
2018-07-24 03:15DavidLewis
国际人才交流 2018年7期

文/ David C.Lewis


A Chinese phrase which is very useful to know is “不好意思” (bu hao yisi), which means ‘embarrassing’! Perhaps I hear the phrase quite often because as a foreigner I am more likely to make ‘gaffs’ or do things which are embarrassing to those around me! One of my more “不好意思” moments was when I arrived for the very fi rst class of a course with a new group of students: as soon as I began to speak, my nose started to bleed!This group’s fi rst experience of their new teacher was of a tall“外国人” (waiguoren – foreigner) lying on the fl oor surrounded by several students offering me not only tissues but also at least half a dozen suggestions about what to do!


Later on, I learned that nosebleeds were a possible side-effect of the anti-malarial tablets that I had been taking that summer in Papua New Guinea when we were visiting our eldest daughter,who is a doctor at a remote jungle hospital. Our family is scattered in different parts of the world: our eldest son, with his wife and two daughters, are in the north of China and our second son, with his wife and daughter, live in England. Our two younger daughters live in China with my wife and myself.

To a large extent our decision to move to China arose out of a desire for our two youngest daughters to learn Chinese and to experience life in China. It was almost twenty years ago that Ruth,my wife, watched a television documentary about abandoned babies in China. Ruth felt that even though we already had three birth children we could also adopt such a Chinese child. We discussed it with our own three children, and in the end started on a long process of bureaucracy which led to our first visit to China in January 1998 to adopt Esther Xiufen, who was then nine months old. Two years later we repeated the process when we adopted Joanna Xiaoying, who was then eleven months old. At that time we were living in England, so the girls grew up speaking English as their mother tongue. However, we also wanted them to be able to appreciate their Chinese heritage.

很大程度上,我们搬到中国是因为我们想让两个小女儿学中文,让她们有一段在中国的生活经历。20年前,我的妻子露丝看了一个关于中国弃婴的电视纪录片。露丝觉得虽然我们已经有三个自己的孩子了,但我们可以收养一个中国孩子。我和我们的三个孩子经过讨论后开始了漫长的收养过程。我们于1998年1月第一次到中国,收养了当时只有9个月大的Esther Xiufen(路秀芬)。两年以后,我们又收养了11个月大的Joanna Xiaoying(路晓英)。那个时候我们住在英国,所以英语成为两个小女儿的母语。然而,我们希望她们也能懂得欣赏她们的中国“遗产”。

Some years later I had a dream. In the dream it was as if I were standing on a mountain looking down at a new development on the outskirts of a city. I could see a new house, around which other houses and roads were being built. After waking up I did not think about the dream and would probably have forgotten it except for what happened two days later, when we took the girls to a beach. As they were playing in the sand, Ruth told me about a dream of hers the previous night in which she had seen a new house on the edge of a city with other houses and roads being built around it!


I was amazed and told Ruth that two nights previously I had dreamed the same dream. Did it literally mean that we should move to a new home somewhere in a new development on the edge of a city? Or was it more symbolic, meaning something like ‘a new start’? I think in the end it actually meant both of these. Ruth remembered a detail in her dream about red coloured earth. Now that we live in Chenggong, not far from the new Yunda campus, we are sometimes reminded of that dream when we look out over the surrounding area and see new buildings being constructed around us.



At the time, Ruth felt that it had something to do with China. It linked in with our desire for Esther and Joanna to learn Chinese and to experience life in China.


If we were supposed to go to China, which part of the country should we go to? While we were thinking about this, Kunming started to come to our attention in a number of ways. A friend of ours sent us a letter describing a visit to Kunming. Then I attended a seminar at Cambridge University at which a professor from Yunnan University was talking about her research in Yunnan. I wondered if this might be signif i cant. After the seminar it was the custom to go for a drink at a nearby pub, so there I mentioned to her that we were considering moving to China but were not sure when or to which part. Although she gave me her contact details, I did not make contact with her again until after we had actually moved to China. It was she who later helped me to get a job teaching Social Anthropology at Yunnan University.


In such ways we came to Kunming.Initially we had expected to live here just for a year or two but in the end it got extended to four academic years (2006 – 2010). We then moved back to the UK so that Ruth could spend signif i cant time with her elderly mother, who passed away in 2011, and so that the girls could experience a British secondary school education.


We had thought we would be settled back in Britain for some years, at least until the girls had fi nished their secondary education.However, it would be important for Joanna to complete her schooling in Britain before she applies to do medicine at university.


From 2013 to 2015 we returned to Yunnan for a further two years, living in Chenggong, where we feel very much at home.Esther has been continuing to improve her Chinese by studying courses at the local ‘Normal’ University (师范大学), while Joanna has been continuing her British education online.


