荷兰West 8 项目总监克里斯蒂安·多布里克对话北京林业大学郑曦教授

2018-05-10 05:33:30采访赵晶同声翻译何以纯
风景园林 2018年2期

采访:赵晶 同声翻译:何以纯

左:克里斯蒂安·多布里克;右:郑曦Left: Christian Dobrick; Right: ZHENG Xi


(德)克里斯蒂安·多布里克/ West 8城市规划与景观设计事务所项目总监、资深风景园林师



(Germany) Christian Dobrick, who is the Senior Project Manager and Senior Landscape Architect at West 8 urban design & landscape architecture in the Netherlands.

ZHENG Xi is the professor at the School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University and deputy chief editor of this Journal. His research focuses on landscape planning and design and theory.

克里斯蒂安·多布里克1997年毕业于德国埃森大学并获景观建筑硕士学位,专长于复杂城市公共空间领域的景观设计。2000年初,多布里克加入West 8。在 West 8 创始人及设计总监阿德里安·高伊策的共同指导下,多布里克先生领导了一系列知名的大型城市设计和景观设计项目,包括赢得众多大奖的西班牙马德里河岸更新景观工程和业内极负声望的瑞士诺华上海研发中心总体景观。







Christian:由于地域的不同,中国的园博会和国外的最大的区别在于尺度的不同。但人们对园林的使用或对园林学术上的理解是类似的。本次园博会的参观者预计达到1 600万人,这与国外的情况不同。国外一般举行园艺博览会的规模是100~200万人。但是在中国,我们要面对的挑战要大得多,不光要考虑到怎么向这么多人介绍我们的园艺,更要有安保、流线等方面不同尺度的考量。






LA:这位是多布里克先生,荷兰West 8城市规划与景观设计事务所的代表,也是此次北京园艺博览会主要庭园区域的设计师之一,我想知道您的作品的设计思想和理念是什么?与之前的项目相比,它的特殊之处是什么?

Christian:我们在本次园博会的场地上设计了3 座花园,这3座花园是通过一条路径联系起来的,用不同的植栽、不同的园艺设计,带给人们不同的感官体验。我们觉得园艺的产生就是为了让人们接触自然、体会自然。我们也希望通过不同的设计手法,使这些树木、灌木和泥土能唤起人们感情上的共鸣。它是有季节上的变化的,参观者在不同季节拜访园林的感觉是不同的。园艺是对自然的一种自然式的展示。同时,我们也让参观者了解,自然也会受到来自季节的不可控制的节奏的影响。希望参观者体会到这个简单的信息,这是一个很简单的信息,但是我们觉得如果参观者能体会到这些,我们就会觉得特别幸运。




ZHENG:West 8的设计是作为国外设计师创意展园完成的,组委会就是希望Dobrick先生能够提供最好的创意,不会有更多的预设条件,我觉得没有任何问题,也非常期待。另外,我看过West 8在2012年西安世园会做的万桥园,效果非常好,也很有影响力,我特别期待这个花园能够再次带来难忘的体验。






2 West 8 作品:上海新华滨江公园West 8’s project, Xinhua Waterfront Park









ZHENG:的确,目前风景园林的范畴在不断扩大,所以这对于教育来说是一个巨大的挑战,就像我所工作的北京林业大学园林学院,是新中国建立的历史最悠久的风景园林教育基地,有60多年的历史,规模也是这个学科里中国最大。风景园林专业的学生有2 500人左右,我们也不断地在调整,风景园林在教育部的学科评估中位于全国第一,也入选一流学科建设名录。对于我们学院来说,这是一个巨大的机会,我们的教育体系发展了60多年了,由于教育体系的变化,10年前流行的东西到现在已经不再流行了,可能目前流行的热点问题,到了未来的10年也不再流行了。但唯有一些经典的内容,它是跨越时代的。我觉得无论风景园林专业如何去扩展,它实际上都是有一个内核的,特别从本科教育的角度来讲,它的内核是要做好传承,打下非常好的基础,再在这个基础上去进行时代所需的扩展,会在不同的时段,结合国内国外的热点问题来进行发展,同时,我们学院有非常广泛的实习,比如苏州、杭州的实习,从20世纪60年代就开始了,因为很多经典的东西是超越时代的。我们应该在双一流建设的基础上,做好传承,同时培养学生更开阔的视野。从风景园林的视角来分析生态、区域、城市的问题,然后再看待它的绿地体系和花园的问题,它是一个逐级的过程。同时,风景园林与社会的对接,引导大众参与园林设计,关注社会问题。还有就是文化的传承,继续让文化以风景园林为载体去传承,把园林的各个功能融合在一起,产生更多的社会、经济、人文价值,这就是一个教育的方向。

