
2018-08-01 08:27贺煜ArticleJournalistHeYuTranslatorHeJing
重庆与世界 2018年7期

□ 文/本刊记者 贺煜 Article/Journalist He Yu Translator/He Jing

2018仙女山草原足球世界杯,引爆球迷狂欢。 摄影/贺煜






① 梁平区推出了竹海寻禅田园揽胜系列之旅。 摄影/唐安冰

② 重庆是野营露宿的绝佳去处。 摄影/王俊杰














Between the mountains and fields, travelers are rafting along the gurgling streams; tucked away in the high mountains, they are in a good mood to watch the World Cup; in the quiet towns, they admire the tranquil beauty of the lotus flowers; in the wilderness of the counties, they choose to camp to appreciate the starry sky... This is the wonderful summer-heat get-away festival. On June 8th, the summer tourism season in Chongqing kicked off. Throughout the summer, more than 20 districts and counties in the city will launch 200 summer tourism activities, including self-driving, summer camp and rafting...

Come shake off the summer heat and enjoy the pleasant summer vibe.

A Summer Vacation to Feel the Summer Coolness

“A Gorgeous City of Mountains and Rivers”,Chongqing is nowhere near lacking in cool places:at some high-altitude areas, people have an easy access to some 20 degrees of summer coolness.

Liangping Bamboo Garden where meditation can be practiced and pastoral views appreciated;Wulong Xiannv Mountain where travelers are immersed in the cool breeze to listen to the theme concert, and watch the Chinese style landscape on the cruise ship of Furong River; Huangshui, Shizhu where visitors can participate in the China·Shizhu,Chongqing The 2nd Healthcultivation Conference; Jiangjin where bold souls can explore and adventure through the Jiangjin Gorge; and Beibei where canyoning can be provided for the visitors ...

彭水阿依河浪遏飞舟。 图片/彭水旅发委提供

A Journey among Mountains and Rivers:Intimacy with Nature

A place dubbed as “A City of Mountains and Rivers”,tourism in Chongqing is built upon the local mountains and rivers.

Going up the mountain, camping and staying the night outdoors. Jiufeng Gorge in Hechuan, Huaba in Qijiang, Jinfo Mountain and Shanwang Ping in Nanchuan,Zishui in Kaizhou, Xinglong in Fengjie ... sunrises, love songs, barbecues, beer and carnivals, evening singing and dancing over bonfires--festivities by the minorities,etc.. from June to October, people indulge in the assortment of activities.

Diving into the water, a cool carnival. It is a wise choice for summer recreation in the amusement parks such as the Caribbean Sea World in Nan’an District and Loca Joy Theme Park in Yongchuan. In addition, rafting is also a boon for avoiding the summer heat. At Jiufeng Gorge, Hechuan, rafting can be enjoyed in wonderful combination with multiple experiences like camping and barbecue; if rafting at Dangyang, Wushan, you can admire the canyon characteristics; Dongxi in Zhongxian would not only give you rafting competition, but also children's experience projects, farmhouse long-table banquet and farming culture experience and display; in Nantianhu Town, Jilong Town of Fengdu, beyond rafting,mutton cuisine is offered for visitors.

Summer is still the perfect time to enjoy the lotus flowers, and that explains why there are various tourist routes mapped to appreciate the beauty of the lotus flowers. The Huayan Lotus Exhibition in Jiulongpo District, the Lotus Tourism Culture Festival in Dazu county, the Lotus Flower Poetry Festival in Liangping and many other lotus-themed festivals are just around the corner, featuring Lotus flowers, water lilies, lotus cheongsam show, photography exhibition, calligraphy and painting exhibition, ecological lotus festival, lotus view and feelings-sharing, boating and the lotus picking.

Fruits-picking Tours,experiencing the fun of reaping

Nestling under mountains and rivers,Chongqing's superior geographical environment has cultivated a variety of sweet and mellow fruits. In the harvest season, 12 districts and counties like Jiangjin,Banan and Beibei have planned fruits-picking tourism activities.

⑤ 夏日是赏荷的好时节。 摄影/杨一一⑥ 体验采摘乐趣。 摄影/甘侠义

⑥ 体验采摘乐趣。 摄影/甘侠义

Hechuan grape-picking festival; Jinguan Town,Pianyan Ancient Town, Beibei District, the fruit and vegetables picking season; Qushui Town, Hexing Town, Yinping Town, Liangping County, alpine plums picking; Tianping Mountain, Ba’nan District, crisp pear picking; Houba Town, Kaizhou District, dragon fruit picking; Huolu Town, Wulong County, crispy peach picking...It is a fresh fruit picking season for eating and having fun.

⑦ 江津爱情天梯。 图片/江津区委宣传部提供

Cultural Tourism Drawing Spiritual Resonance

The "Bayu Culture" is also heating up in response to the burning temperature in the scorching summer. The first Chongqing Nanbin International Theatre Festival and other activities are splendidly held at Danzishi Old Street, repaired in accordance with the old-day style. Besides, folklore performances, art festivals, dynamic and elegant music seasons, poetry-reciting performances, exquisite Hanfu cultural performances, Chinese costumes, and gourmet festivals,etc..These cultural activities are aimed at consolidating the consensus of thoughts and triggering the spiritual sparks.

⑧ 重庆旅游吸引了世界各地游客前来观光。 摄影/杨一一

⑨ 品味古镇巴渝文化、领略传统习俗。 摄影/唐安冰

Liangping Shuanggui Temple Fair will send happiness by paying tribute to Buddha;Jiangjin Tanghe Town Chuanzhu Temple Fair will burn incense to pay respect to Buddha,and perform Sichuan Opera and Tanghe Intangible Cultural Heritage Performance;Shapingba Ciqikou Scenic Area will launch artistic performance to promote folk culture experience; Tongliang Longjing Scenic Spot will release straw-made dragon dancing,bamboo shoots cover made dragon dance; Fengdu Ghost would roll out Mid-July ancestral cultural festival (Zhongyuan Festival), featuring ancestral ceremonies and dharma ceremonies, releasing lamps on the river, Kongming lamps...

On the Double-seven Festival(Chinese Valentine’s Day), Jiangjin, Rongchang, Fengdu,Qianjiang and other places will hold the themed Oriental Valentine Festival, where visitors will be blessed with eternal love.

Come enjoy the well-planned summer tourism activities!

构建美丽丰都 推动各项事业高质量发展
The Color Purple