李育 孟蕾 杨鸣旭
据2017美国Open Door公开数据显示,在2016-2017学年超过35万的中国学生就读于美国学校,美国成为中国学生和家长的首选留学目的国。但近年成倍增长的高分申请人数与美国名校的“不扩招”给中国学生的申请带来了愈发激烈的竞争。如何在数万人中脱颖而出,如何在招生官八分钟筛选中抓人眼球,是这次美国三所学校招生官将要向广大留学生群体讲述的。
申请成倍增长与“不扩招”矛盾僵化 录取形势并不乐观
从前两个阶段的早期申请发榜情况来看,2018美国名校的录取结果并不乐观,以往的录取经验和录取数据难以在2018早期申请中得到有效的验证。最新统计数据显示,许多著名大学的录取率继续下滑,创最低纪录。哈佛今年的录取率甚至跌破了5%,降至4.6%;宾尼法尼亚大学今年的录取率8.39%,早申请的录取率也只有18.5%,双双达到历史新低;杜克大学常规申请共录取2123位同学,申请人数则高达33300人,整体录取率为8.3%,下降0.9 %。
委员会评估缩短为八分钟 招生官小组决定申请成败
成绩平平、大学预修课选的少、个人故事没特色、对所申请大学知之甚少—如果学生的申请资料给录取官留下这样的印象,那么他们基本在第一轮就被“剩下” 了。
A=亚利桑那州立大学招生办主任Matt López
What common factors make admission officersdecision to admit these Chinese applicants? Please illuminate.
A:亚利桑那州立大学一直在寻找终生学习者,拥有理智的好奇心并且积极参加到社团活动和教育中。拥有这样的心态并且能够批判性思考的学生是最成功的。学生的积极本性让他很容易获得实习机会,取得良好成绩,并且与新朋友保持良好关系,在毕业后获得众多工作机 会。
At ASU,we look for students who are lifetime learners, intellectually curious and who actively participate in their community and education. Students who bring this mindset to ASU and can think critically are the most successful. That active nature leads to internship placements, success in class, and excellent relationships with new friends and countless opportunities upon graduation.
Q:什么样的学生会被美国大学淘汰 掉?
What students would be eliminated?
I've had the privilege to work for a few different universities. Beyond the minimum admission requirements,U.S. universities want to find students who want to actively participate in their education and who are lifetime learners. Many Chinese students are accustomed to following templates and structured paths.At ASU,we're looking for students who can articulate how his or her unique experiences have formed their academic interests and why ASU is a good fit,not solely based on their academic performance.
What kind of opportunities for internships in the U.S. and abroad does ASU provide for students?
A:超过13000名国际学生在ASU注册入学或者参加选择性实习训练(Optional Practical Training),ASU能够深刻体会到国际学生独特的职业发展需要,并且为帮助他们追求事业发展提供资源和方法。ASU的课堂作业经常要求学生至少有一个学期的实习,在此期间,教员和教授们为学生去联系相应工作领域的雇主。例如,ASU的中国校友何心, 最近毕业于社会工作硕士的项目,曾经在美国国会Kyrsten Sinema 的办公室实习。此外,ASU的就业服务和国际学生学者中心致力于鼓励拥有国际雇主的教员为学生寻找实习和工作机会。
With more than 13,000 international students enrolled at ASU or participating in Optional Practical Training (OPT),ASU understands the unique career development needs of international students and provides resources and tools to help them pursue their dream careers.
Coursework at ASU often times requires at least a practicum session,during which faculty and advisors look to connect students with employers in the fields of study for internship opportunities. For instance,Xin He,a Chinese alum who recently graduated from Master's Social Work program at ASU, had completed an internship at U.S. Congress woman Kyrsten Sinema's Office.
Additionally,ASU's Career Services and International Students & Scholars Center have dedicated staff members who engage with employers internationally to find internship and job opportunities for our students.
What Chinese students do you prefer to?
Students from China are welcome from all regions. Preferred are students with excellent academic background and a high level of English; students who get involved in community service and volunteer work; students who are always prepared to challenge themselves and take adventures; students who are open and willing to embrace new things.
What abilities could be cultivated?
