guidelines Nishimura, Rick A.;Otto, Catherine M.;Bonow, Robert O.;et al.Circulation 2017, 135(25): E1159 89 Lower risk of heart failure and death in patients initiated on sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors versus other glucose-lowering drugs the CVD-REAL study (comparative effectiveness of cardiovascular outcomes in new users of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors)Kosiborod, Mikhail;Cavender, Matthew A.;Fu, Alex Z.; et al.Circulation 2017, 136(3): 249 76 2017 ESC focused update on dual antiplatelet therapy in coronary artery disease developed in collaboration with EACTS Valgimigli, Marco;Bueno, Hector;Byrne, Robert A.; et al.European Heart Journal 2018, 39(3): 213

Cell & Tissue Engineering 细胞与组织工程学

51 Concise review: MSC-derived exosomes for cell-free therapy Phinney, Donald G.;Pittenger, Mark F.Stem Cells 2017, 35(4): 851-858 40 Adipocyte accumulation in the bone marrow during obesity and aging impairs stem cellbased hematopoietic and bone regeneration Ambrosi, Thomas H.; Scialdone,Antonio; Graja,Antonia; et al.Cell Stem Cell 2017, 20(6): 771 34 Human iPSC-derived cerebral organoids model cellular features of lissencephaly and reveal prolonged mitosis of outer radial glia Bershteyn, Marina;Nowakowski,Tomasz J.; Pollen,Alex A.; et al.Cell Stem Cell 2017, 20(4): 435 32 Endothelial progenitors: A consensus statement on nomenclature Medina, Reinhold J.;Barber, Chad L.;Sabatier, Florence;et al.Stem Cells Translational Medicine 2017, 6(5): 1316-1320

Cell Biology 细胞生物学

136 An expanded view of complex traits: From polygenic to omnigenic Boyle, Evan A.;Li, Yang I.;Pritchard, Jonathan K.Cell 2017, 169(7): 1177-1186 108 CRISPR-based technologies for the manipulation of eukaryotic genomes Komor, Alexis C.;Badran, Ahmed H.;Liu, David R.Cell 2017, 168(1-2): 20-36 103 Wnt signaling in cancer Zhan, T.;Rindtorff, N.;Boutros, M.Oncogene 2017, 36(11): 1461-1473 101 Mutational landscape of metastatic cancer revealed from prospective clinical sequencing of 10000 patients Zehir, Ahmet;Benayed, Ryma;Shah, Ronak H.; et al.Nature Medicine 2017, 23(6): 703

Chemistry, Analytical 化学分析

61 Bioresponsive release system for visual fluorescence detection of carcinoembryonic antigen from mesoporous silica nanocontainers mediated optical color on quantum dot-enzymeimpregnated paper Qiu, Zhenli;Shu, Jian;Tang, Dianping Analytical Chemistry 2017, 89(9): 5152-5160 56 Passive and active droplet generation with microfluidics: A review Zhu, Pingan;Wang, Liqiu Lab on A Chip 2017, 17(1): 34-75 52 Gold nanoparticles as efficient sensors in colorimetric detection of toxic metal ions:A review Priyadarshini, E.;Pradhan, N.Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2017, 238: 888-902 51 Nanocomposites of graphene and graphene oxides: Synthesis, molecular functionalization and application in electrochemical sensors and biosensors. A review Xu, Junhui;Wang, Yazhen;Hu, Shengshui Microchimica Acta 2017, 184(1): 1-44

Chemistry, Applied 化学应用

49 Sonication method synergism with rare earth based nanocatalyst: preparation of NiFe2-xEuxO4 nanostructures and its catalytic applications for the synthesis of benzimidazoles, benzoxazoles,and benzothiazoles under ultrasonic irradiation Ziarati, Abolfazl;Sobhani-Nasab, Ali;Rahirni-Nasrabadi, Mehdi;et al.Journal of Rare Earths 2017, 35(4): 374-381 44 Mango stone biocomposite preparation and application for crystal violet adsorption:A mechanistic study Shoukat, Sidra;Bhatti, Haq Nawaz;Iqbal, Munawar; et al.Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2017, 239: 180-189 40 Molybdenum-doping-induced photoluminescence enhancement in Eu3+-activated CaWO4 red-emitting phosphors for white light-emitting diodes Huang, Xiaoyong;Li, Bin;Guo, Heng; et al.Dyes and Pigments 2017, 143: 86-94 38 Mesoporous-activated carbon prepared from chitosan flakes via single-step sodium hydroxide activation for the adsorption of methylene blue Marrakchi, F.;Ahmed, M. J.;Khanday, W. A.; et al.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2017, 98: 233-239

Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear 无机化学与核化学

49 Understanding active species in catalytic transformations: From molecular catalysis to nanoparticles, leaching, “Cocktails” of catalysts and dynamic systems Eremin, Dmitry B.;Ananikov, Valentine P.Coordination Chemistry Reviews 2017, 346(SI): 2-19 39 Three asymmetric Salamo-type copper(II) and cobalt(II) complexes: Syntheses, structures and fluorescent properties Dong, Yinjuan;Dong, Xiuyan;Dong, Wenkui; et al.Polyhedron 2017, 123: 305-315 37 Highly efficient heterogeneous catalytic materials derived from metal-organic framework supports/precursors Zhao, Shuna;Song, Xuezhi;Song, Shuyan; et al.Coordination Chemistry Reviews 2017, 337: 80-96 34 Two-step hydrothermally synthesized carbon nanodots/WO3 photocatalysts with enhanced photocatalytic performance Song, Bo; Wang,Tingting; Sun,Honggang; et al.Dalton Transactions 2017, 46(45): 15769-15777

