
2018-07-14 06:02杨建辉岳邦瑞史文正康世磊
中国园林 2018年4期

杨建辉 岳邦瑞 史文正 康世磊


1 陕北丘陵沟壑区雨洪管控的普遍策略比较与地域适宜性整合


1.1 基于水土保持思想的传统技术与方法


1.2 “海绵城市”规划设计方法


图1 常用LID措施不适宜于陕北黄土高原的场地特点(杨建辉绘)Fig. 1 The frequently-used LID method is not suitable to the site in loess hilly and golly region of northern Shaanxi(drawn by Yang Jianhui)

1.3 结合地域特殊性的策略筛选与整合




图2 场地土壤剖面(康世磊根据《晋中市百草坡森林植物园晨曦阁岩土工程勘察报告》绘)Fig. 2 Site soil profile (drawn by Kang Shilei, based on Geotechnical Engineering Survey Report of Chenxi Court of Baicaopo Forest Botanical Garden in Jinzhong City)

2 陕北丘陵沟壑区雨洪管控的地域适宜性策略与方法


图3 场地破坏现状(a、b、f 土壤湿陷破坏;c、d 场地垮塌;e、g 水土流失;康世磊摄)Fig. 3 Site damage status (photoed by Kang Shilei)

2.1 场地适宜性评价


表1 目标适宜性评价Table 1 Target suitability evaluation

2.1.1 评价因子


2.1.2 评价框架与方法构建






2.1.3 评价标准


2.2 建立适宜的场地雨水利用目标



表2 措施适宜性评价Table 2 Measure suitability evaluation

2.3 选择适宜的技术措施


2.4 场地规划与设计



3 典型案例分析——百草坡森林植物园雨水收集系统建设设计项目②


图4 雨水利用模式(康世磊绘)Fig. 4 Rainwater utilization pattern (drawn by Kang Shilei)

3.1 确定适宜的雨水场地目标


图5 团结渠雨水收集系统(钱芝弘绘)Fig. 5 Drainage system of Tuanjie Canal (drawn by Qian Zhihong)

3.2 选择适宜的场地雨水工程措施


图6 汇排水分区(康世磊绘)Fig. 6 Sink drainage zones (drawn by Kang Shilei)

3.3 场地规划设计与方案生成


3.4 与水量有关的几个问题

关于水量平衡,据测算③,园区每年运行所需的稳定用水量约为2 315 000m3,基地年均可回收降水量约为386 541m3,远小于园区年运行所需的水量,植物园规划单位在建园之初考虑到了这个问题,主要的用水量由基地外的水库引水解决。因此,在进行基地雨水收集系统的设计时,确定设计要点是通过对复杂地形地貌上的各类下垫面降水的合理而安全的汇排水组织来实现场地在雨季的防止水土流失、避免场地垮塌下陷等安全目标,第二位的目标才是在此过程中通过各种适宜的蓄水措施来实现雨水的收集回用。关于基地调蓄容积的设计与计算,以85%的年径流总量控制率测算得基地内的调蓄容积需要37 344.9m3(表3)。由于植物园明显不同于城市中心区,其调蓄地表径流的能力较强,调蓄空间较多,所以在充分利用低洼地形后,实际设计的可调蓄容积为68 875.3m3,对应的设计降雨量约为43.9mm。另外,基地调蓄降水的空间绝大部分都是基于现有低洼地建设,在用水量和蒸发量都很大的情况下,并没有像景观水系那样定位为长期保持稳定水面的空间,只是做临时性的调蓄空间使用,因此,在植物选择上,需要具有一定的抗涝性或喜湿性。

图7 雨水利用设施规划总体布局(康世磊绘)Fig. 7 Layout of the drainage infrastructure (drawn by Kang Shilei)

图8 旱溪平面模式(向欣绘)Fig. 8 Plan of the dry creek (drawn by Xiang Xin)

表3 雨水蓄积容量统计表Table 3 Statistics of rainwater accumulation capacity

3.5 小结


4 结语


图9 旱溪剖面模式(向欣绘)Fig. 9 Section of the dry creek (drawn by Xiang Xin)

图10 生态护坡(向欣绘)Fig. 10 Ecological revetment (drawn by Xiang Xin)


① 指住房和城乡建设部2014年发布的《海绵城市建设技术指南》,后文中所用“《指南》”均为其简称。

② 山西省城乡规划设计研究院,《晋中市百草坡森林植物园雨水收集系统建设项目》,2016.07。项目负责人:史文正,岳邦瑞;技术负责人:杨建辉;项目组成员:康世磊,孙菲,刘慧敏,钱芝弘,曹艺砾,杨茜,兰泽青,向欣,赵梦钰,杨雨璇,刘阳,王菁,郭翔宇。

③ 园区每年运行所需的稳定用水量引自北京林业大学园林学院及北京北林地景园林规划设计院有限公司编制的《山西省晋中市森林植物园规划设计方案》;基地年均可回收降水量则以多年平均降雨量(1954—2008年)395.9mm作为依据测算,其中降雨量数据引自山西省第三地质工程勘察院提供的园区岩土工程地勘报告(详勘)。

Regional Suitability Strategies and Methods for Stormwater Management in Loess Hilly and Gully Region of Northern Shaanxi

Yang Jianhui, Yue Bangrui, Shi Wenzheng, Kang Shilei

Despite that the huge geographical diversity China has, target of stormwater management and sponge city construction are basically identical. Approaches are routinized and the regional features are missing. This article selected loess hilly and gully region of north Shaanxi for regional research. Starting from its regional differences, the article discusses stormwater management’s widespread experience and regional strategies based on regional particular situations,which puts forward that this regional sponge city construction must deal with multiple special issues and realize multidimensional goals. Besides, it establishes a framework for the evaluation of the dual suitability of targets and measures, and further discusses the strategies and planning design methods of the stormwater management through the case study of the parkway forest botanical garden project. The significance of the research done in the article is to propose a planning and design strategy based on the suitability assessment of regional factors, which can provide reference for the construction of sponge cities in different parts of China.

