
2018-08-01 08:27
重庆与世界 2018年7期

● 市政府副市长刘桂平出席意大利国庆招待会






● 市政协副主席张玲出席菲律宾国庆招待会





● 市政府副秘书长汪夔万出席中俄地方合作交流论坛暨中俄友城合作论坛

6月16日,中俄地方合作交流论坛暨中俄友城合作论坛在哈尔滨举行。国内15个省(区、市)代表110余人及俄罗斯2 5个相关州区的政府经贸代表共400余人参加了此次会议。



● 把握“一带一路”时代机遇暨匈牙利森特什市推介会在渝成功举办




● 市政府外事侨务办深入开展“涉外管理进区县”活动



● 市政府外事侨务办参加第十六届东盟华商会



Liu Guiping, deputy mayor of Chongqing municipal government, attended the Italian National Day reception

On June 8, the Italian National Day reception was held by Italian Consulate General in Chongqing at Niccolo Chongqing Hotel. Chinese and foreign guests from all walks of life, including Liu Guiping, deputy mayor of Chongqing municipal government,Wu Kangming, director of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Off i ce of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, and consulgenerals of various countries in Chongqong were invited to the reception.

Liu Guiping said that in recent years, the high-level visit between Chongqing and Italy have been frequent, the personnel at all levels close, the exchanges among localities deepening,cooperation in various fi elds actively carried out. Especially since the establishment of Italian Consulate General in Chongqing,it has played an important role in promoting exchanges and cooperation between Chongqing and Italy in various fi elds.

Ni Fei said that in the framework of the Road and Belt Initiative, bilateral investment and trade exchanges between Chongqing and Italy had continuously increased, that academic exchanges and cooperation in science and technology had gradually strengthened, that cultural and personnel exchanges had got closer, that bilateral relations had achieved a qualitative change in recent years.

At the reception, on behalf of Italian government, the Italian Consulate General awarded Knight of the Star of Italy to Guo Yuanxin and Yang Changlin, who are entrepreneurs in Chongqing, and presented Golden Pepper Awards 2017 to China Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Chongqing University, Sichuan International Studies University and Dazu Rock Carvings Institute.

Zhang Ling, vice chairman of Chongqing Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, attended the National Day reception of the Philippines

On June 12, the Philippine Consulate General in Chongqing held the National Day reception for “the 120th Anniversary of the Independence of Republic of the Philippines” at Intercontinental Hotels & Resorts. The theme was “The changes we are fi ghting for and an opportunity for prosperous future”. Zhang Ling, vice chairman of Chongqing Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, was invited to the reception.

Zhang Ling said that since the establishment of the Philippine Consulate General in Chongqing in 2008, consul generals have actively supported and participated in Chongqing’s various international exchange activities, and have been widely praised by all walks of life in Chongqing.In the future, cooperation, between units in Chongqing and the Philippine Consulate General in Chongqing led by Consul General Philippe Rheault, would continue to be strengthened to facilitate exchanges and cooperation between them in various fi elds to a new level.

Philippe Rheault said that the Philippine government attached great importance to Chongqing’s signif i cant position in China’s development and opening to the outside world. In the future, the Philippine Consulate General in Chongqing would continue to play an important role as a bridge and actively promote exchanges and cooperation between Chongqing and the Philippines in various fi elds. With the driving force of the Belt and Road Initiative, cooperation between them would be promoted in economy, trade exchange, education, science and technology, agriculture, humanities, etc.

Wang Kuiwan attended Sino-Russian Local Cooperation and Exchange Forum and Sino-Russian Friendship Cities Cooperation Forum

On June 16, Sino-Russian Local Cooperation and Exchange Form and Sino-Russian Friendship Cities Cooperation Form were held in Harbin. A total of more than 510 representatives attended the forum, including over 110 representatives from 15 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in China and over 400 governmental economic and trade representatives from 25 related states and regions of Russia.

The forum was mainly to implement the consensus reached by the leaders of China and Russia on holding Sino-Russian local cooperation and exchange years in 2018 and 2019. With the help of local cooperation council of the Sino-Russian Friendship, Peace and Development Committee, the local cooperation advantage would be developed to facilitate Sino-Russian pragmatic cooperation and the innovation and upgrading of Sino-Russian local cooperation, which would contribute to the development of Sino-Russian comprehensive strategic partnership.

