1.Hair:I woke up like this.
2.Facial Hair:varying degrees of beard growth. It is entirely enviable①enviable 英 ['envɪəb(ə)l] 美 ['ɛnvɪəbl] adj. 值得羡慕的;引起忌妒的be void of 没有……to go full beard.
3.Glasses:if glasses, Warby Parker. If sunglasses, RayBan.
4.Hoodie:Hoodie branded with②brand with 打上……的烙印the tech company you work for, subtly③subtly ['sʌtli] adv. 精细地;巧妙地;敏锐地says "I matter".
5.Tee:A t-shirt from another startup④startup 英 [stɑ:tʌp] 美 ['stɑrt'ʌp] n. 创业公司that implements⑤implement 英 ['ɪmplɪm(ə)nt] 美 ['ɪmplɪmɛnt] vt. 实施,执行;实现,使生效n. 工具,器具;手段your API⑥API:Application Program Interface应用程序界面. *Can be exchanged for a button up⑦a button up 一般的衬衫on Thursdays.
6. Wearables:A Pebble or Fitbit,tracking your steps from the Mission⑧the Mission 基于战争场景的视频游戏to SOMA⑨SOMA一款烧脑的科幻恐怖游戏.
7.Messenger bag: though practical and smart, messenger bags should be labeled as to not get accidentally swapped⑩get swapped 调包at a company happy hour. *Same applies for Swiss Army backpacks.
8.Jeans:These dark wash jeans are void①enviable 英 ['envɪəb(ə)l] 美 ['ɛnvɪəbl] adj. 值得羡慕的;引起忌妒的be void of 没有……of dirt or any evidence of outdoor use.
9.Sneakers:these bad boys broadcast both your fi nancial success and ability to still keep it real.
10.Fixie:fi xie, because engineers don’t need gears.