The Cognitive Analysis of Metaphor in Chinese Cyberwords with the Chinese Character“狗”

2018-04-28 14:43吴文婷
世界家苑 2018年2期

Abstract:Nowadays,the acceleration of network contributes to wide spreading of metaphors about dog,typically among the younger generation.Here,this thesis is to explore the phenomenon of widely used cyberword “狗” from the cognitive perspective of metaphor.

Keywords:Metaphor,cyberword “狗”

In cognitive linguistics,metaphor refers to the understanding of one idea,or conceptual domain,in terms of another.George Lakoff and Mark Johnson describe it is simply understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another [1](Lakoff,George & Mark Johnson(1980).Metaphor is ubiquitous in our language.When employing it,mapping the features of the source domain to the target domain highlights those features of the target domain.Therefore,this thesis aims to analyze the metaphor used in Chinese Cyberwords with the Chinese Character“狗”.

I.The metaphoric mechanism in the Chinese cyberwords with the Chinese character “狗”

Rooted in our knowledge and daily life,this reflection is non-reversing meanwhile non-arbitrary [2](Lan Chun.2005).The non-arbitrariness lies in that there is some connection or similarity between the two domains of one metaphor.Due to this connection or similarity,people automatically map the characteristics of the more concrete ideational domain to the much obscure domain,thus forming a cognitive chain of Metaphor-Language-Cognition.The metaphor in this way leads to more convenience in understanding abstract things.For instance,there is one structure used in cyberspeaks with the Chinese character “狗”:modifier +成了狗",such as “累成了狗”,“忙成了狗”.There is an old Chinese saying “睡得比狗晚,起的比雞早(Someone is so busy that he or she sleeps later than the watchdog and gets up earlier than the rooster.)”.When we are working deep into the night,the image of watchdog pops into our mind.Besides,as keeping pet dogs becomes more common,the status of dog has improved dramatically.That leads to the change in the cognitive image of people towards dogs.Dogs are the symbolism of loyalty,bravery and consideration now rather than the representative of evil and snobbishness implicated in ancient Chinese.

II.The cognitive function in the metaphor in Chinese cyberwords with the Chinese character “狗”

Metaphor is a cognitive tool for man observing the world.In other words,as a systematic way of cognition,ideational metaphor helps us to recognize the outside world through the reflection of one cognitive domain to another cognitive domain with the basis of one concept.There is one point needed to be clarified.That is peoples cognition bearing the influence of their culture.Nowadays,the improvement in Chinese peoples living standard causes the popular trend of having pet dogs,therefore alternating the roles dogs play in daily life.Lovely and loyal companions are usually the labels put on them.Furthermore,some people even consider their dogs as family members.Besides,dogs carry the common denotation of diligence and willingness to bear any hardships without complaint.The negative images of dogs,though still used,are not commonly mentioned in peoples daily talk.On the other hands,the young Chinese today really suffer a lot of pressure.They need a vent to mitigate their feelings meanwhile concealing their sensitivities and vulnerabilities.With the nicknames carrying the Chinese character “狗”,they acquire the desired effects.Using this metaphor,they actually express their inner thoughts about their situation or their job in a much self-deprecating way.Examples suitable here are“加班狗”,or “考研狗”.Hereby,metaphor helps the Chinese young generation to let off their stress or complaint.Whereas,these expressions also disclose their hard work.


Metaphor renders an easy way for people to have a better understanding of the world.With different angles,we can use the more concrete ideational domain to know the much ambiguous one.For Chinese young generation,the fast pace of the society inflict them plenty of pressure.An easy and relaxing way becomes critical for them to vomit their inner stress.Combined the changing cognitive images towards dog,they all acquiesce adopting Chinese Cyberwords with the Chinese Character “狗” in the interpersonal communication.Via similarities between them and the clever dogs,they use these metaphoric usages to access to a more moderate way for self-expression.And at the same time,a sense of humor comes into force to cover their fragility or bitterness.Consequently,the user obtains their purpose of communication through the semantic prominence.


[1] Lan Chun.《认知语言学与隐喻研究》,Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.2005.

[2] Lakoff,George & Mark Johnson.Metaphors We Live By.Chicago:University of Chicago Press.1980.




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