
2018-05-28 12:28
学苑创造·C版 2018年3期

Have you ever read martial arts novels (武侠小说)? Even if you havent, youve probably watched films or TV shows, or played computer games about these stories. 你看过武侠小说吗?即使你没有,你也可能看过电影或电视节目,或玩过关于这些故事的电脑游戏。

Martial arts novels are a big part of Chinese pop culture. Almost every Chinese knows about some characters or martial arts moves (武功招式) from these books. These books show a fantasy (幻想的) world called jianghu. Xia, or fighting heroes (英雄), live in jianghu. They do martial arts and fight for honor (荣誉). 武侠小说是中国流行文化的重要组成部分。几乎每一个中国人都知道这些书中的一些人物或武功招式。这些书呈现了一个叫做“江湖”的奇幻世界。侠客或战斗英雄们生活在江湖里。他们习武并为荣誉而战。

Legends of the Condor Heroes《射雕英雄传》is one of the most famous martial arts novels. An English version (版本) of the book will come out in February. The book tells the story of Guo Jing. He is not a very talented young man. But he tries his best and becomes a hero to fight for his country. 《射雕英雄传》是最著名的武侠小说之一,它的英文版本于2月出版。这本书讲述了郭靖的故事,虽然他不是一个很有天分的年轻人,但他尽自己最大的努力,成为了为国家而战的英雄。

The book is popular in China. But what about the English version? Will foreign readers enjoy jianghu, too? 这本书在中国很受欢迎。但是英文版呢?外国读者也会喜欢江湖吗?

Anna Holmwood, from the UK, is the translator of the book. She doesnt think this will be a problem. Western people also read stories about knights (骑士) and novels like The Three Musketeers (《三个火枪手》), she says. These stories are very much like martial arts novels. 来自英国的安娜·霍尔姆伍德是《射雕英雄传》的翻译,她不认为这是个问题。她说,西方人也读关于骑士的故事,也喜欢如《三个火枪手》这样的小说。这些故事和中国的武侠小说非常像。

Some people may think jianghu is too foreign for Westerners. However, people around the world can enjoy the love, loyalty (忠誠) and honor in the stories, Holmwood wrote in her book. 有些人可能认为“江湖”对西方人来说太陌生了。然而,世界各地的人们都可以通过小说享受故事中的爱、忠诚和荣誉,霍姆伍德在她的书中这样写道。

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