
2018-06-19 08:23:12鲁塔莱塔奈特taLeitanait
世界建筑 2018年6期

鲁塔·莱塔奈特/Rūta Leitanaitė

尚晋 译/Translated by SHANG Jin







1萨莫吉希亚农场,卡特那村/A samogitian homestead,Kartena village (图片来源/Source: 立陶宛露天博物馆/Open-air Museum of Lithuania)

2奥克施泰提亚的村落/A Village in Aukštaitija(摄影/Photo:OAML)

3苏瓦凯加一个有取水井的谷仓/Suvalkija, a thrashing barn and a well with a sweep(图片来源/Source: Vinksupiai Vil, Sakiai Reg.)



民族建筑(基于拉莎·贝尔塔希乌特博士 文)











No matter what impressive technological innovations take on the blueprints and construction sites, some of the traditional construction materials do not concede their positions; wood being one of them. One could even notice that wood, combined with new inventions, gains more and more versatility in contemporary architecture. Therefore, wood is preferred by the architects because its suitability for bold architectural improvisations and, by the users – because of inherent warmth, cosiness, and naturalness.

In the context of history of Lithuanian architecture, wood has a cogent role. Especially, when it comes to a repeated question: "What is indigenous Lithuanian architecture, if almost everything we have is copied and altered baroque from Western Europe,soviet megastructures and typical projects and uniform glass skyscrapers? "While searching for the origins of the identity of Lithuanian architecture, it would be irremissible to ignore ethnographic wooden architecture, wooden manors, public and residential buildings which evolution gradually altered landscape and cityscape of Lithuania through the past centuries.

What feature are characteristic of Lithuanian wooden building of various periods and types?What influence did cultural, environmental, social factors and the evolution of technology have on the changes in wooden architecture? What is the status of wood, as construction material and aesthetic tool, in Lithuanian contemporary architecture?

This article presents in a concise manner the extraordinary variety of wooden architecture in Lithuania, examining the most characteristic and most distinctive examples of wooden architecture.

According to a researcher Kristina Štaupaitė,Lithuania has always been known for its forests. At different periods in its history, Lithuania's wooded land surface has ranged from 20% to 55%. Favourable climatic conditions allowed the formation of broadleaved and coniferous forests. The choice of wood as a building material was determined by the lack of stone and other suitable material for construction.Differently from the tendency in other parts of Europe, in Lithuania from the very beginnings as an independent state in the 13th century wooden architecture was dominant, wood being used for the construction of defensive, residential and sacral buildings. Brick buildings began to proliferate later,with the expansion of towns and an improvement in the state's financial circumstances.

The greater part of wooden architecture up to the 20th century was designed and built by non-professionals. Since the traditions of wooden construction were especially widespread and this art and craft was handed down from generation to generation, there was no shortage of specialists able to build buildings of a high quality: almost every man knew how to work with wood. The expressions of the oldest wooden architecture (on ethnographic farmsteads, in the villages, and the oldest churches)in the various regions of Lithuania were different.However, with the passage of time, newer building technologies, one might say - fashions, began to spread throughout all of the country.

Time and unfavourable historical changes (wars,fires, industrialisation) destroyed most of Lithuania's heritage of wooden architecture. In the second half of the 20th century, occupation, the development of historical memory was curtailed, the traditions of wooden architecture almost died out, and the popularity of wooden architecture declined.

Today in Lithuania, the heritage of wooden architecture, as a significant part of the culture and identity of Lithuania, is being revived by means of various programmes on a state and local level, as well as with the support of EU funds. All the same,restoring the heritage of wooden architecture and protecting it is expensive, and, besides that, there is a shortage of skilled people, able to restore the historical wooden buildings to a high standard.

Ethnographic architecture (based on the text by Dr. Rasa Bertašiūtė)

In Lithuania up to World War II rural culture dominated with about 80% of the population living in the countryside and maintaining the centuriesold tradition of wooden construction. Specific types of buildings emerged in various parts of the country,differing not only in their volume, proportions, but also in their construction and building technology.

A farmstead is a farming unit, comprised of a plot of land together with the residential house and all the farm buildings, yards, gardens, orchards and smallscale architecture. In the flow of history various types of planned farmstead structures developed.