Chemistry, Medicinal 医药化学

44 An unprecedented revolution in medicinal chemistry driven by the progress of biological science Chou, Kuochen Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 2017, 17(21): 2337-2358 41 FDA approves eteplirsen for duchenne muscular dystrophy: The next chapter in the eteplirsen saga Aartsma-Rus,Annemieke;Krieg, Arthur M.Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 2017, 27(1): 1 36 Phantom PAINS: Problems with the utility of alerts for pan-assay interference compounds Capuzzi, Stephen J.;Muratov, Eugene N.;Tropsha, Alexander Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 2017, 57(3): 417-427 35 Structure-activity relationship (SAR) study and design strategies of nitrogen-containing heterocyclic moieties for their anticancer activities Akhtar, Jawaid;Khan, Ahsan Ahmed;Ali, Zulphikar; et al.European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2017, 125: 143-189

Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 综合化学

222 Electrocatalysis for the oxygen evolution reaction: Recent development and future perspectives Suen, Nian-Tzu;Hung, Sung-Fu;Quan, Quan; et al.Chemical Society Reviews 2017, 46(2): 337-365 207 Single-junction binary-blend nonfullerene polymer solar cells with 12.1% efficiency Zhao, Fuwen;Dai, Shuixing;Wu, Yang; et al.Advanced Materials 2017, 29(18): 1700144 193 Multifunctional metal-organic framework catalysts: Synergistic catalysis and tandem reactions Huang, Yuanbiao;Liang, Jun;Wang, Xusheng; et al.Chemical Society Reviews 2017, 46(1): 126-157 181 The rapid evolution of highly efficient perovskite solar cells Correa-Baena, Juan-Pablo;Abate, Antonio;Saliba, Michael; et al.Energy & Environmental Science 2017, 10(3): 710-727

Chemistry, Organic 有机化学

69 Altering product selectivity by mechanochemistry Hernandez, Jose G.;Bolm, Carsten Journal of Organic Chemistry 2017, 82(8): 4007-4019 40 Medicinal attributes of 1,2,3-triazoles:Current developments Dheer, Divya;Singh, Virender;Shankar, Ravi Bioorganic Chemistry 2017, 71: 30-54 38 Advances in organocatalytic 1,6-addition reactions: Enantioselective construction of remote stereogenic centers Chauhan, Pankaj;Kaya, Ugur;Enders, Dieter Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 2017, 359(6): 888-912 35 Stimuli-responsive polymersomes for biomedical applications Hu, Xiuli;Zhang, Yugi;Xie, Zhigang; et al.Biomacromolecules 2017, 18(3): 649-673

Chemistry, Physical 物理化学

200 The path towards sustainable energy Chu, Steven;Cui, Yi;Liu, Nian Nature Materials 2017, 16(1): 16-22 184 Heterojunction photocatalysts Low, Jingxiang;Yu, Jiaguo;Jaroniec, Mietek; et al.Advanced Materials 2017, 29(20): 1601694 171 Surface modification and enhanced photocatalytic CO2 reduction performance of TiO2:A review Low, Jingxiang;Cheng, Bei;Yu, Jiaguo Applied Surface Science 2017, 392: 658-686 141 Conductive MOF electrodes for stable supercapacitors with high areal capacitance Sheberla, Dennis;Bachman, John C.;Elias, Joseph S.; et al.Nature Materials 2017, 16(2): 220-224

Clinical Neurology 临床神经病学

105 Evidence-based guidelines on the therapeutic use of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)Lefaucheur, Jean-Pascal;Antal, Andrea;Ayache, Samar S.; et al.Clinical Neurophysiology 2017, 128(1): 56-92 93 Diagnosis and management of dementia with Lewy bodies Fourth consensus report of the DLB Consortium McKeith, Ian G.;Boeve, Bradley F.;Dickson, Dennis W.;et al.Neurology 2017, 89(1): 88-100 60 The worldwide costs of dementia 2015 and comparisons with 2010 Wimo, Anders;Guerchet, Maelenn;Ali, Gemma-Claire;et al.Alzheimers & Dementia 2017, 13(1): 1-7 55 Gamma Knife radiosurgery for skull base meningioma: Long-term results of lowdose treatment Iwai, Yoshiyasu;Yamanaka, Kazuhiro;Ikeda, Hidetoshi Journal of Neurosurgery 2017, 127(1): 75-81

Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence 计算机科学,人工智能


Computer Science, Cybernetics 计算机科学,控制论

80 Robust object tracking via key patch sparse representation He, Zhenyu;Yi, Shuangyan;Cheung, YiuMing;et al.IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2017, 47(2): 354-364 70 Adaptive fuzzy output-feedback stabilization control for a class of switched nonstrictfeedback nonlinear systems Li, Yongming;Tong, Shaocheng IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2017, 47(4): 1007-1016 59 Teleoperation control based on combination of wave variable and neural networks Yang, Chenguang;Wang, Xingjian;Li, Zhijun; et al.IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems 2017, 47(8): 2125-2136 53 Neural-learning-based telerobot control with guaranteed performance Yang, Chenguang;Wang, Xinyu;Cheng, Long; et al.IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2017, 47(10): 3148-3159

电子制作(2017年2期)2017-05-17 03:55:01