LA:多布里克先生对于West 8的海外项目有着丰富经验。对于一个国际事务所来说,West 8能在每个项目中都做出本地特色,是极为难能可贵的。我们相信,West 8在不同的景观文化中工作的经验,对于所有的风景园林师都有着巨大的借鉴意义。您能否为我们展示一个您最近参与的项目?(如上海新华滨江公园)这个项目是如何与当地文化或是周边环境相联系的呢?


3 West 8 作品:上海新华滨江公园West 8’s project, Xinhua Waterfront Park



LA:West 8很擅长创造独一无二具有高度识别性的构筑物。这是否是设计策略的一部分?

Christian:“创造一个地方”的确是我们应用到城市规划和景观设计中的一种技术。我们坚信它对这一行业的重要性。我们创造一个地方,它会是第二自然,人们可以回到这里,找寻自己的记忆,找到那一份参与感和归属感。不管它是一个花园,或是一条街道、一个广场,还是一个海滨。我们会采用不同的方法,而不仅仅只是去创造同样的东西。这只是它的一部分,但并不是唯一的方法,或者说它的全部。我们有很多方法去重建那种属于它们的文化。在创造这个第二自然时,我们会先考察其背景。这是一种基于实用性和必然性的逻辑。它会表现出一种特性,但有时也是当地环境的一种表达,这也正是为什么荷兰West 8没有固定模式的原因。因为每一个立地都是独一无二的,所以它们每个都不一样(图5~8)。

LA:West 8 正在介入越来越复杂的项目。比如纽约总督岛,它绝不仅仅只是一个城市公园。介入大尺度的复杂项目是有意为之吗,或者这只是行业的趋势?

Christian:自创建以来,West 8已经在国际上工作了30年,并在世界各地开展项目,比如:哥本哈根、伦敦、莫斯科、纽约、马德里、汉堡、多伦多、阿姆斯特丹、上海以及首尔。其中一些是从大规模城市规划中衍生的子项目。而这些大规模的项目中有许多都是国际重要比赛的突破性成果。最近在比赛中获胜的还包括香港西九龙文化区公园。总督岛公园[位于纽约港的一个172英亩(约69.6hm2)的岛屿上]的设计在2006年的一次国际设计比赛中获胜,从而总督岛项目启动(图9~10)。

West 8不仅有处理复杂设计的综合方法,并且在以下几方面经验丰富:大规模城市规划与设计、景观设计、滨水景观项目、公园、广场和庭园设计。我们还针对全球变暖、城市化和基础设施问题提出了大规模城市规划的理念和愿景。通过这种综合方法,许多城市设计和全球性问题都能得到有效解决。而且我们有一个跨国团队,一直以来都非常成功。现在的许多学者都倾向于将我们的方法归为“景观城市主义”,我们发现能够与之引起共鸣。我们的马德里里奥项目(实质上是曼萨纳雷斯河岸更新景观工程设计)最近获得了由哈佛大学设计学院颁发的维罗妮卡·鲁吉绿色城市设计奖。


Christian:我们对这次世园会有很高的期望。有这么多优秀的设计师参与此次盛会,我非常期待看到这次世园会的成功举办。同时,我们也感受到了压力。首先我们要尽可能高水平地实现此次展会。我们选择了如何设计,接下来就是如何去实现它。我非常希望看到1 600万观众一起分享自己的体验。

4 West 8 作品:上海新华滨江公园West 8’s project, Xinhua Waterfront Park




图1由郑曦提供;图2~4由West 8提供,图5、6来源于Jeroen Musch; 图7来源于 Luke Harley; 图8来源于Nicola Betts; 图9、10来源于Timothy Schenk。





Christian Dobrick graduated from the University of Essen in German with a master’s degree of landscape architecture in 1997 specializing in the landscape design of complex urban public spaces. In early 2000, Dobrick joined in West 8. At West 8, together with Founder and Design Director Adriaan Geuze, Mr. Dobrick has led a series of well-known large-scale projects of urban and landscape design, including the landscape regeneration project at the bank of Madrid River in Spain which received many awards and the prestigious overall landscape design in the Shanghai R&D Center of Novartis AG.