Characteristic of West Lithuania were the villages(the oldest in their structure) that without any plan came to be dotted haphazardly throughout the region with an irregular network of streets and farmsteads freely spread out in the landscape. In Samogitia region(Fig. 1), the farmsteads were spacious, with 2-3 yards,several ponds, and with abundant greenery. In the centre of the farmstead around the main yard the most important buildings were located: the residential house, the barns, cellars. In the middle of the yard there would have been a hundred-year-old oak tree which was later replaced by a decorative wooden cross or a wooden column shrine. The residential house separated the representative yard from the farmyard. The animal sheds were set at a distance, and the threshing barns together with sheds and the hay barns were set further away.

In the centre of the house there used to be an open hearth. Ten centuries ago, during the winters,animals would live in the house together with their masters. In the newer type of house in Samogitia the open hearth survived, which over time became a spacious closed chimney in the centre of the house.

In Aukštaitija (East Lithuania, Fig. 2) villages with a single street running through it and a narrow strip of land belonging to each family predominated,copying the model of 16th century Western European villages. The plots were narrow and the buildings had to be laid out as conveniently and economically as possible. The plots of land were of a regular shape and were positioned in rows next to one another with the buildings on both sides of the street: the residential houses and barns on one side and the outbuildings on the other.

The residential house in Aukštaitija up to the end of the 19th century preserved the simple structure,consisting of three similar sized spaces. The everyday life of the family took in the main heated space, the other end of the house was set aside for guests. One could access both parts through the unheated central porch. Up to the middle of the 19th century most of the houses had no chimney, bathing the residents in a smoke, coming from an open furnace.

A r o u n d t h e t u r n o f t h e 2 0 t h c e n t u r y, t h e

v i l l a g e s w e r e b r o k e n u p i n t o i n d i v i d u a l f a r m s t e a d s.I n S u v a l k i j a (S o u t h W e s t r e g i o n, F i g. 3), t h e b u i l d i n g s w e r e p o s i t i o n e d a r o u n d a s p a c i o u s r e c t a n g u l a r y a r d,w h i c h w a s d i v i d e d i n t o t h e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e a n d w o r k z o n e s b y f e n c e s. A n o r c h a r d a n d f l o w e r g a r d e n w e r e p l a n t e d, a w e l l d u g i n t h e m i d d l e o f t h e y a r d, a n d t h e r e w a s a p o n d b y a n a n i m a l s h e d. A f a r m s t e a d w o u l d h a v e s e v e r a l r o w s o f t r e e s. L i t h u a n i a n s d i d n o t l i k e s t r i c t l y r e g u l a r f o r m s, s o i n l a y i n g o u t a f a r m s t e a d t h e r e w a s a s t r i v i n g f o r i n d i v i d u a l i t y. E v e n i n t h e n e w f a r m s t e a d s b u i l t t o a r e c t a n g u l a r p l a n, o n e c o u l d o f t e n s e e f a r m b u i l d i n g s l a i d o u t i n i r r e g u l a r l y o r g r e e n e r y p l a n t e d t o a l o o s e p a t t e r n.


在近500年的历史中 (从15世纪-20世纪初),庄园都是立陶宛政治、经济和文化活动的枢纽,而庄园农业是经济的基础。受过良好教育、踌躇满志的自由贵族统治着国家,他们是公共和宗教建筑的委托项目和资金的主要负责人。通过庄园,技术创新、进步的建造技术和全球性建筑思想传到了国家最遥远的地方。这些创新与当地传统融合在一起,成为立陶宛特色的组成部分,并影响了城乡文化。

贵族占人口的6%~7%,目前立陶宛约有4000处庄园。由于木头作为建筑材料十分方便、廉价而且易得(从庄园所属的森林中), 木建筑就成了主流。庄园木建筑在17世纪中叶达到黄金时代,建造它们的是显赫的地主和国王。然而,立陶宛在17~20世纪失去了其最早、尤为丰富而有原创性的木遗产。






宗教建筑(基于克里斯蒂娜·施陶佩特 文)








4 普拉特利艾圣使徒彼得和保罗教堂/The Plateliai Church of the Holy Apostilles Peter and Paul

5内马朱奈圣使徒彼得和保罗教堂/The Nemajūnai Church of the Holy Apostilles Peter and Paul

6格里什卡布迪斯显圣教堂/The Griškabūdis Churches of the Transfiguration(4-6摄影/Photos: Arvydas Kumpis, 线图/Plans: From the book A. Jankeviciene, Lithuanian wooden churhes, chapels and bell towers)


The main feature of Lithuanian farmsteads was the good organisation of space. The main yard had buildings of a similar size positioned around it. Larger buildings were built a little further away in order not to encroach on the yard space. The small outbuildings were clustered around a smaller yard. This size ratio created spaces of a pleasant aspect.

