What Ivan Gets from Kites and Tai Chi

2018-08-03 07:32ByZhangQingnan
Special Focus 2018年7期

By Zhang Qingnan

Ivan Cardillo, a 34-year-old Italian teacher, has been in China for four years. From the very first moment he was exposed to Chinese martial arts at the age of eight, he was hooked, most especially on Tai Chi. Ivan loved it so much that he left for London in 2008 immediately after he found out that there was a Chinese Tai Chi master there.

“I went to visit him at his training school and he asked me to do some Tai Chi exercises. At that time, I was very young and burly, so I could punch quickly.But I was really shocked when I saw him, a man over 60 years old,punch even more quickly than I did. So, without a moment’s hesitation, I decided to become his disciple and learn Tai Chi from him.”

伊万和妻子娜佳 Ivan and his wife Nadya

Ivan’s love for Tai Chi has never wavered. He believes that Tai Chi plays a big role in building his character, moral fiber and abilities, and it enables him to have a clearer idea about himself and overcome his own shortcomings. “Moreover, what I have learned from Tai Chi is that it takes a long time to achieve success, so I require myself to do Tai Chi exercises and read every day, and I try to always be kind.”In his eyes, “kind” means to be ready to help others, be fond of peace, yearn for love and focus on health.

Ivan’s father gave full support to his son in learning Tai Chi, and after his father passed away, Ivan continued to do the exercises in remembrance of his father.

伊万放风筝 Ivan flying a kite









Ivan is the eldest son in his family. When he told his family that he wanted to go to China, his mother and younger siblings were loath to part with him. Yet they all knew his deep love for China ever since his childhood. At last they supported his decision.

Ivan went to China for the first time at the age of 20. He was then invited by a Chinese student studying in Italy to his hometown in Qingdao, Shandong Province,where Ivan had an exceptional experience. “We had a bath in the river and his grandmother cooked in the courtyard, all of which are a portrayal of typical rural life.”Later, Ivan came to China again for an academic exchange as a doctoral candidate in Peking University.During those days, he learned Chinese at Beijing Language and Culture University every morning and attended classes or read in the library in Peking University every afternoon, which enabled him to make unbelievable progress in Chinese.

Then in 2014, Ivan came to Wuhan in Hubei Province, and Law School was employed as a teacher by the Law School of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law.He is not only a law teacher but also a learner of Chinese law. “Law is the most important part of a culture and it embodies a society’s values,” he remarked.

As the president of the Association of Italian Scholars in China, Ivan often attends various cultural exchange events held by the university and the Chinese and Italian governments. During the 19th CPC National Congress,his website and translated essays concerning this congress drew attention from both the Chinese and Italian governments and were reported in the media. “The reason why I did so was that I want more Italians and Westerners to learn about Chinese law and traditional Chinese culture,” Ivan said.

Recently, Ivan has been practicing flying a Beijing eagleshaped kite. He figured out, “The key to flying a kite successfully is the speed. If it’s too quick or too slow, then it won’t work. Just like practicing Tai Chi, you need to use the strength properly and freely,which is a principle also applicable to other things.”

Now, Ivan has married a Russian wife in Wuhan and he regards China as his second home. As always, he still likes doing Tai Chi exercises and flying a kite after work. He sometimes goes shopping and enjoys the local cuisine with his wife. (Translation: Zhou Xianxian)





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