4.强烈的社会责任心。能够把个人与社会联接起来,时刻准备为社会服务,敢于超前领先,并通过探索重要问题以求变革。在某个领域做出深层次的研究与贡 献。
Through their Manoa Experience, we want our students to be equipped with the following characteristics:
1.Know clearly who they are-as individual with great potential, grow their own unique talents to achieve self-value and cultivate strong desire to contribute to family, school and a bigger community. Nurture their own physical, psychological, mental, spiritual health and fitness.
2.Become a life-long learners-keep curiosity and wonder the world around; growth-mindset; critical and creative thinking; problem-solving skills; foster self-directed learning, will power and self-evaluation.
3.Value humanity–promote caring, communication, cooperation and conflict resolution; appreciation for nature and all living things; to showcase UHM's motto "Above all nations is humanity".
4.Strong social responsibility-connect self to a bigger community and be ready to serve community; take initiatives and make changes by investigating important questions;touch deep roots of a certain field.
What qualities do you value when reviewing students' data?
The qualities we value are evidence of academic success (GPA–grade point average);evidence of English ability (TOEFL or IELTS),evidence of ability to communicate in writing;we value students personality,communication ability, responsibility,volunteerism and leadership;we also value teachers'recommendation letters to get to know students from their teachers' perspectives.
Q:申请者有什么可以引起招生官额外注意的方法 吗?
Is there any way for applicants to draw attention to admissions officer?
All applicants are evaluated on the merits of their applications. Good letters of recommendation (ones that are not "boilerplate"formulaic letters) can be helpful.
A=西雅图大学国际招生办主任Dana Brolley
Any recommendations for new students who have not selected a major yet?
A:我会为那些还没有选择专业的同学欢呼,因为这个世界变化太快了。在西雅图大学,我们竭尽所能帮助学生找到属于自己的职业方向。同时,也通过添加新专业的方式, 为学生们提供新的机会。在大学生活的前两年,我们鼓励你找到自己的兴趣,了解你自己与众不同的才能,找到你的“超能力”。每个人都有自己的天赋或强项。比如,你很擅长于激励别人?擅长于解开谜题?又或者你能说出所有见过的昆虫的名字?这些都是你超能力的根源,就是那些让你做起来得心应手的事情。教育应是在你原有天赋的基础上,再教授于你受用终身的技能。你的专业只是你学习的领域,并不代表你是谁,或你将成为谁。因为终生学习的过程会一直伴随着你。
Hooray for those who haven't decided yet. The world is changing rapidly. At Seattle University, we help students find their pathway and we work to provide new, innovative opportunities for students by adding new majors as readily as possible. In the first two years of your studies we encourage you to explore your interests to find your area of focus. What is most helpful is to reflect on your unique talents or what I call, "super powers". Everyone has natural abilities or strengths that you will rely on for the rest of your life. Are you good at motivating people? Do you enjoy puzzles? Can you name all the insects you've ever seen? These are the roots of your super powers......the things that come easiest to you. Your education should build on your natural abilities and teach you skills that you can apply throughout your life. Your major is an area of study, it is not who you are or who you will be. It's likely you will continue to study and learn throughout your life.
For the young, what are more important?
A:世界在不断变化,我也常常鼓励孩子们可以换种视角看待大学教育。大学教育不该仅仅成为通向职业道路选择的工具。在未来,工作种类会变化多样,对学生而言,如何在大学生活中培养软实力才是至关重要的。合作精神、跨文化沟通能力、领导力、理财能力、分析能力、抗挫力、变通力、演讲能力等等,这些能力的培养不仅会让学生受益终身,也能帮助他们更好地适应未来不断变化的工作环境和挑 战。
As the world changes I encourage students to think about education in new ways. Students and families should think about university education as more than a degree that leads to a specific career pathway. Jobs of the future are likely to change significantly. It is important to think about the skills students will develop through their university experience: collaboration, cross-cultural literacy, digital skills, financial literacy, leadership, analysis, resilience, flexibility, presenting, mentoring and more. These critical skills will serve students throughout their lives and will be helpful for anyone who may need to adapt to new work conditions in the future.