The residential house consisted of 5-10 rooms.The most important rooms were located at the ends of the building, while in the central part, next to the kitchen and porch, more rooms were added, often with a separate exit to the outside. At the beginning of the 20th century the houses of wealthy peasants were added a mansard room with a heightened loft, a mezzanine, and a two-storey antechamber. The plan of a rural dwelling became almost square in shape and gradually began to resemble a city residence.

The most significant changes in the villages took place after World War II. With the peasants forced to move to the collective farm settlements, the old villages and family-run farms were destroyed. Very few farmsteads survived, and those were the ones in forests or in out of the way locations, inconvenient for agriculture. At present in the List of Heritage Properties there are 43 villages, as well as protected and individual farmsteads together with their buildings.

Manor architecture (based on the text by Dr. Dalė Puodžiukienė)

For almost five centuries (15th to the beginning of the 20th c.) the manor was the hub around which Lithuania's political, economic and cultural activities revolved, with manorial agriculture being the basis of the economy. Free, well-educated and ambitious noblemen ruled the State and were in the main responsible for the commissioning and funding of public and sacral buildings. It was through the manor estates that technical innovations, progressive building techniques and cosmopolitan architectural ideas reached the furthest outposts of the country.Those innovations, mingled with local traditions,became an integral part of Lithuania's identity and influenced rural and urban culture.

The nobility made up about 6%-7% of the population. There were about 4000 estates on the current territory of Lithuania and since wood as a building material was convenient, cheap and easily obtainable (from the woods that belonged to the manors), timber buildings dominated. Wooden manorial architecture reached its golden age in the middle of the 17th century, when they were built by important landlords and the king. However, the earliest, particularly rich and original wooden heritage of Lithuania was lost during 17th-20th centuries.

Usually the manors were located in a beautiful natural environment. Large estates used to have up to 40 buildings. The biggest estates had an orchard, and the richest noblemen used to build a church (with a family mausoleum) in the small town or village that belonged to the manor.

The main buildings were built with the utmost attention to detail. The residence of a lord, the house for servants, the granaries, treasure-house, kitchen,cellar or icehouse, and the stables – they all represented the wealth of the owners. The importance of the residential house was accentuated by a open space in the front of it, which, from the end of the 18th century,was adorned with flower-beds or a parterre.

The cosmopolitan architectural styles of the Baroque period, Neoclassicism and the eclectic styles of the 19th century were dominant in both exterior and interior décor.

At the end of 19th century, the largest manors were transformed into progressive farms; however,the 1863 uprising and the social transformations of that followed resulted in the impoverishment of smaller noblemen. The tendency of selling the manors and moving to the cities was accelerated by the land reform of 1926. The 1940s the Soviet government swept away the intelligentsia and the landlords;therefore the manors and their cultural environment were abandoned.

Today wooden manor buildings are experiencing a renaissance. The state and private owners are restoring and adapting them to contemporary needs.However, wooden buildings still do not get as much attention as brick ones.

Sacred architecture (based on the text by Kristina Štaupaitė)

One can only talk about Lithuanian sacral architecture from 1387 when Lithuania became a Catholic country. The first wooden churches were aesthetically simple, replicating the features of brick churches. The differences between professional and folk architecture could be plainly seen. As it happens, it is in folk architecture that ethnographical characteristics and the local spirit of the time are best revealed. The church builders themselves most often remained unknown, the patrons and persons in charge of the building work being mentioned in the records.

Today there are 265 wooden churches left in Lithuania. The eldest ones were built in the second half of the 17th c., but the golden age of wooden churches was the 18th century. At that time, 89% of all the churches being built were wooden.

There are two ethnographical regions in Lithuania where specific architectural features can be best discerned. In Samogitia (the north-western part of Lithuania) one can find an entire network of authentic wooden Baroque-style churches. All of them are of the hall type, with a single nave, almost of a Greek cross form with a high two-pitch or hip roof, level with the height of the walls. A monumental expression and massive proportions were typical of Baroque churches, featuring small towers above the main facade, the side naves and the roof's central crosspiece (Fig. 4). In Aukštaitija (the north-eastern part of Lithuania), the churches were built according to the Latin cross plan, with one or three naves and a considerably less high roof. They were lighter in appearance, the main facades narrower, quite often vertically divided, while inside one had an antenave and choir areas.