ZHENG Xi is a professor at the school of landscape architecture, Beijing Forestry University and deputy chief editor of the Journal. He graduated from Beijing Forestry University with a doctor’s degree of urban planning and design(including the landscape architecture) in 2006 and then stayed at school for teaching there. He mainly completed a series of large-scale planning and design projects such as the project of the main venue area in 3rd Asian Beach Games and the Botanical Garden in Yantai, as well as the related researches on landscape performance, mountainwater city and the framework of green complex.

ZHAO Jing, the director of contributing editorial department of this journal and associate professor at Beijing Forestry University,host Mr.Dobrick’s Dialogue with Professor ZHENG Xi.Through the communication and conversation of the two designers, we have learned the driving forces of horticultural expos for both of the landscape architecture and urban development from their perspectives. And we need to confront the opportunities and challenges that the trends and issues such as globalization and climatic change brought to the landscape architecture so as to better deal with the challenges in the landscape architecture,its related industries during the next 10 years.

LA:Landscape ArchitectureJournal

Christian: Christian Dobrick


LA: We are all here together because of the Beijing Expo 2019. In recent years, there are many various kinds of horticultural expos which were held one by one and will be held in different countries in the future. So, what's your perception about the expos being held in China this time, and what's the difference between the expo and other countries?

Christian: I feel that one of the main differences between the Chinese and European expos is especially their scales. For the Beijing Expo 2019 where West 8 is invited, they expect visitors to reach 16 million people. This is the biggest challenge we face, because in Europe where expos are held, they expect one million or two million visitors. The challenge is not only to consider how to introduce so many people to our way of gardening, but also to consider security, streamlines the different dimensions of consideration.

ZHENG: Currently, there are horticulture expositions at all levels in China, that is, those expos have been already held, are being held and will be held. So horticulture expo is a hot topic in the process of development of Chinese contemporary city. Actually, China has this tradition of collectively showing various types of gardens,which is called collection of the best garden such as the Old Summer Palace, whose aim is to gather all excellent garden works in our country together.The expo parks that every city of China today has been constructed for holding horticulture expo show themselves at large scale, but why? Firstly, I think China is a developing country, and it is in the process of rapid urbanization requiring constant urban construction, so the features of horticulture expo decides that it is effective for promoting urban planning and implementation. And the most important significance is that its opening time is fixed, so it brings great pressure to the construction party who tends to drive some works that can’t be easily completed at other times to be done quickly in short time. And host cities will coordinate with other departments giving priority to push forward construction of the project and related accomplishment of supporting infrastructure, so as to ensure that the opening ceremony will be done on time. Therefore, expo parks have formed this kind of state that much attention is paid to them and the contribution of each part is put into their construction, which becomes the major method of effectively promoting the development of cities.In addition, the holding of horticulture expo is like green visiting card of a city, which contributes to bring extensive attention to cities and form tremendous social in fluence and value. Moreover,just now I mentioned that people in our country adhere to the tradition of loving gardening and horticulture, so I think this is the difference among the expos held in China and other countries.

5 West 8作品:阿市东半岛住宅区行人桥West 8’s project, Borneo-Sporenburg Bridges

LA: Next, I would like to ask our guests how do you think of the driving force of these horticultural expos to the development of landscape architecture and other related industries? Furthermore, how do they affect urban and local development?

Christian: I think a lot of garden show or expos have double functions. Apart from the core motive to demonstrate and exchange ideas in horticultural skills and developments, expos in Europe do usually function also as an engine to kick-start a large-scale development that intend to resolve the urban design problems between two existing regions of a city or between different cities.Same as some expos in China which are planned with excessively large-scale site, do function also as a motor to kick-start a large-scale regional development, intend to resolve urban design problems identi fied during urbanization. So for an average visitor he may see only a demonstration of garden design, but for those of us who regularly engage in landscape design and planning, we know that each of these expo creates a long-term impact on the region for 20 years or more.