Wang Kuiwan, the deputy secretary general of Chongqing municipal government, and Wang Guangcheng, vice president of Chongqing People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, attended the forum and had friendly exchanges with the Russian representatives. Qin Dingbo, vice director of Chongqing Municipal Tourism Development Committee,promoted Chongqing’s unique tourism resources, tourism products and projects during the local tourism cooperation and exchange activity of “Enjoyable Tour in China and Russia”.

Grasping the Opportunity of “the Belt and Road Initiative” and the Promotion Conference of Szentes of Hungary were successful in Chongqing

June 22 witnessed “Grasping the Opportunity of ‘the Belt and Road Initiative’ and the Promotion Conference of Szentes of Hungary” which were held by Chongqing Overseas Exchange Association in Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Building of Chongqing. Present at the conference were Yang Daqing,deputy director of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affair Off i ce of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, Srbik, mayor of Szentes, Hungary, and his delegations, Ge Kaida, the business consul of the Hungarian Consulate General in Chongqing, and representatives from relevant chambers of commerce, industry organizations and enterprises.

Yang Daqing emphasized that Chongqing was accelerating the construction of the trailblazer of opening up in inland China and beautiful land with green mountains and clear water, striving to promote high-quality development and create high-quality life. The rapid development and strategic position of Chongqing would create the great opportunity for the exchanges and cooperation between Chongqing and Szentes of Hungary in various fields. Yang also gave some advice on strengthening industrial cooperation, deepening humanities exchanges and developing friendship cities for Chongqing enterprises “goingout”.

Srbik, the mayor of Szentes, Hungary, made a promotion in terms of the city. Ge Kaida, the business consul of the Hungarian Consulate General in Chongqing, gave a wonderful explanation on Hungary’s national investment policy and services for foreign investors. Guo Ping, director of Exchange and Cooperation Division of Chongqing Small and Medium Enterprises, gave a presentation on state’s policies for supporting small and medium enterprises to “going-out”.

“Foreign-related Management in Counties” was carried out by Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Off i ce of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government

From May 24 to June 12, Tang Wen, deputy director of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affair Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, and his delegations of Foreign Affair Management Office went to Pengshui County, Fengjie County, Yuzhong District and other regions. to understand the situation of foreign-related affairs and carry out a series of training activities of “Foreign-related Management in Counties”.Through the targeted training in southeastern Chongqing,northeastern Chongqing, Chongqing Proper and western Chongqing, foreign affairs in districts and counties have achieved full coverage of “offering policies to service districts and counties”.

With the policy preaching and case analysis, the deputy director Tang Wen and his delegations made a presentation on laws, regulations and skills that should be known for the management of foreign-related affairs, management and service of social organization, overseas consular protection and international conference management. They also carried out“on-site off i ce” for the issues known in the investigation, giving suggestions on foreign affairs in districts and counties, such as Fuling District, Qijiang District and Zhongxian County, actively guiding district and county foreign affairs departments to do well in foreign-related management and service district and county development.

Representatives of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Off i ce of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Attended the 16th ASEAN Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs Conference

From June 12 to June 15, the 16th ASEAN Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs Conference was held in Kunming. More than 600 Chinese businessmen from over 40 countries and regions discussed cooperation and sought mutual development in terms of the theme of “new era, new opportunity, new journey and new development”. Present at the opening ceremony were Li Zhuobin, member of CPPCC Standing Committee and vice chairman of All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, Zong Guoying, member of the Standing Committee of CPC Yunnan Provincial Committee and executive vice governor,and Zhang Guohua, vice governor of Yunnan province. Li and Zong also delivered a speech.

At the invitation of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Yunnan Provincial People’s Government,representatives of Division II of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government participated in the 16thASEAN Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs Conference. During the conference, representatives of Division II conduced exchanges with Chinese business organizations in Thailand, the Philippines, Myanmar, the United Kingdom, Germany, the United States and Australia, actively introducing Chongqing, and made in-depth exchanges with related enterprises in terms of the cooperation in science and technology, agriculture, etc.

Editor/ Xiong Yi

Translator/Qin Xiuhua

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