Lili Shen,Xianzhang Wu
(College of Math.and Computer Science,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350116,Fujian,PR China)
Throughout the paper,all graphs considered are undirected,finite and contain neither loops nor multiple edges.For given graphs G,H,the Ramsey number,denoted by R(G,H),is defined to be the smallest integer N such that in any edgecoloring of complete graph KNby colors red and blue,there exists either a red G or a blue H.A wheel Wmis a graph obtained from Cmand an additional vertex by joining it to every vertex of Cm.For a graph H and a vertex x∈H,define NH(x)as the subgraph induced by all vertices adjacent to x in H,and c(H),g(H)denote the lengths of a longest and shortest cycle of H.A graph H is called weakly pancyclic if it contains cycles of every length between g(H)and c(H).Letχ(H)be the chromatic number of H,that is,the smallest number needed to color the vertices of H so that no pair of adjacent vertices have the same color,andσ(H)be the size of the smallest color class among allproperχ(H)-colorings of H.
There is a famous lower bound of R(G,H)observed by Burr[3]as follows
If R(G,H)is equal to this bound,we say that G is H-good.
For Ramsey numbers about wheels,Surahmat et al.[10]proved that Fnis W3-good for n≥3 where Fnconsists of n triangles sharing exactly one common vertex.Hendry calculated R(W3,W4)=17 in[7]and R(W4,W4)=15 in[8].Faudree and Mckay[6]proved the value of R(Wm,W5)for m=3,4,5,and R(W5,W3)=19.Yanbo Zhang et al.[12]obtained the exact value of R(Fn,Wm)for odd m≥3,n≥(5m+3)/4 and the exact value of R(Tn,Wm)for every ES-tree Tnodd m≥3,n≥m−2.Also[11]proved that
Motivated by the above works,in this paper,we shall consider the upper bound of the wheel-wheel Ramsey number R(Wm,Wn).The main results are as follows.
Theorem 1(i)Ifnis odd,m≥n≥3andm≥5,then
(ii)Ifnis even,m≥n+502,then
In order to establish the main results,we introduce some usefullemmas at first.
Lemma 1[4]Every nonbipartite graphGof ordernwithδ(G)≥ (n+2)/3is weakly pancyclic withg(G)=3or4.
Lemma 2[1]LetGbe a graph withδ(G)≥ 2.Thenc(G)≥ δ(G)+1.Moreover,ifδ(G)≥ |G|/2,thenGhas a Hamilton cycle.
Lemma 3[2]R(Wm,C3)=2m+1form≥5.
Lemma 4[5]R(Cm,Wn)=3m−2for oddn,m≥n≥3and(m,n)/=(3,3).
Lemma 5[13]R(Cm,Wn)=2m−1for evennandm≥n+502.
Lemma 6[9]For allp≥3,q≥1,0<γ<1,there existc>0,η>0such that ifnis large andE(Kp(n−1)+1)=E(R)∪E(B)is a2-coloring,then one of the following statements holds:
(i)RcontainsKp+1(1,1,t,···,t)fort= ⌈clogn⌉;
(ii)Bcontains everyq-degenerate,(γ,η)-splittable graphGof ordern.