ZHENG: I also agree with what Mr. Dobrick said. In China, the International Horticultural Expo can provide our industry with a platform to communicate with each other. In fact, our cities need various festival activities, and it did the same in our history. For example, the Painting in the Song dynastyDragon-boat Racing in Jinming Poolportrays that the emperor announced to open the Jinming Pool which was located in the suburb of Kaifeng City to all the citizens at a regular date each year. The dragon-boat racing held in the Jinming Pool has become an important festival activity and a tradition of the city. For another example, Xin Qiji, the famous poet in South Song Dynasty, wrote the poem “the bright moon like jade pot gradually moves toward the west and the lanterns shaped like dragons and fish dace throughout the whole night”which describes the lively scenery of the Lantern Festival in the city night. Today, there are some plants and nature-themed activities in the gardens such as Cherry Blossom Festival in Yuyuantan Park, the Red Leaf Festival in Fragrant Hills Park and the Peach Blossom Festival in Beijing Botanical Garden, a large number of people are willing to visit. These festival activities have great in fluence on the whole city, making contributions to the city’s culture and significantly promoting citizens love and appreciation for nature. They have already profoundly shaped the temperament of the contemporary Beijing.

6 West 8作品:荷兰乌得勒支的麦西玛公园West 8’s project, Maximapark Park Pergola

I think the International Horticultural Expo is such an activity and Beijing needs to drive its development through holding various large-scale urban events. For example, the Asian Games was held at the north of central axis of Beijing City in 1990. The site for holding the future Olympic Games has been reserved when making city planning, which is really foresighted. The 680-hectares Olympic Forest Park was built at the north of central axis before the holding of Summer Olympic Games in 2008. And in 2013, combined with the Action Plan of the south area of Beijing,an abandoned garbage dump near the Yongding River in Fengtai District was chosen to be the site of the International Garden Expo. In addition, the Garden Museum was built and the construction of local metro lines was also accomplished ahead of the schedule which set the Garden Expo Station.All of these reflect the special characteristics of implementing the plans to carry out and develop rapidly. In 2010, in conjunction with the construction of the Flower Port, the Flower Expo was held in Shunyi District, and the APEC meeting was held in 2014 in Yanxi Lake of Huairou District, thus forming the international center of conferences.The International Horticultural Expo will be held in Yanqing District in 2019, the year of 70th anniversary of the founding of China, and in 2022,Beijing and Zhangjiakou will jointly hold the Winter Olympic Games in order to facilitate the integration of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. Therefore, the big urban events have a profound impact on the development of Beijing regions (Fig. 1).

LA: This is Mr. Dobrick, the representative of West 8 and one of the designers of the master garden area in Beijing Expo 2019. I am wondering what is your design idea and concept of your work? And what makes it a special project comparing with the previous ones?

Christian: West 8 team led by our Design Director, Adriaan Geuze and I have designed the expo garden this time which can actually be experienced as a garden that intends to take visitors on a symbolic journey of life. The visitor will be disconnected from their surroundings and be led through a sequence of three rooms, each of which are connected by a narrow descending path. Each room has a unique atmosphere, uses different materials, plants, colours and most importantly has a different perspective. The journey of life ends in a moment of reflection. Different plants and different gardening designs bring different sensory experience to people. We think that horticulture is a birth of science; it is to make people take contact with nature, to experience nature. We also hope that these trees, shrubs, and soil can evoke visitors’emotional resonance through different design expressions. It is the seasonal changes. Visitors will feel differences in visiting these gardens in different seasons. Horticulture is a natural way for nature but at the same time, we also let the visitors know that nature will naturally be subject to the uncontrollable rhythm coming from the seasons. We hope visitors can understand this simple message. This is a very simple message, but if we succeed, we can feel particularly fortunate.

LA: Well. Mr. Dobrick, here is another question for you, have you encountered any problems in the process of design? And how did you handle them finally?