The exterior of the churches was characterised by function and modesty, while the interior amazed one with impressive Baroque-style forms. The interior was decorated with colourful painting. Imposing central altars of a Baroque-Rococo-style composition,abundantly enriched by flamboyant, openwork carvings, were popular.

In the 19th century, with the greater part of the territory of Lithuania under the occupation of the Tsarist Russian Empire financial support for churches waned for ideological reasons, and the number of wooden churches declined accordingly. Because of the use of factory-manufactured parts and processed materials, there was a levelling-out of ethnographical differences.

Huge transformations took place at the turn of the 20th century when with a change in the mentality of society and with improvements in the lives of people working in the agricultural sector,professionally-built brick churches began to displace wooden ones. The old churches were demolished and replaced by new ones in brick. The predicament of wooden churches in the 20th century was problematic. After World War II, when Lithuania was annexed by the USSR, the role of the Church in society was seriously diminished. A great deal of harm was done to the authenticity of the churches because of their inappropriate use and the failure to protect them properly.

However, there are several unique examples of wooden sacral architecture preserved. One of those is the Nemajūnai Church of the Holy Apostilles Peter and Paul (Fig. 5). The wooden church with expressive neo-Gothic forms became the embodiment of the artistic ideas of the epoch of Romanticism.Professional craftsmen built the church according to the project by the architect Tomasz Tyszecki, while the interior was fitted out by local sculptors and artists, therefore elements of indigenous décor are obvious. The rectangular plan was created according to traditions of Classicism, whereas the substantial cupola above the presbytery, the main two-tower facade and the interior echo the traditions of the Baroque. During the epoch of Romanticism in Lithuania examples of brick neo-Gothicism were very widespread and took on various forms but as regards wooden architecture this church is the sole such object still surviving.

19-20世纪城市中的住宅和公共建筑(基于英格丽达·韦柳特,阿斯塔·拉什凯维丘捷博士 文)







7建筑师费利克萨斯·维兹巴拉斯1932年为作曲家尤奥扎斯·格鲁奥迪斯设计的别墅图/ The composer Juozas Gruodis villa by architect Feliksas Vizbaras, 1932(摄影/Photo: I.Veliute)

8瓦茨洛瓦斯·米赫涅维丘斯住宅/Vaclovas Michnevičius House(摄影/Photo: A.Raskeviciute)

10奥德留斯·安布拉萨斯建筑事务所设计的鲁珀特艺术教育中心,2013年建造,建筑师奥德留斯·安布拉萨斯,维尔马·阿多莫尼特,明道加斯·雷克莱蒂斯/ Rupert Art and Education centre by Audrius Ambrasas architects, 2013,arch. Audrius Ambrasas, Vilma Adomonytė, Mindaugas Reklaitis(摄影/Photo: 奥德留斯·安布拉萨斯建筑事务所/Audrius Ambrasas Architects

11金陶塔斯·纳特克维丘斯事务所设计的乌特里艾住宅,2006年建造,建筑师金陶塔斯·纳特克维丘斯,里马斯·阿多迈蒂斯,雷蒙达斯·巴布劳斯卡斯/House in Utriai by G. Natkevicius & Co, 2006, arch. Gintautas Natkevičius,Rimas Adomaitis, Raimundas Babrauskas(摄影/Photo:R.Urbakavičiaus)

12阿克 吐里建筑 事务所设 计的维尔 纽斯住 宅,2013年建 造,建筑师米 尔达·雷 克维米契 内,阿尔 达·蒂 尔维凯特 ,卢卡斯·雷克 维丘斯/House in Vilnius by Aketuri architektai, 2013,arch. Milda Rekevičienė, Alda Tilvikaitė, Lukas Rekevičius(摄影/Photo: Norbert Tukaj)

13奥德留斯·安布拉萨斯建筑事务所设计的别墅G,2014年建造,建筑师奥德留斯·安布拉萨斯,维尔马·阿多莫尼特,达留斯·尤斯克维丘斯/Villa G by Audrius Ambrasas architects, 2014,arch. Audrius Ambrasas, Vilma Adomonyte, Darius Juskevicius.

