
2018-04-16 18:35:17本刊编辑部
地质灾害与环境保护 2018年4期


泾阳县泾河南塬黄土滑坡形成机理分析 张秦华 张华勋 张志沛(3)

基于GPS的山区水库边坡滑坡体变形监测 叱伟康 李向新 李鹏飞(9)

琼库什台冰碛物阶地崩塌灾害形成条件及防治思路分析 敬广秀 吴绍英(13)

冕宁县地质灾害发育特征及形成条件 曾贞 张志强(17)

彝良小草坝旅游景区地质灾害危险性评估 陈天合 王 蓉 刘懿莹 等(23)

地震作用下尾矿坝变形及稳定性时程分析 郝喆(29)


——以云南省迪庆州新那格拉水电站为例 许永超 樊亚红 廖绍忠 等(35)

某市隧道工程地下空间开发利用工程地质条件适宜性研究 郑立博 陈雪梅 席恺 等(39)

滇中引水工程蔡家村隧洞涌水量预测 许云 张世涛 刘皓(45)

石膏质岩的膨胀特性及防治对策研究 韩琳琳 张黎 蒋小权(50)

三峡库区高切坡典型破坏模式研究及其在白岩沟坡中的应用 杨雨亭 赵萌(54)

挖方边坡稳定性及治理措施实例分析 周志国 符必昌 周志彬(60)

米箩煤矿110102工作面开采引发山体开裂稳定性分析 靳雪姣 王彤标 陈金宏(65)

安徽省怀远县马头城铁矿外围物探异常特征与钻孔验证分析 敬海霞 黄江华 施云龙 等(70)

高温作用下和高温后岩石力学特性的研究进展 熊良宵 虞利军(76)

BIM技术在隧道与地下工程中的应用及前景综述 陈紫云 李天斌 刘四昌 等(83)

普通电法在广德县寻找地下水工作中的运用 李能勇(93)

川西坳陷东坡窄河道致密砂岩气藏储层孔喉特征 卜淘(97)

岩石剪切破坏裂纹扩展模拟及声发射能量监控 陶可友(103)

天津古海岸牡蛎礁时空分布及成因研究 王亚明(108)


昔格达地层填方路堤滑坡分析与防治 成永刚 王红兵 王寒罡 等(1)

基于理想点法的武都区北山泥石流危险度评价 刘德玉 丛凯 魏洁 等(7)

许昌铁矿矿区地面塌陷成因分析 王军强 胡继华 王灵敏(12)

广州市南沙区软土地面沉降特征及城市防灾减灾的建议 陈小月(17)

四川藏区高速公路斜坡地质灾害防范对策 袁飞云 李永林 郑斌(23)

滇东典型板桥小流域山洪灾害风险评估 苏文豪 甘淑 陈明义(28)

沪昆高铁朱砂堡隧道特大型岩溶稳定性模拟与评价 许胜 李嘉雨 张会刚 等(35)

壁板坡隧道施工期可溶岩段涌水特征分析 刘光士 丁秀美(43)

唐山城市规划区工程地质环境评价方法研究 刘婷婷 费书民 于春磊(48)

紫阳县某危岩体特征研究 王晗旭 范雷伟 李葛(53)

怀远县炮楼东巷西侧山体边坡稳定性分析与防治措施 林深(57)

岩溶地区高速公路隧道之间处理方案的对比分析 张云良(62)

GMS在地下水环境影响评价中的应用——以某焦化厂为例 陈戈(66)

西藏某尾矿库坝址区工程地质条件与渗漏评价 畅秀俊(77)

3S数字采集系统在西安市长安区地质灾害详细调查中的应用 殷翔 李葛 穆琳(80)

土质边坡稳定性的能量方法研究 徐淑珍 陈臻林(84)

大锚杆联合抗滑桩在顺层边坡支挡的应用 舒海明 喻邦江(88)

岩质边坡不同开挖条件下对断层影响机制研究 王凯 范柱国 雍伟勋(92)