Christian: We have discussed a lot from the beginning about the deepest place of our garden design, which is designed at 9 meters below ground. This gives us a spectacular space experience when looking upwards, our team repeatedly communicated with organizers and found out that underground water level is just 5 meters underground, much higher than expected.In this case, we have to adjust our design in scale.Another point is that we have to take into account that some plant species are suitable for Beijing seedlings, but to take into account that the opening of the Beijing Expo 2019 will not allow enough time to wait for the growth of plants. In order to achieve the grand effect at the opening in time, the search for available nursery stock that we can use for our planting scheme is a big challenge we need to face. We hope our design is not only a beautiful vision, but also a project that can be landed. And we are equipped for that.

LA: Professor ZHENG, what is your perception about the issue that Mr.Dobrick faced with? And do you have any suggestions?

ZHENG: The design made by West 8 was finished as the creative gardens from foreign designers and the Committee hope that Mr.Dobrick can provide the best creative ideas, so they will not give more preparatory conditions. I’m looking forward to it and feel that there is not any problem. In addition, I have seen “the Garden of 10,000 Bridges” in the Xi’an Expo 2012 designed by West 8, and it not only has good effects but also has great in fluence. So I especially expect this garden can bring impressive experience once again.

LA: In the context of globalization, we also have more opportunities to carry out practices in different regions and different countries like the coming Beijing Expo 2019, it is a good opportunity. Then I am wondering what changes do you think the globalization has brought about in the landscape architecture and other related industries?

Christian: We believe that globalization has a very positive function.From the perspective of the landscape design development, in the past 200 years, the entire evolution of ‘garden’ is a process of exporting from East to West and vice versa. Everyone wants to have an exotic garden experience.In the process of globalization, a large number of American and European gardens are exported to the East. On the other hand, we believe that China not only needs an international garden experience, but also will return to their people’s wish to let visitors see the traditional Chinese gardens. From this point of view, we have begun to see that the development of Chinese gardens can attract the visitors’ sympathy. It is a very positive side. However, globalization has not only the good side but also the particularly dangerous side.

ZHENG: Globalization can promote extensive and profound exchanges among the professionals all over the world, so that they can know more about each other. And it is impossible that we can have dialogue with each other today without globalization. For example, the decorations with “Chinese Style” in the European gardens in 18 century have ever prevailed such as some Chinese pagodas and pavilions. But most of these were built by designers according to their imagination. In turn, theses Chinese gardens have also been in fluenced by European and American style, some of which are identified by guessing through secondary data and pictures, there is not thorough understanding of design concept. After entering the stage of globalization, China’s connection with European countries has become more closely which helps them have a deeper understanding of each other’s culture, instead of blindly worshiping and learning. The more what they can do is to understand each other’s design thoughts and sharing technologies, learn the better solutions of other countries and regions as well as face various challenges in contemporary development together, such as the climate change, the rising sea level and air pollution. When facing the issues of globalization which are formed gradually, each region is under the pressure from local development. Therefore, while constantly dealing with the globalization, the landscape architecture should also deal with this pressure, inherit the local ecological wisdom and then continually make changes to adapt urban development. Thus cities will be more livable and sustainable.

LA: Thank you. Both of you are outstanding designers in the frontier of landscape industry. In the face of today’s worldwide climate change and environmental degradation, could you please talk about how we can meet these challenges in landscape architecture practices to give expression to its ecological value?

Christian: It’s a very grandiose question. The impact of landscape architecture on globalization can be seen in both large-scale and small-scale.Take the example of energy saving and sustainable development in Europe. In Germany, the government encourages everyone to participate, and each installs solar panels on the roof, although the number of each installation is small, but the number of participation of all people involved formed a total energy saving impact that created a huge effect in the country level. In the Netherlands, there is relatively low level of small-scale individual participation, the government decided to implement large-scale projects to achieve green energy, built a wind farm in the off-shore North Sea. The proportion of green energy output of the Netherlands and Germany are the same. The same can happen for the landscape industry. We can invest in both large-scale and small-scale levels.There are also many knowledge and techniques that we can teach children.Let them know how to understand the impact of the growth of vegetable and plants on the environment, also the knowledge of water and other natural resources. If everyone can be educated in this industry, it will have an impact on the energy of the entire planet. And each individual can give impact to solve each of our problems.

