MO Hui-xia,MA Rui-qing,WANG Xiao-juan
(School of Science,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Beijing 100876,China)
Suppose that Sn−1is the unit sphere in Rn(n ≥ 2)equipped with the normalized Lebesgue measure dσ.Let Ω ∈ Ls(Sn−1)(1<s≤∞)be homogeneous of degree zero and satisfy the cancellation condition
Moreover,letwhere bi∈ Lloc(Rn)for 1 ≤ i≤ m.Then the multilinear commutator generated byand µΩ,Scan be de fined as follows:
It is well known that the Lusin-area integral plays an important role in harmonic analysis and PDE(for example,see[1–8]).Therefore,it is a very interesting problem to discuss the boundedness of the Lusin-area integral.In[2],Ding,Fan and Pan studied the weighted Lpboundedness of the area integralµΩ,S.In[3],the authors investigated the boundeness ofµΩ,Son the weighted Morrey spaces.The commutators generated by µΩ,Sattracted much attention too.In[5]and[6],the authors discussed the weighted Lpboundedness and endpoint estimates for the higher order commutators generated by µΩ,Sand BMO function,respectively.In[8],the authors showed that the commutator generated by µΩ,Sand V MO is a compact operator in the Morrey space.
Moreover,the classical Morrey space Mp,λwere first introduced by Morrey in[9]to study the local behavior of solutions to second order elliptic partial differential equations.And,in[10],the authors introduced the local generalized Morrey spaceand they also studied the boundedness of the homogeneous singular integrals with rough kernel on these spaces.
Motivated by the works of[2,3,5,8,10,13],we are going to consider the boundedness ofµΩ,Son the local generalized Morrey spaceas well as the boundedness of the commutators generated by µΩ,Sand local Campanato functions.
De finition 2.1[10]Let ϕ(x,r)be a positive measurable function on Rn× (0,∞)and 1≤p≤∞.For any fixed x0∈Rn,a function fis said to belong to the local Morrey space,if
And we denote
According to this de finition,we recover the local Morrey spaceunder the choice
De fine
Remark 2.1[10]Note that,the central BMO spaceandMoreover,imagining that the behavior ofmay be quite different from that of BMO(Rn),since there is no analogy of the John-Nirenberg inequality of BMO for the space
Lemma 2.1[10]Let 1then
And from this inequality,we have
In this section,we are going to use the following statement on the boundedness of the weighted Hardy operator
where w is a fixed function non-negative and measurable on(0,∞).
Lemma 2.2[11,12]Let v1,v2and w be positive almost everywhere and measurable functions on(0,∞).The inequality
holds for some C>0 and all non-negative and non-decreasing g on(0,∞)if and only if
Moreover,ifis the minimum value of C in(2.1),then=B.
Lemma 2.3[2]Suppose that 1< q,s≤ ∞ and Ω ∈ Ls(Sn−1)satisfying(1.1).If q,s and weighted function w satisfy one of the following conditions
(i)max{s′,2}= η < q < ∞,and w ∈ Aq/η;
(ii)2 < q < s,and w1−(q/2)′∈ Aq′/s′;
Remark 2.2From Lemma 2.3,it’s obvious that when Ω ∈ Ls(Sn−1)(1 < s ≤ ∞)satis fies condition(1.1),the operatorµΩ,Sis bounded on Lq(Rn)space for 2≤ q< ∞.
holds for any ball B(x0,r).
ProofLet B=B(x0,r).We write f=f1+f2,where f1=fχ2Band f2=fχ(2B)c.Thus we have
Since µΩ,Sis bounded on Lq(Rn)space(see Lemma 2.3),then it follows that
Our attention will be focused now on
Without loss of generality,we can assume that for any x∈B,(y,t)∈Γ(x)and z∈2j+1B2jB,we haveThus there existssuch that
When Ω ∈ L∞(Sn−1),it follows from the Hlder’s inequality that
When Ω ∈ Ls(Sn−1),1 < s < ∞,it is obvious that
Thus from Hölder’s inequality and(3.4),we have
Therefore combining(3.1)and(3.6),we have
Thus we complete the proof of Theorem 3.1.
Theorem 3.2Let Ω ∈ Ls(Sn−1)(1 < s ≤ ∞)satisfy condition(1.1)and max{2,s′} <q< ∞.Then,if functions ϕ,ψ :Rn×(0,∞)→ (0,+∞)satisfy the inequality
where C does not depend on x and r,the operatorµΩ,Sis bounded from
ProofTakingandthen from Theorem 3.1,we have
Thus from Lemma 2.2,it follows that
Thus we complete the proof of Theorem 3.2.
holds for any ball B(x0,r),where λ = λ1+ λ2+ ···+ λm.
ProofWithout loss of generality,it is sufficient for us to show that the conclusion holds for m=2.
Let B=B(x0,r).And we write f=f1+f2,whereThus we have
Let us estimate I and II,respectively.It is obvious that
From Lemma 2.1,it is easy to see that
Moreover,from Lemma 2.1,it is easy to see that
Therefore combining the estimates of I1,I2,I3and I4,we have
Let us estimate II.
SinceThen using Hölder’s inequality and(3.6),we have
In the following,let us estimate II2.For x ∈ B,when Ω ∈ L∞(Sn−1),from Lemma 2.1 and estimate of(3.3),we have
For x∈B,when Ω ∈ Ls(Sn−1),1< s< ∞,from Lemma 2.1 and the estimate of(3.5),it follows that
Let 1<<∞such thatthenand max{2,s′}<< ∞.Thus,from Hölder’s inequality,(4.4)and(4.5),we obtain
Let us estimate II4.It is analogue to the estimates of(4.4),(4.5)and(4.6),we have the following estimates.
When x∈ B,Ω ∈ L∞(Sn−1),we have
When x∈B,Ω∈Ls(Sn−1),1<s<∞,we have
Therefore from(4.7)and(4.8),we have
So from the estimates of II1,II2,II3and II4,it follows that
Therefore from the estimates of I and II,we deduced that
Thus the proof of Theorem 4.1 is completed.
ProofTakingand.It is easy to see that
Thus by Lemma 2.2,we have
Thus the proof of Theorem 4.2 is finished.
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