深部破裂岩体质量评价及力学参数获取 李刚 王珣 伏坤 等(97)

三岔河石英岩矿山地质环境保护与恢复治理 李易 许可 骆怀鹏(102)

某水电站块石料场弃渣堆积体边坡变形破坏机制分析 潘一茜 胡卸文(107)

复杂固结作用对高大炉渣边坡的稳定性影响研究 王修峰 刘文连 廖绍忠 等(113)


九寨沟地震前后次生地质灾害分布特征分析 刘果 张友谊 张珊珊 等(1)

高位滑坡特征与防治 王得双 梁收运 赵红亮(5)

四川省茂县南新镇羊毛坪滑坡稳定性评价 张婷 符必昌 周志国 等(12)

湖南宁乡王家湾滑坡特征与变形机制分析 吴浪辉 李姣 雷耀波(17)

大同市黄土崩塌(滑坡)地质灾害发育特征及防治措施 苏厅云(22)

云南省鲁甸县石丫口崩塌稳定性分析与治理研究 王柱 曹广祝 覃荣高 等(27)

杭(州)绍(兴)台(州)高速公路大岙溪危岩崩塌运动学特征研究 王凯强 胡卸文(32)

贵州某拟建机场高填方边坡破坏模式及稳定性分析 胡勇生 燕俊松 唐宁(38)

广元宝珠村滑坡工程地质特征及成因机制研究 赖书名 胡勇生(43)

某防洪护岸综合整治工程建设场地地质灾害危险性评估 曾蓉 李俊业(49)

单体危岩危险性评价与防治建议——以云南省大关县危岩体为例 蔡向阳 铁永波 徐伟 等(55)

安徽省枞阳县地质灾害发育特征研究 李亚星 郑立博 王韬(62)

土体物理力学性质相关性分析——以云南省德宏州遮放盆地土体为例 缪宇 何茂源(67)

粗颗粒含量对砾石土抗剪强度影响的试验研究 郝腾飞 喻邦江(73)

基于路径模拟的崩塌落石灾害防治研究——以厦门市双狮南里边坡为例 吴少元(77)

基于MIDAS/NX的二元结构边坡稳定性分析及加固设计 王鑫 许万忠 罗丹(87)

西藏大骨节病严重区水文地质调查成果浅析 余业 曾文钊 杨与靖(94)

地下开采矿山采空区地表变形影响的预测及评估 李明玉(99)

中国近20年岩石流变试验与本构模型的研究进展 熊良宵 汪子华(104)


湖南省永兴县五星组滑坡成因机制及稳定性评价 周倩 陆剑宇 辛武 等(3)

东川小江干流沿线泥石流沟谷迹地空间分布的遥感解译分析 彭锐 甘淑 高莎 等(9)

福建省大田县桃源镇前厝村岩溶塌陷发育特征及成因分析 张晓斌(15)

黑龙江省中部中低山区古冰川地质遗迹存在的可能性分析 李强(21)

基于地貌单元与灰关联分析的地质灾害风险性评价 李得立 李小磊 罗德江 等(26)

红层丘陵区某高速桥墩地基深大裂缝病害成因机制及处治方案 陈紫云(32)

孤石赋存形态的分类及稳定性分析 刘治军 王贤能 莫莉(40)

探地雷达在云南昌宁县一滑坡灾害中的应用 何宏智 张家明(45)

冻融后水泥砂浆的单轴动态力学性能研究 杨波 张军 熊良宵(50)

绿色矿山建设中的地质灾害监测数字化技术应用 陈蒙 林锦富 段昌盛(54)

一种GPR勘探的铁路翻浆冒泥病害底界的等值线图绘制方法 丁杨 陈国荣 陈志文(58)

基于最优组合赋权法的华池县地质灾害易发性评价 贾丽娜 梁收运(61)

有限厚度含水层双排水盲沟渗流计算探讨 叶坤 王贤能(68)