7 West 8作品:鹿特丹中央火车站West 8’s project, Rotterdam Central Station

ZHENG: In my opinion, landscape architecture is actually a discipline reconciling the relationship between human intervention and natural environment, and its core meaning is to embody ecological value which is the essential question of our discipline. I agree with Dobrick’s looking at problems from different scales. Viewed from the large areas, any city is built the natural system. This kind of natural system is not absolute natural environment, but the one is transformed, recombined and readjusted by human beings after a long period. Then cities can be built in the natural system and form a kind of livable environment, for example, the construction of Beijing optimized the catchment of the West Hill, channeled water to the city and built landscape in that area. As a result, the landscape “Three Hills and Five Gardens” was formed, including Kunming Lake, Kunyu River and Long River.And there are also Shicha Lake, Central Lake, the South Lake and the North Lake, along with the east Tonghui River can make them connect with Tongzhou District which is the north end of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. Actually, this kind of natural system dredged by the man-power can form livable environment for human. It is a relatively prosperous region which can transcend the changes in economic, population and time.Therefore, the environment through recombining and readjusting the nature, and human intervention is the embodiment of the greatest ecological value.But it has both advantages and disadvantages, for example, the Netherlands as a low country has a lot of dike paddy fields. From the point of today’s biology and ecology, the constant reclaiming land from the sea will affect biodiversity of the shallow coastal areas such as the benthos and the construction of tidal creek. But the dike paddy fields formed by reclamation indeed make the living environment more suitable and make the country more developing. A dynamic standard is used to measure this kind of ecological value, and the work of landscape architecture is to choose the way and time to properly intervene the nature which is also its advantage. As Ji Cheng mentioned, perfection is made by nature instead of human intervention.We can treat issues at a large scale which refers to the accomplishment of our work from the aspect of natural system. And in terms of small scale,we need to make research on the bene fits of city greenbelt aiming at the currently “urban diseases”,such as its value to people’s health, the bene fits on relieving the urban heat island effect, the in fluence on biodiversity, the diversion of flood from rainfall and surface runoff. These are all the tasks we need to do today, but I still want to say, no matter what kind of plots we will face in tasks, we must carry on our work on the basis of deep understanding of ecological system at the regional level so as to embody the special value of landscape architecture.

LA: Next, question, what’s your perception about the trends in the next decade for landscape architecture and related industries?

Christian: I would like to come back to the previous question when we talk about globalization. We think that the possible future development direction is a localized appeal and localized return. As local appeals, local residents hope that they will have a sense of place and return to history and culture. Similar to the food culture, my grandmother used certain recipes to prepare her dishes. We can all see that this is also re flected in the landscape design aspect. In fact, we can feel that in many projects, whether it will be government owned or privately owned, has begun to have this pursuit.

ZHENG: I also agree with the concept of recurrence mentioned by Mr. Dobrick, and I think this trend is hard to predict. However, on the whole, the landscape architecture industry is constantly to try to deal with the changes of the living environment in the socio-economic and urban development, and we have to find ways to cope with it if there are some bad changes. Each era has its own appropriate countermeasures,only when we are in that social background to find the most appropriate way, can it make our living environment better, which is why I think the trend is not easily predictable. Traditionally,Chinese people prefer to live in scenic cities. People always collect the natural water around the region and introduce them together through the city making them as the basis of urban development.In this way, citizens can build gardens in their own courtyard. They usually associate the hills in their gardens with the hills of the real mountain outside the city, and the water will be apparently connected with that of the outside, thus a whole view of nature is formed. At the same time, they will build some temples and ancient academies around shallow mountains, thus the community combined with nature and humanity, landscape and culture is gradually formed in and around the city.People’s life is inseparable from nature. In different periods, the development of social economic and population as well as urban and suburban areas all have different changes. However, I think landscape architecture has its value of existence and can constantly solve these problems, so that people are continuously close to nature and a kind of healthier lifestyle can be cultivated. Maybe this is the growing trend.

8 West 8作品:多伦多中央滨水区波浪甲板West 8’s project, Simco WaveDeck, Toronto

Christian: Professor ZHENG, What do you think the trend for the next ten years? I am so curious now. I agree that there are a lot of problems we have to solve, but what is the trend?