14Arches事务所设计的纳克奇季比斯度假屋,2010年建造,建筑师阿纳斯·利奥拉,罗兰达斯·利奥拉,埃德加·涅斯基斯,留陶拉斯·内克罗修斯,卢卡斯·拉任斯卡斯/Resort Nakcižibis by Arches, 2010, arch. Arūnas Liola,Rolandas Liola, Edgaras Neniškis, Liutauras Nekrošius, Lukas Lažinskas (摄影/Photo: R.Urbakavičiaus)

15Erdvės norma事务所设计的“海、沙、风”别墅,2009年建造,建筑师金特拉斯·普里科基斯,阿斯塔·普里科基耶涅,因加·蒂奎塞特,安德留斯·韦卢蒂斯;木窗花艺术家:马里乌斯·约努蒂斯/The Villa"Sea. Sand. Wind" by Erdvės norma, 2009,arch. Gintras Prikockis, Asta Prikockiene, Inga Tikuisyte, Andrius Velutis; wooden tracery artist: Marius Jonutis(摄影/Photo:Simonas Prikockis)






□(本文中的信息和图片出自展览“立陶宛建筑之木”。该展览在立陶宛文化委员会的支持下,由立陶宛建筑师协会主办(策展:鲁塔·莱塔奈特)。展览作者:拉萨·贝尔塔希乌特博士(民族建筑:村庄、农场)、达莱·普如凯尼内博士(庄园)、克里斯蒂娜·施陶佩特(宗教建筑)、英格丽达·韦柳特和阿斯塔·拉什凯维丘捷博士(19世纪至20世纪初立陶宛城镇木建筑)、鲁塔·莱塔奈特(立陶宛当代木建筑)。对于本文中所用的图片,我们致谢:立陶宛露天博物馆、考纳斯市博物馆、总档案员办公室、维尔纽斯大学图书馆、手稿部、肖利艾·奥施洛斯博物馆、立陶宛庄园数据库、文化遗产中心、遗产保护图书馆。建筑师事务所和摄影师:A.Raškevičiūtė, I. Veliutė, A. Bartišiūtė-Janušienė, A. Kumpis, V.Gužienė, D. Puodžiukienė, R. Bertašiūtė, A. Jankevičienė, R.Urbakavičius, L. Garbačauskas, N. Tukaj, S. Prikockis等。)

The Griškabūdis Church of the Transfiguration(Fig. 6), is the only surviving polygonal wooden church built in the Classicist tradition in Lithuania.It is of a spacious octagonal shape with rectangular annexes of a porch-portico and a presbytery-sacristy,as well as small side chapels. Octagonal belvedere towers rise above the pyramid-shaped roof and annexes. The main facade is made up of a portico with four Doric columns, the walls of which are decorated with polychromatic painting, the only example of its kind in Lithuania. The proliferation of neo-Classicist architectural elements are created by the use of illusionist and polychromatic painting. The interior is graced with one of the most impressive altar ensembles of the epoch of Historicism - five neo-Classicist and neo-Baroque0style altars. On the other side there is an ornate late Baroque and Rococo-style organ (1804), one of the most valuable instruments of that time in Lithuania.

Residential, public buildings in the cities in 19th-20th centries (based on the text by dr. Ingrida Veliute and Asta Raškevičiūtė)

Several common types or urban wooden architecture can be distinguished. These would be:urban residential dwellings, usually with the side facade turned to the street, one storey tall, built to an elongated house design, covered with a tin dualpitched roof. The owner, who lived in one part of the house, would rent out the other parts.

Expanding out to the suburbs, taking on the traditions of folk architecture dominant in the countryside, farmstead-type houses were built in the towns. They were built further away from the street, with gardens, usually meant for one family.The one-storey high, rectangular-shaped houses were sometimes given extra height by having a mezzanine and an attic with a mansard roof, as well as a glazed veranda.

In the larger towns rented houses began to proliferate with 4 or more apartments for rent.They usually had two storeys, were rectangular in shape, covered with a dual-pitched roof, had minimal decoration, sometimes glazed porches, and balconies.

