Fekete-Szegö Problem for a Subclass of Meromorphic Functions Defined by the Dziok-Srivastava Operator



(1.Foundation Department,Chuzhou Vocational and Technical College,Chuzhou,Anhui,239000)

(2.Foundation Department,Guangzhou Civil Aviation College,Guangzhou,510403)

(3.School of Mathematics and Statistics,Wuhan University,Wuhan,430072)

Communicated by Ji You-qing

1 Introduction and Definition

LetΣdenote the class of meromorphic functions of the form:

which are analytic in the open unit disk

A function f ∈Σis meromorphic starlike of order β,denoted by S∗(β),if Re(0≤ β< 1,z∈ U∗).A function f∈Σis meromorphic convex of order β,denoted by

Let φ be an analytic function with positive real part in the open unit disk U,φ(0)=1,φ′(0) > 0 and φ(U)be symmetric with respect to the real axis.The Taylor’s series expansion of such function is of the form

Aouf[1]introduced and studied the classwhich consists of functions f(z)∈Σfor

For the functions

let(f∗g)(z)be the Hadamard product or convolution of f(z)and g(z)defined by

The generalized hypergeometric functionlFmfor a1, ···,al,d1, ···,dmsuch that dj0,−1,···for j=1,2,···,m,and z ∈ C is defined in[2]as follows:

with l≤ m+1,l,m ∈ N,where the Pochhammer symbol(ν)n(or the shifted factorial since(1)n=n!)is given in terms of the gamma function as

For the positive real values a1, ···,al,d1, ···,dmsuch that dj0,−1,···for j=1,2,···,m,by using the Gaussian hypergeometric function given by(1.4),we thus obtain


(see[3]–[5],and also the more recent works[6]–[8]dealing extensively with Dziok-Srivastava operator).

We note that:

(i) The differential operator2I1(a,b;c;z)=()(z)(a,b∈ C,c∈ Z+)was studied by Hohlov[9];

(ii) The differential operator2I1(n+1,1;1;z)=Dnf(z)(n ∈ N+)was studied by Ruscheweyh[10];

(iii) The operator2I1(a,1;c;z)=L(a,c)f(z)was studied by Carson and Shaffer[11];

(iv) The operator2I1(ν,1; λ +1;z)=Iλ,νf(z)(λ > −1, ν > 0)was studied by Choiet al.[12].

Let H denote the class of function f(z)of the form

which is analytic in the open unit disc U,and S be the subclass of H consisting of functions which are analytic and univalent in U.

Liu and Cui[13]defined a class Mα(φ)consisting of functions f(z)∈ S for which

Analogous to the class Mα(φ),by using the operatorlImf(z),we define the classas follows:

Definition 1.1Letφ(z)=1+B1z+B2z2+B3z3+ ···A functionf(z)∈Σis in theclass

It is interesting to note that,for l=2,m=1,a1=d1,a2=1,the classlM∗m(α,φ)reduces to the following new subclasses.

Example 1.1Fora function f(z)∈Σgiven by(1.1)is said to be in the class M(α,φ),if the following conditions are satis fied:

In order to derive our main results,we have to recall here the following lemmas.

Lemma 1.1[14]Let Ωbe the class of analytic functionsω,normalized byω(0)=0,

satisfying condition|ω(z)|< 1.Ifω(z)∈Ωandω(z)=c1z+c2z2+ ···,z ∈ U,then

Lemma 1.2[15]Ifω(z)∈Ωandω(z)=c1z+c2z2+ ···,z ∈ U,then

for any complex numbert.The result is sharp for the functionsω(z)=z2orω(z)=z.

Lemma 1.3[16]Ifω(z)∈Ωandω(z)=c1z+c2z2+ ···,z ∈ U,then

Fort< −1ort> 1,the equality holds if and only ifω(z)=zor one of its rotation.For−1 < t< 1,the equality holds ifω(z)=z2or one of its rotation.The equality holds fort= −1if and only ifor one of its rotation.Fort=1,theequality holds if and only ifor one of its rotation.Theabove upper bound for−1<t<1is sharp,and it can be improved as follows:

2 Main Results

Theorem 2.1Letφ(z)=1+B1z+B2z2+B3z3+···Iff(α,φ)andl≤m+1,l,m∈N,then


Proof.Let f∈l(α,φ).Then there is an analytic function ω(z)=c1z+c2z2+···such that



it follows from(2.1)–(2.3)that

Then,we see that

Taking into account(2.6),(1.6)and Lemma 1.1,we obtain

and,by Lemma 1.2,we have

Also,if B1=0,then

By using(1.6)and Lemma 1.1,we get

Moreover,by using(1.6),(2.6)and Lemma 1.1,we have

which completes the proof.

Now,we consider the Fekete-Szegö problem for the classl(α,φ).

Theorem 2.2Letφ(z)=1+B1z+B2z2+B3z3+···Iff∈l(α,φ)andl≤m+1,then forµ∈Cwe have

For eachµ,there is a function inl(α,φ)such that the equality holds.

Proof.Applying(2.6),we have


Then,by using(1.6),(2.7)and Lemma 1.2,we have

as asserted.An examination of the proof shows that for the first case,the equality is attained when c1=0 and c2=1,where the function inl(α,φ)is given by

and for the second case,when c1=1 and c2=0,we have


By using Lemma 1.3,we can obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 2.3Letφ(z)=1+B1z+B2z2+B3z3+ ···(Bi> 0,i∈ N+,α >).Ifandl≤m+1,l,m∈N,then forµ ∈R,we have


For eachµ,there is a function inl(α,φ)such that the equality holds.

Proof.By using(2.7),(1.6)and Lemma 1.3 successively,we have


To show that these results are sharp,we define the functionssuch that

It is clear that the functionsLetIf u<u1or u>u2,then the equality occurs for the functionor one of its rotations.For u1<u<u2,the equality is attained if and only if f isor one of its rotations.If u=u1,then the equality holds for the functionor one of its rotations.If u=u2,then the equality is obtained for the functionor one of its rotations.

Using arguments similar to those in the proof of Theorem 2.3,we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 2.4Letφ(z)=1+B1z+B2z2+B3z3+ ···(Bi> 0,i∈ N+,α >)and.Iff(z)given by(1.1)belongs to the classthen forµ∈R,we have

whereµ1andµ2are given in Theorem2.3.


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