基于GMS软件对某废渣填埋场地下水污染的研究 李亮 吴静 徐世光 等(73)

基于GMS的某化工厂岩溶含水层溶质运移模拟 陈飞 徐世光 黄建国 等(81)

曲靖市德泽乡温泉特征及成因 屈元会 徐世光 黄建国(91)

康定中谷地区热储特征及温度计算 黄珣 李晓 余中友 等(96)




The Analysis of the formation mechanism of the landslide in the southen plateau of Jingyang County ZHANG Qin-hua ZHANG Hua-xun ZHANG Zhi-pei(3)

Reservoir Slope Deformation Monitoring Based on GPS CHI Wei-kang LI Xiang-xin LI Peng-fei(9)

The formation condition and prevention and analysis of the disaster foemation of the ice

moeaine in Qiongkushtai JING Guang-xiu WU Shao-ying(13)

Developmental characteristics and forming conditions of geological disasters in Mianning

county ZENG Zhen ZHANG Zhi-qiang(17)

Risk evaluation of geological hazards in Yiliang small grass dam tourist attractions CHEN Tian-he WANG Rong LIU Yi-ying et al.(23)

Deformation and stability time history analysis on tailings dam under the earthquake action HAO Zhe(29)

Risk assessment of geological hazard for construction land of hydropower station

——A case study of Hydropower Station in Xinnagela,Yunnan Province XU Yong-chao FAN Ya-hong LIAO Shao-zhong et al.(35)

Study on the suitability evaluation for engineering geological conditions of the underground

space development and utilization in a City ZHANG Li-bo CHEN Xue-mei XI Kai et al.(39)

Water inflow prediction of the Central Yunnan water diversion Caijiachun tunnel XU Yun ZHANG Shi-tao LIU Hao(45)

Study on swelling characteristics of gypsum rocks and control measures to it HAN Lin-lin ZHANG Li JIANG Xiao-quan(50)

Typical failure modes of high-cutting slops and its application on yanwanqiao west slope in

three gorges Reservoir Region, China YANG Yu-ting ZHAO Meng(54)

Case study on stability of cutting side slope and Its control measures ZHOU Zhi-guo FU Bi-chang ZHOU Zhi-bin(60)

Stability analysis of mountain cracks the 110102 face Mining in the Miluo coal mine JIN Xue-jiao WANG Tong-biao CHEN Jin-hong(65)

Analysis of geophysical anomaly characteristic and borehole verification in Matoucheng iron

mine periphery in Huaiyuan county of Anhui province JING Hai-xia HUANG Jiang-hua SHI Yun-long et al.(70)

Advances of mechanical properties of rock under high temperature and after high temperature XIONG Liang-xiao YU Li-jun(76)

The Review of BIM Technology in Tunnel&Underground’s Engineering Application and

Prospects CHEN Zi-yun LI Tian-bin LIU Si-chang et al.(83)

The application of electrical prospecting method to find groundwater in Guangde county LI Neng-yong(93)

The pore throat characteristics of narrow-channel tight sandstone gas reservoirs in the

eastern slope of Western Sichuan depression BU Tao(97)

Rock shear failure crack propagation simulation and acoustic emission energy Monitoring TAO Ke-you(103)

Study on formation and spatial distribution of oyster reefs in paleo-coast belt, Tianjin WANG Ya-ming(108)


The Xigeda Strata Embankment Landslide Analysis and Control CHENG Yong-gang WANG Hong-bing WANG Han-gang et al.(1)

Hazardousness evaluation of debris flow in Beishan mountain of Wudu district based on ideal

point method LIU De-yu CONG Kai WEI Jie et al.(7)

Origin of ground collapse at the Xuchang iron mine WANG Jun-qiang HU Ji-hua WANG Ling-min(12)

Ground subsidence characteristics of soft soil in Nansha District of Guangzhou City and the

suggestions for disaster prevention and reduction in urban development CHEN Xiao-yue(17)