ZHENG: I think it’s really hard to predict it from the development of a decade. However, I also think, on the one hand, solving the “urban diseases”through the greenbelt system is a very important point. China is implementing the construction of sponge cities, the regeneration micro-parks and the construction of urban forest can reflect values of our landscape architecture and greenbelt system from the ecological perspective. On the other hand,at the social level, we have already started now to let more people participate in the greenbelt and parks.Now there is a term called “edible landscape” which refers to that how to make the edible landscape planting and science education well connect with the whole greenbelt system. I think in the next 10 years,China will certainly make progress on it and make it has more extensive mass foundation, not only the aesthetic foundation.

LA:The next question, from the perspective of education, how should landscape architecture industry be well prepared to cope with future challenges?

Christian: I think there’s a lot of our gardens try to achieve this goal: bring people together and appreciate nature. There should not be only serious approach about landscape education. You do not have to sit in the classroom all the time. This is also why we design this garden. We hope that education can make people experience and feel. Let people fall in love with the landscape, fall in love with nature. This approach has become more common in Europe, for example, the very common small community gardens in Europe, the surrounding residents will be involved in building, improving,managing their small plots of garden, I think this is a trend.

ZHENG: Indeed, the range of landscape architecture is constantly expanding, so it is a great challenge for education, just like the School of Landscape Architecture in Beijing Forestry University where I work, it is an education base with the longest history of more than 60 years since the establishment of new China, and it has the largest scale in the same disciplines around China. There are about 2,500 students studying landscape architecture, and we are constantly making adjustments. Landscape architecture ranks first in the discipline evaluation of Ministry of Education and is listed in the world-class discipline construction. This is a tremendous opportunity for our school. Our education system has a history of more than 60 years, and because of its changes,what was popular 10 years ago has ceased to prevail so far, similarly the current hot spots perhaps will not prevail in the next 10 years. But the classic contents transcend times. In my opinion, no matter how the landscape architecture discipline expands, it actually has its core, especially from the perspectives of undergraduate education, its core is to carry it forward and lay a food foundation,and then expand it to meet times requirements.In different periods, we will also make it connect with hot spots at home and abroad. At the same time, the students in our school have extensive practices such as the internships in Suzhou and Hangzhou. And we started it from 1960s for that a lot of classic things can transcend the time. We should inherit our traditions on the basis of the construction of Double World-Classes as well as make students’ horizon wider. We can first analyze the ecological, regional and urban problems from the perspectives of landscape architecture, and then view the problem of greenbelt system and gardens.This is a gradual process. At the same time, the connection of landscape architecture and society can lead people to participate in the garden design and pay attention to the social issues. In addition,we should also take the landscape architecture as carrier to inherit cultures and integrate all the functions of the garden so as to present more social, economic and humane values. This is exactly a direction of education.

9 West 8作品:纽约总督岛West 8’s project, Governors island

LA: As senior project manager of West 8, Dobrick has rich experience in oversea projects. These projects are highly local, which is rare and respectable for an international office like West 8. We believe West 8’s insights on working in different landscape culture would be very inspiring for all landscape architects.Can you show us a recent project you worked on? For example, Shanghai Xinhua Waterfront Park, how does it connect with local culture/surrounded landscape?

Christian: Xinhua Waterfront Park is a subproject of Huangpu Waterfront Revitalization Master plan begun by the Shanghai Municipal Government. Under one of the five riverside themes of the master plan,Xinhua Waterfront Park is situated in the cultural corridor section with the total area of 17 hm2. It is east of historic Minsheng Port at the Huangpu River and west of the waterfront shipyard, connecting important city streets. West 8’s design for Xinhua Waterfront Park will turn the east coast of Huangpu River to a integrated waterfront corridor with new city squares and waterfront public green space, complete with cycling tracks connecting to the city center. Amongst many design features, Baizi Square(Hundred-Sons Square) with a alcove-form seating element integrated with a retaining wall is inspired by the traditional symbol of a long-living turtle can be called a local cultured inspired feature. We imagined the gatherings of many young and old, the social coherence of the old days of Chinese culture while designing it (Fig. 2-4).

LA: When working on international projects, you have to switch from different culture. When you start a new project, do you have some skills to get involved quickly? And how do you get to know those cultures and lifestyles which few people know of?