The developing suburbs of larger towns surrounded by nature and in particular the spa towns could boast of their villas, distinguished by the great variety of architectural solutions used (Fig. 7).The villas were usually asymmetrical in shape, with turrets, verandas, porches, mansard roofs with a broken contour, stylised volutes used for decoration,and the sleek helmet-type coverings of the turrets.Tsarist Russian architecture had the greatest influence on the construction of Vilnius villas, and elements of the Polish style (of Zakopane) became prevalent after World War I. One can also find elements of the Moorish-style and Lithuanian folk architecture. In the spa town of Druskininkai one can see the influence of Russian, Swiss, Polish and other European spas. In Kaunas the national style was important, while in the territory of Klaipėda one can discern the traditions of German architecture.

More complicated forms were frequently to be found in the architecture of smaller manor houses(Fig. 8). Summer houses, on the other hand, were simpler, adapted to the needs of holidaymakers and dispensed with the use of fancy decor. In the spa resorts the most important public gathering place was the Kurhaus (the principal building in a spa town, Fig.9) intended for entertainment.

Many of the wooden buildings had a simple layout, the drawings being prepared by so-called'draughtsmen'. However, there were also projects by very well-known architects.

Contemporary architecture

Wood in Lithuanian architecture became popular again in the last decade of the 20th century.Historically used as a cheap and convenient material for the speedy construction of buildings, wood in contemporary architecture has a versatile image.

After the restoration of Lithuania's independence and the restitution of private property in 1990, many Lithuanians were able to fulfil their dreams - to have a single-family house with a plot of land. Tired after the destruction of the environment in which they lived during the Soviet period, people strove for individuality and comfort in their houses, and this was often connected to the traditional forms and natural materials of traditional architecture. Wood in architecture (particularly as regards the finish) became increasingly more desirable.

In contemporary professional architecture wood is no longer perceived as the cheapest of materials but is being used to create a distinctive image and an environment of a high quality (Fig. 10). For this reason, the appearance and durability of wood are becoming important. A lot of attention is being paid not only to the quality of the material and the way it is worked but also to the construction, as well as the meticulous implementation of architectural solutions. Wood is most often used where it can be seen - in the finish and fittings (other materials being predominantly used in construction) (Fig. 11). It is a very versatile material and in the newest examples of Lithuanian architecture wood is used to create a contemporary image (Fig. 12), while the the new technologies in the use of wood (e.g. plywood) serve to contribute to the variety of expression (Fig. 13).

One of the features of the work of contemporary Lithuanian architects is the attention and respect paid to context. It is no coincidence that most of contemporary wooden architecture may be found in the natural environment where the texture and colour of wood are an intrinsic part (Fig. 14). The use of a traditional material is inspired not just by nature - wood is used where one wants to create a connection with traditional architecture (Fig. 15).Because of its natural quality and its "warm" image,wood is especially favoured in recreational facilities.□ (The information and pictures, used for this article, is a part of an exhibition "Wood in Lithuanian architecture". The exhibition was organised by Architects Association of Lithuania (curator: Rūta Leitanaitė), supported by the Council for Culture of Lithuania. The authors of the exhibition: dr. Rasa Bertašiūtė (ethnographic architecture: villages,farmsteads), dr. Dalė Puodžiukienė (manorial estates), Kristina Štaupaitė (sacral architecture), dr.Ingrida Veliūtė and Asta Raškevičiūtė (the wooden architecture of Lithuanian towns from the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century), Rūta Leitanaitė (contemporary wooden architecture in Lithuania). For the pictures used in the article we are grateful to: Open air museum of Lithunia, Kaunas City museum, Office of the Chief Archivist, Vilnius University library, Manuscripts department, Šiauliai Aušros museum, Database of Lithuanian Manors,Centre of Cultural Heritage, Library of Heritage protection, architects'offices and photographers: A.Raškevičiūtė, I. Veliutė, A. Bartišiūtė-Janušienė, A.Kumpis, V. Gužienė, D. Puodžiukienė, R. Bertašiūtė,A. Jankevičienė, R. Urbakavičius, L.Garbačauskas, N. Tukaj, S. Prikockis and others.)

现代装饰(2022年5期)2022-10-13 08:46:40
现代装饰(2021年6期)2021-12-31 05:28:40
鸭绿江(2021年35期)2021-04-19 12:24:18
布尔诺Beatified Restituta教堂
现代装饰(2021年1期)2021-03-29 07:08:02
中国宝玉石(2020年4期)2020-09-23 07:51:36
Super Strong Beard 超级结实的大胡子
图书馆建设(2018年8期)2018-08-31 02:20:52
立陶宛睡眠医学会Lithuanian Sleep Medicine Society