Prevention countermeasures for geohazard of Sichuan Tibetan area expressway YUAN Fei-yun LI Yong-lin ZHENG Bin(23)

Risk assessment of mountain torrent disaster in small watershed of east Yunnan province SU Wen-hao GAN Shu CHEN Ming-yi(28)

The stability simulation and evaluation about massive karst cavern of Zhushabao tunnel on

Shanghai-Kunming high-speed rail XU Sheng LI Jia-yu ZHANG Hui-gang et al.(35)

Analysis on the characteristics of the water burst in the construction period of the

Bibanpo tunnel LIU Guang-shi DING Xiu-mei (43)

Study on evaluation method of engineering geological environment in Tangshan urban

planning area LIU Ting-ting FEI Shu-min YU Chun-lei(48)

Characteristics of an unstable rock mass in Ziyang WANG Han-xu FAN Lei-wei LI Ge(53)

Huaiyuan county east lane unstable slope stability analysis and prevention measures LIN Sheng(57)

Comparative analysis of treatment schemes for expressway crossing underground river in

karst area ZHANG Yun-liang(62)

Application of GMS in groundwater environmental impact assessment-Taking a coking

plant as an example CHEN Ge(66)

The engineering geological conditions of Tibet a tailings dam site and leakage evaluation CHANG Xiu-jun(77)

Application of field data acquisition system for geo-hazards survey based on 3S technology YIN Xiang LI Ge MU Lin(80)

Study on energy method of soil slope stability XU Shu-zhen CHEN Zhen-lin(84)

Application of big bolting combined with anti slide pile in bedding slope support SHU Hai-ming YU Bang-jiang(88)

Study on the influence mechanism of slope under different excavation conditions WANG Kai FAN Zhu-guo YONG Wei-xun(92)

Evaluation on the fracture rock mass quality and obtain Strength Parameters LI Gang WANG Xun FU Kun et al.(97)

Geological environmental protection and restoration of quartzite mine in Sanchahe LI Yi XU Ke LUO Huai-peng(102)

Analysis on failure mechanisms of a waste slag accumulation slope at a certain

hydropower station PAN Yi-Xi HU Xie-wen(107)

The influence study of complex consolidation on stability for high slag slope WANG Xiu-feng LIU Wen-lian LIAO Shao-zhong et al.(113)


Analysis on distribution characteristics of secondary geo-hazards before and after Jiuzhaigou

earthquake. LIU Guo ZHANG You-yi ZHANG Shan-shan et al.(1)

Characteristic of high-locality landslide and prevention WANG De-shuang LIANG Shou-yun ZHAO Hong-liang(5)

The stability evaluation of Yangmaoping landslide in Nanxin town,Mao County, Sichuan

province ZHANG Ting FU Bi-chang ZHOU Zhi-guo et al.(12)

Characteristics and deformation mechanism of Wangjiawan landslide in Ningxiang, Hunan WU Lang-hui LI Jiao LEI Yao-bo(17)

The development characteristics and prevention measure of geological hazard about loess

collapses(landslides) in Datong SU Ting-yun(22)

The Analysis and management of the collapse stability of Shiyakou in Ludian county of

Yunnan province WANG Zhu CAO Guang-zhu QIN Rong-gao et al.(27)

Research on developmental and motional characteristics of Daaoxi unstable rock along

Hang-Shao-Tai highway WANG Kai-qiang HU Xie-wen(32)

Ailure mode and stability analysis of high fill slope of a proposed airdrome in Guizhou

province HU Yong-sheng YAN Jun-song TANG Ning(38)

Engineering geological characteristics and formation mechanism of Baozhu landslide in

Guangyuan LAI Shu-ming HU Yong-sheng(43)

Evaluation of geological hazards in the construction site of a flood protection bank

ZENG Rong LI Jun-ye(49)