We recall that a graph G is called q-degenerate if each of its subgraphs contains a vertex of degree at most q,that is,q=max{min{d(u),u ∈ V(G′)},G′∈ G}where G is the set of all subgraphs of G.For given real numbersγ,η >0,we say that the graph G of order n is(γ,η)-splittable if there exists a set S ⊆ V(G)with|S| It’s easy to see Wmis a 3-degenerate graph.Denote w by the center of the wheel Wm,and denote S to be the subset consisting of the vertex w and the other two vertices that have the largest distance from w.Then Wmis 3-degenerate,(1−log 4/log(m+1),1/2)-splittable graph of order m+1. Lemma 73m+1≤R(Wm,W3)≤5m−1form≥5.Especially,the lower bound equality holds formlarge enough. ProofThe lower bound can be obtained by whereχ(W3)=4,|Wm|=m+1 and σ(W3)=1.For the upper bound,let c be an arbitrary 2-edge coloring of K5m−1with colors red and blue,R and B denote the subgraphs of K5m−1induced by the red and the blue edges,respectively.By contradiction,suppose that R does not contain Wmand B does not contain W3. If d(u)=∆(B)≥2m+1,then,there is a C3in NB(u)by Lemma 3,which together with u forms a W3in B,a contradiction. If∆(B)≤ 2m,which means d(u)= δ(R)≥ (5m−1−1)− ∆(B)=3m−2,then by Lemma 4,we have R(Cm,W3)=3m−2.Thus,there exists a Cmin NR(u),which together with u forms a Wmin R,a contradiction. Especially,if m is large and E(K3m+1)=E(R)∪E(B)is a red/blue edge coloring,let p=3,q=3,γ=1−log 4/log(m+1),from Lemma 6,there exist c=1/log(m+1),η=1/2,such that either R contains K4=W3or B contains Wm.This completes the proof of Lemma 7. Proof of Theorem 1We first prove(i).The lower bound can be obtained by R(Wm,Wn)≥ (χ(Wn)−1)(|Wm|−1)+σ(Wn)=3m+1.For the upper bound,let c be an arbitrary 2-edge coloring of K8m−3with colors red and blue,R and B denote the subgraphs induced by the red and the blue edges,respectively.By contradiction,suppose that neither R contains a Wmnor B contains a Wn. If d(u)=∆(R)≥3m−2,then by Lemma 4,there is a Cmin NR(u),which together with u forms a Wmin R,a contradiction.Hence,d(u)=∆(R)≤3m−3,which implies d(u)=δ(B)≥(8m−3−1)−(3m−3)=5m−1≥R(Wm,W3).Then NB(u)contains a W3since R does not contain Wm.Now we choose a vertex v from W3,and let H=NB(v).Hence,we have|H|≥ δ(B)≥ 5m−1,g(H)=3 and H is nonbipartite. First,assumeδ(H)≥ (|H|+2)/3.Then by Lemma 1,H is weakly pancyclic.By Lemma 2,c(H)≥ δ(H)+1≥ (5m+4)/3>n.Thus H contains a Cn,which together with v forms a Wnin B,a contradiction. Next,assumeδ(H)≤ (|H|−1)/3,which implies that Let d(w)=∆,then by Lemma 4,there is a Cmin NR(w),which together with w forms a Wmin R,a contradiction.Thus,(i)follows. Now we prove(ii),the proof of which is similar to that of(i). The lower bound can be obtained by R(Wm,Wn)≥ (χ(Wn)− 1)(|Wm|− 1)+σ(Wn)=2m+1.For the upper bound,let c be an arbitrary 2-edge coloring of K7m−2with colors red and blue,R and B denote the subgraphs induced by the red and the blue edges,respectively.Suppose to the contrary that neither R contains a Wmnor B contains a Wn. If d(u)=∆(R)≥2m−1,then by Lemma 5 there is a Cmin NR(u),which together with u forms a Wmin R,a contradiction.Hence,d(u)=∆(R)≤2m−2,thus d(u)=δ(B)≥(7m−2−1)−(2m−2)=5m−1≥R(Wm,W3).Then NB(u)contains a W3since R does not contain Wm.Now we choose a vertex v from W3,and let H=NB(v).Hence,we have|H|≥δ(B)≥5m−1,g(H)=3 and H is nonbipartite. First,assumeδ(H)≥ (|H|+2)/3.Then by Lemma 1,H is weakly pancyclic.By Lemma 2,c(H)≥ δ(H)+1≥ (5m+4)/3>n.Thus H contains a Cn,which together with v forms a Wnin B,a contradiction. Next,assumeδ(H)≤ (|H|−1)/3,which implies that Let d(w)=∆then by Lemma 5,there is a Cmin NR(w),which together with w forms a Wmin R,a contradiction.Hence,(ii)follows. This completes the proof of Theorem 1. [1]G.A.Dirac,Some theorems on abstract graphs,Proc.Lond.Math.Soc.,2:1(1952),69-81. [2]S.A.Burr,P.Erdös,Generalizations ofa Ramsey-theoretic result of Chvátal,J.Graph Theory,7:1(2010),39-51. [3]S.A.Burr,Multicolor Ramsey numbers involving graphs with long suspended paths,Discrete Math.,40:1(1982),11-20. [4]S.Brandt,R.Faudree,W.Goddard,Weakly pancyclic graphs,J.Graph Theory,27(1998),141-176. [5]Y.Chen,T.C.E.Cheng,C.T.Ng,Y.Zhang,A theorem on cycle-wheelramsey number,Discrete Math.,312:5(2012),1059-1061. 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Annals of Applied Mathematics2018年2期