On the nature of ldeelogical and Pol iticalEducation

2018-05-04 01:52:38Tanlin
文艺生活·下旬刊 2018年1期

Tan lin

中圖分类号:G641 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5312(2018)03-0251-04

The Tragic Color of the Old Man and the Sea
Connection of Learning and Teaching from Junior to Senior
English Language Teaching in Yunann Province: Opportunities & Challenges
A Study of Chinese College Athletes’ English Learning
A Study on the Change and Developmentof English Vocabulary
Translation on Deixis in English and Chinese
Process Mineralogy of a Low Grade Ag-Pb-Zn-CaF2 Sulphide Ore and Its Implications for Mineral Processing
Study on the Degradation and Synergistic/antagonistic Antioxidizing Mechanism of Phenolic/aminic Antioxidants and Their Combinations
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A Comparative Study of HER2 Detection in Gastroscopic and Surgical Specimens of Gastric Carcinoma
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The law of exercise applies on individual behavior change development