All of us have been studying Chinese to some extent but a lot of my time has been taken up with preparing my lectures and teaching them, as well as editing various articles that other academics have written in English. I have also been invited to teach at times in Russia or other places, which has reduced my available time for studying the Chinese language. Ruth and the girls have made much faster progress than I have.


Something else I thought I was slow at was jogging! Because most of my work is just sitting at a desk, I try to go for a jog a few times a week around the local area. In 2007 some of the other foreigners must have seen me doing this, as one day Ruth got a phone call from one of them asking if I could take part the next day in a race against the local police! I knew no other details except where I should go the next morning in order to be taken in a police vehicle to somewhere in the hills to the west of Kunming.


When we got there, I discovered that it was an event marking the day exactly one year before the opening of the Beijing Olympics. Apparently the police had been asked to organise an international running race, so they needed to invite foreigners to take part. As I looked around at the other foreigners, I was relieved to see a group of athletic-looking Brazilians who might be able to prevent us foreigners from losing face!


Probably eighty to one hundred of us took part. The Brazilians and many of the police shot ahead of me – at that time a fi fty year old grandfather – as I kept on jogging up the hill. I had no idea how far we had to run but I just kept going and found that I was passing some of the police and even the young Brazilians who were not used to the altitude. After more than two kilometres I reached the top and thought that was the end of the race.When I sat down, someone there made it clear to me that I had to run back down again. As I did so, I passed more policemen.When I eventually reached the bottom, I had no idea where I had to go but I was directed to a desk where I had to hand in a card that I had been given at the top of the hill.


The woman at the desk said something to me in Chinese that I did not understand; then she disappeared. I guess she probably told me to wait until she found someone who could speak English but I was later found by that same lady, who brought me back to the desk so that they could make a note of my name.Later on, when there was a prize-giving ceremony, at fi rst two Chinese men were called forward to receive their prizes - a vase, without any certif i cate to show their position in the race.Then I heard my name being called. I went to the front to be given my vase, not sure whether I was in third place or first place. I never did fi nd out the answer to that one!


Another memorable event took place in 2009, when about 4,000 anthropologists descended on Kunming for a huge international congress held at Yunnan University. In preparing for that,besides organising one of the panels, I was sometimes called on to help with various arrangements and to edit the English version of the conference handbook. I just regarded this as something that needed to be done, not as anything special. So I was somewhat surprised when I was later told that I had been nominated to receive a medal from the Yunnan provincial government in recognition of my contributions.

At the award ceremony to receive this “彩云奖” (Cai Yun Jiang- Colourful Yunnan Prize), also referred to as a ‘Friendship Award’ (友谊奖, Youyi Jiang), the medals were presented by Her Excellency, Madam Lijiang, Vice Governor of Yunnan Province.Quite a few other leading officials of the province were also present. I was asked to give a speech on behalf of the foreigners who were receiving this award. Having been told that it was conventional to mention the progress that China has been making, I did what I was told in that regard. However, I also felt that I should address deeper issues, so I went on to say:



“At Yunnan University I admire the great desire for knowledge shown by many of the students. However, real knowledge is more than simply knowing facts. Wisdom cannot be borrowed from a library! A focus on Truth, if it is not balanced by Love,can make us become too hard, just as Love without Truth can make us too soft. The combination of both of these helps to make us human.”


“The Friendship Award is a reminder that, whether we are from China or elsewhere, we are all fellow human beings with a responsibility to relate to other people on the basis of both Truth and Love. These are the foundation stones for any lasting community - whether it is a family, a business or a nation. Not only as individuals but also as nations it is important for us to seek not only the source of truth but also the strength to love. In his book ‘Strength to Love’ Dr.Martin Luther King says that what we need is a ‘tough mind and a tender heart’. That is a principle which all of us can apply to our own lives. All of us are on the journey of life. On that journey, all of us have a responsibility to seek and to fi nd the way, the truth and the life.”


I am still on that journey, as all of us are, and I do not know what lies ahead. Now we are returning to England for the sake of Joanna’s education and shall probably be living in Cambridge. Even though we shall be in England, in many ways my heart is still in China. I have come to love the Chinese people and their way of life. There is an old Chinese saying that, even if one’s body is elsewhere, one’s heart is still in the land of the Han: 身在曹营心在汉. I think this will be true for me too as I return to England.If I could paraphrase this for our own situation, it would be that my body will be in England but my heart in China: 身在英国心在汉.

Never Let Go
The Whole Society Should Take Necessary Responsibility for the Children