Christian: History of a place teaches us the story. Story is often told by arts. Paintings, poetry,literature, and simple many of the folk’s story are at times some great sources for our inspiration.Most simple way is sometimes just to go to sit in an existing public garden or park to watch the locals. They will provide all we need to know about how people at a certain place connect with their nature. Very similar to a chef cook visiting another country will try and learn from the local dishes for inspirations and insights. We enjoy visiting the existing master gardens of a place before we start to make a new design for certain new projects.

LA: West 8 is good at creating unique and high recognizable objects. Does it belong to a part of design strategy?

10 West 8作品:纽约总督岛West 8’s project, Governors island

Christian: ‘Create an address’ is indeed a technique we do apply in urban and landscape design. It is what we truly believe what it matters in our profession. We create a place, a second nature, where people will come back to, where their memory lane can cling on to, where they feel engaged in, where they feel they belong to. No matter it will be a garden, or a street, square or a waterfront. It involves more different ways than just to create one-of-a kind objects. It is part of it, but not the only way, or say, all of it. There are different ways to reinforce the culture to which they belong. We look into the context while creating second nature. It is a logic based on utility and necessity. It gives an identity, but sometimes is also an expression of local context. That is why there is no formula in West 8 design. Every site is not the same because very site is unique (Fig. 5-8).

LA: West 8 has been working on more and more complex projects. For instance, the America Governors Island Mountain Park and it is much more than an urban park. Is it deliberately involved with large scale complex projects? Or is that a trend in this industry?

Christian: For already 30 years working on an international level from its start, West 8 developed projects all over the world in places such as Copenhagen,London, Moscow, New York, Madrid, Hamburg, Toronto, Amsterdam, Shanghai and Seoul. Some of them are sub-projects derived from large-scale urban planning. Many of the large scale projects are the result of groundbreaking entries in important international competitions. Recently won competitions include also West Kowloon Cultural District Park in Hong Kong. The Governors Island project was started by winning an international design competition in 2006 for the design of Governors Island Park—a 172-acre island in the New York Harbor (Fig. 9-10).

With our multi-disciplinary approach to complex design issues, West 8 has extensive experience in large-scale urban master planning and design,landscape interventions, waterfront projects, parks, squares and gardens. We also develop concepts and visions for large-scale planning issues that address global warming, urbanization and infrastructure. Many of these urban design and globalissues are dealt with most ef ficiently in a multi-disciplinary approach. Our of fice with a multi-national team is there very well equipped for and has been very successful with. Many of the nowadays scholars tend to classify our approach as ‘landscape urbanism’, a term we find we can resonate with. In fact our Madrid Río project, essentially a park design, has recently won the Veronica Rudge Green Prize for Urban Design offered by Harvard Design School.

LA: Finally, could you please talk about your expectations or wishes of this expo?

Christian: We have very high expectation of the gardens. We see that a lot of designers join the event and they are very talented people. We have seen previous great success of the show. At the same time, we also feel the pressure.First, we should realize the fair in the highest possible level. We have chosen to make the design. How to practice is the next question. I really hope to see 16 million viewers share their experiences together.

ZHENG: The Beijing Expo 2019 is on the 70th anniversary of founding of China and I believe that more people from all walks of life and all over the world will get together in Beijing visiting the expo, so I’m really looking forward to it. I remember that the last A1-level (the highest level) International Horticultural Expo was held in Kunming, China in 1999, which has promoted the rapid development of the landscape architecture industry. So that in the recent 20 years, any city which want to hold expos in different scale and levels will look back to the Kunming Expo 1999 and this is because it has played a leading role. I also hope that the A1- level International Horticultural Expo will be held in Beijing in the next 20 years, and it can not only bring great social effects, but also drive landscape architecture to develop so that it can lead the industry in the next 20 years once more!

Acknowledgement:Thank ZHANG Boya for her contribution to this interview during early preparation period.


Fig. 1 is provided by ZHENG Xi; Fig.2-4 are provided by West 8;Fig. 5, 6 are photographed by Jeroen Musch; Fig. 7 is photographed by Luke Harley; Fig. 8 is photographed by Nicola Betts; Fig. 9, 10 are photographed by Timothy Schenk.

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