Risk assessment for single rockfall: a case study on rockfall in Daguan county,Yunnan,China CAI Xiang-yang TIE Yong-bo XU Wei et al.(55)

Investigation and research on the development characteristics of geological hazards in

Zongyang county of Anhui province LI Ya-xing ZHENG Li-bo WANG Tao(62)

Correlation analysis of soil mass physical and mechanical properties-take the soil mass of Zhefang

Basin as the example in Dehong state, Yunnan province MIAO Yu HE Mao-yuan(67)

Experimental study on the effect of coarse particle content on shear strength of gravel soil HAO Teng-fei YU Bang-jiang(73)

The prevention study on collapse and rockfall disaster base on movement route simulation

——A case study of Shuangshinanli slope in Xiamen City WU Shao-yuan(77)

Research on double-decked slope stability based on MIDAS/NX WANG Xin XU Wan-zhong LUO Dan(87)

Analysis of hydrogeological surver results in serious kaschin-beck disease area of tibet

YU Ye ZENG Wen-zhao YANG Yu-jing(94)

Prediction and evaluation of surface deformation in mined out area of underground mining LI Ming-yu(99)

Progress in study on rheological test and rheological model of rock for nearly 20 years in China XIONG Liang-xiao WANG Zi-hua(104)


The genesis mechanism analysis and the stability evaluation of Wuxingzu landslide,at Yongxing,

Hunan ZHOU Qian LU Jian-yu XIN Wu et al.(3)

Remote sensing interpretation analysis of gullies debris flow spatial distribution of XiaoJiang

river basin in Dongchuan PENG Rui GAN Shu GAO Sha et al.(9)

Developmental characteristics and cause analysis of Karst collapse in Qiancuo village, Taoyuan town,

Datian of Fujian province ZHANG Xiao-bin(15)

Analysis of the possibility of ancient glacier geological relics existing in the middle and low

altitude mountainous areas in the middle part of Heilongjiang Province LI Qiang(21)

Risk assessment of geological hazards based on geomorphic units and gray relation analysis LI De-li LI Xiao-lei LUO De-jiang et al.(26)

The study of mechanism and prevention on the deep cracks of an expressway bridge pier

foundation in red layer hilly area CHEN Zi-yun(32)

Classification of occurrence form of spheric weathered granite and stability analysis LIU Zhi-jun, WANG Xian-neng, MO Li(40)

Application of ground penetrating radar in landslide disaster in Changning County, Yunnan HE Hong-zhi ZHANG Jia-ming(45)

Study on uniaxial dynamic mechanical properties of cement mortar after freezing-thawing YANG Bo ZHANG Jun XIONG Liang-xiao(50)

Application of digital technology in geological disaster monitoring of green mine construction CHEN Meng LIN Jin-fu DUAN Chang-sheng(54)

A Contour map drawing method of gpr exploration for bottom boundary of the mud pumping

disease in railway DING Yang CHEN Guo-rong CHEN Zhi-wen(58)

Assessment of geohazards susceptibility for Huachi county by the optimal combined weight

method JIA Li-na LIANG Shou-yun(61)

Seepage calculation and discussion of double drainage blind ditch in finite thickness aquifer YE Kun WANG Xian-neng(68)

Research on groundwater pollution of a waste landfill site based on GMS software LI Liang WU Jing XU Shi-guang et al.(73)

Prediction of karst groundwater pollution by a chemical plant based on GMS simulation CHEN Fei XU Shi-guang HUANG Jian-guo et al.(81)

The characteristics and causes of hot springs in Deze country of Qujing city QU Yuan-hui XU Shi-guang HUANG Jian-guo(91)

Thermal storage characteristics and temperature calculation in Zhonggu area, Kangding HUANG Xun LI Xiao YU Zhong-you et al.(96)

这边山 那边坡
河北地质(2021年1期)2021-07-21 08:16:08
北方交通(2016年12期)2017-01-15 13:52:59
山东青年(2016年3期)2016-02-28 14:25:50