文/法尔克·霍恩 (Falk Hohn)译/左娜
霍恩(Hoehn Ekkehard Falk):合肥学院副院长,2014年中国政府友谊奖、2011年安徽省“黄山友谊奖”获得者,2011年安徽省年度经济人物
I found an article on a website (https://windowintochina.wordpress.com/2017/10/28/19th-cpc-congresssummary/) concluding the results of the 19th CPC National Congress partly as follows:
It was jointly concluded that China enters new era of prosperity, stability and socialism.Guidelines and strategies for further building of socialism with Chinese characteristics were defined and in detail reviewed.Firstly it was confirmed that by 2020 China enters a stage of moderately prosperous society by complete eradication of poverty and universal healthcare about which I spoke previously.Eradication of poverty and universal healthcare are perquisites for moderately prosperous society.Thus it will happen on almost 100th anniversary of CPC.This approves continuity and strength of CPC…
This animates me to write some words about my reflections, especially in the current time.I’m looking at China since 1998 and I see how the country in all its parts develops, rapidly since 2005.All parts of the society have been modernised and today in the daily live everybody feels and can use the advantages of the new society.China has for example an excellent system of public traffic.The high-speed trains and the completely related railway-logistic are impressing me deeply.
In my field – education – I see how fast the universities grow and the education becomes better.Now my Chinese colleagues and me try to develop Universities of Applied Sciences and in addition a professional vocational training.The graduates from these universities and colleges will fit perfectly the needs of the companies.Therefore, we look for a close connection to the industry.This new kind of education will give China the chance to realise the initiative of Made in China 2025 on excellent level.
Today China is leading in digitalisation.Sometimes I feel like an alien in my home country if I compare the options the “digital live” in China gives to me - and I do not speak Chinese.If I would do, the possibilities are much more, I think.(May be you can translate the APPs to English please…) However, seriously the digitalisation can make the live of the people and the communities easier and very effective.The waste of time by doing administrative and organisational “work” could be come to an end.
In addition, your society is able to connect all this different aspects.For me it is important to see that you are able to develop a society for the people.People also want to participate at the economic, the cultural and the political success, and they do.You have a good public system of health and the people participate.They participate in education.The environment is improving and will be improved in the near future.Etc.
So now, I am coming to the current time: Personally, I’m very happy that China and the Chinese government is not fearing the uncontrolled and unexpected actions of the President of the United States of America.Many people in the western countries are concerned about him and his administration, me too.I think that we see today, how the world will become a new balance of power in a short next period.Therefore, China needs a better partnership with Europe.