Firstly, the article analyzed and compared two most popular stormwater strategies and methods in the research region: one is based on the ideology and methodology of the traditional techniques of soil and water conservation, the other is a "sponge city" planning and design method. The characteristics of the former lie in that its essential means are based on the traditional soil and water conservation measures that consist of a large amount of data, and those data are used as input parameters for constructing a reasonable mathematical model for basic simulation. With many limitations in practical conditions and manipulation difficulties, therefore, it still stays in theoretical research and the pilot demonstration stage. The latter's core measures mainly focus on the six functions of "infiltration, stagnation, storage,purification, use and platoon", however, the lack of evaluation of the site often results in inappropriate technical conditions.On account of the above-mentioned two strategies, the regional suitability strategy and method of stormwater management in the hilly and gully region of northern Shaanxi has four steps: 1) suitability evaluation of the site; 2) setting up the target of the rain water; 3) selecting appropriate technical measures and 4) site planning and design. Among the four steps, the site suitability evaluation is the foundation of the entire planning process, it is also the requirement to establish reasonable ground rain target. And the reasonable ground rain targets directly determine the selection of which suitability measures to use and the direction of their combination. That is to say traditional rainwater field measures and LID (low impact development) technology are not universal in the loess hilly and gully region, and must be selected and combined according to different site types and rainfall targets so as to ensure the safety of the site while taking effect. The last phase requires detailed analysis of the possible surface hydrological process after human intervention in order to confirm the spatial morphology of site and to formulate the final design scheme.

The suitability evaluation of the site includes two aspects:the suitability of the rainfall target and the suitability of the site measures. Which is based on the property of the site, the development and construction status and the landform type.And to select the relevant evaluation factors according to the predetermined individual or multiple field targets and the proposed field measures. If the evaluation is eligible, that is to say, the rainwater target of the site and the site measures are feasible, otherwise it is necessary to adjust the rainwater target and the corresponding site rain measures and re-evaluate them until the evaluation is passed. It should be noted that it is necessary to select factors that are closely related to the surface hydrological process and the urban construction of sponge city, which influence a wide range of operational factors, such as the grade of the site, soil characteristics/type, soil erosion, landscape and visual effect. The critical points for the strategy of the suitability evaluation of rainwater targets on the site include: 1) the analysis and evaluation of suitability based on the micro scale; 2) in the evaluation process, similar to the combination of principle methods, it is necessary to exclude the construction targets of the factors affecting the safety of the site, such as the collapsible loess.The remaining targets are sorted according to the sum of the values, and the one with the lower the score is, the higher the appropriateness is, which can be set as the priority goal. Main points for the measure suitability evaluation are the selected specific factors according to certain situations, for example, a project demand for high regional characteristics, then select the "regional" factor in the "high" option to evaluate various measures to determine whether the measures have local or regional innovation, if appropriate, there is appropriate, if not, it is not appropriate. There are four main aspects of evaluation in the study: first, the safety regulations and qualitative judgment;secondly, the location, nature and sensitivity of the site itself to the site security; thirdly, the basic requirements of the site and measures in the relevant norms are fully referenced; finally,each measure has the applicable conditions and premises and its main functional objectives, which must be used as the basis for the determination.

The process of establishing the target of rainwater utilization on the site is the process of evaluating and revising the preset target, which is usually based on the preset multi-dimensional goal according to the characteristics of the project, and then adjust the target after the suitability evaluation. Storm flood damage research area mainly caused by high intensity rainfall that rarely happen. Under the favorable conditions of low development intensity and density in the region, the annual runoff volume control rate target of the actual project should be appropriately raised. In the selection of the site safety targets, the site safety objectives shall be different according to the site type, the targets relating to the safety of the human beings and their property shall be high,and those that are away from the crowd activities or are built temporarily that the construction costs are low and is easy to repair can be low. For habitat sensitive sites such as gully and terrain`s boundary, high site habitat targets should be set.

When choosing appropriate technical measures, two principles should be followed: first, the most appropriate technical measures should be chosen; secondly, it is necessary to carry out the suitability assessment of the preselected technical measures according to the rainwater function undertaken by the specific site in the project, so as to select the most appropriate technical measures. Measures of suitability for the project are in response to a specific field rather than the overall project, it may not be appropriate to transplant one feasible measures from one site to another as those measures are decided by the special geomorphology of the loess plateau and hydrological characteristics.

The research establishes plan design method and strategy of the dual suitability evaluation for both the target and measure which were studied and apply in the actual engineering project in response to the urgent need of the present regionalization of sponge city construction.Nevertheless, in this article, the suitability evaluation of influencing factors is a qualitative evaluation, and the determination of the score is both normative and professional.As a theoretical study, the deficiency lies in the lack of quantitative analysis and mechanism exploration, and there is a great deal of work that need to be carried out in subsequent studies.

(Editor/WANG Yuanyuan)

农事 雨水
农事 雨水