(武汉纺织大学机械工程与自动化学院,武汉 430073)
针对现有苎麻脱胶后纤维开纤中纤维束混乱纠缠、梳理难度大、工序不连续、劳动强度高等问题,结合苎麻纤维机械自动化生产的技术要求,该文采用煮练后麻纤维平直喂入、敲麻开纤、高压水理清洗和平直输出等连续化工序加工原理,对设备整体方案和主要工作部件敲麻开纤装置、间歇输送装置、聚拢装置以及水理装置等进行设计,确定其关键参数,并开展样机麻纤维开纤试验和纤维质量检测。试验结果表明:该样机生产性能稳定,麻纤维品质均一,大幅降低了劳动强度,生产效率大于120 kg/h(原麻),麻纤维残胶率小于2.0%,并丝率小于2‰,束纤维断裂强度为4.3 cN/dtex。研究结果可为苎麻精加工设备的升级换代和苎麻纤维生产规模化、标准化发展提供技术支撑。
针对上述问题,本文以高压碱煮化学脱胶或生物脱胶工艺后的麻纤维(煮练麻)为研究对象,提出了麻纤维平直输送、开纤和水理联合处理的技术方案,设计了ZMFQSL-1 型苎麻开纤水理设备样机,对其工作原理进行分析和关键部件结构参数优化确定,并开展了样机麻纤维开纤水理试验和纤维质量检测,以期为苎麻纤维机械自动化生产设备的研制提供参考。
1. 间歇输送装置 2. 敲麻开纤装置机架 3. 敲麻开纤装置 4. 电机 5. 聚拢装置 6. 纤维过渡输送装置 7. 水理装置机架 8. 水理装置 9. 过滤水箱 10. 水循环系统
表1 苎麻开纤水理设备主要设计技术参数
2.1.1 结构组成
作用纤维表面上的冲击能对纤维开纤和残留胶质洗脱有重要的影响,为了确定敲麻开纤装置冲击高度和冲击质量,以现有圆盘敲麻机单个锤体冲击参数为依据,通过能量守恒定律计算确定本装置相应参数。圆盘敲麻机有6个锤头,单个锤头结构参数:锤面面积1为110 mm × 70 mm,锤质量为1=7.13 kg,自由落体高度1=140 mm。根据自由落体的能量守恒定律并考虑锤体作用于麻纤维表面冲击能全部被纤维吸收,因此本机设计敲麻锤体单位面积上的冲击能需大于等于圆盘敲麻机的冲击能,于是有公式(1)。
1. 导轨架 2. 导轨 3. 滑动板件 4. 凸轮 5. 滚子 6. 固定导向板 7. 敲麻锤
1. Rail bracket 2. Rail 3. Sliding plate 4. Cam 5. Roller 6. Fixed director plate 7. Fiber knocking hammer
图2 敲麻开纤机构结构示意图
Fig.2 Structure diagram of ramie fiber knocking and opening mechanism
式中,2为本机锤面面积;考虑机幅的宽窄和输送带宽度,确定锤面包橡胶后面积2为长×宽=270 mm×30 mm;2为凸轮升程即锤子自由落体的高度,结合整机结构设计参数,确定凸轮升程2为70 mm;由(2)式计算可知敲麻锤质量2≥15.0 kg,因敲麻锤的质量可以人为配重,为了获得较好的敲击开纤效果,取敲麻锤的质量2=20 kg。
由(3)式计算出3≥35.7 mm,考虑到安装误差,需在凸轮与滚子之间留有间隙,确定滚子中心的起始高度3=40 mm。根据以上的参数及设计要求,确定凸轮的升程运动角为138°,凸轮的回程运动角为42°,利用Pro/E绘制出凸轮轮廓[18]。
由公式(4)计算可知,1≤6.11 rad/s,由此选定凸轮轴转速1=5.5 rad/s。
2.1.2 冲击次数与喂入量的确定
为了确定冲击次数和单次麻纤维的喂入量对苎麻纤维开纤效果的影响,以样机为试验台架,以脱胶后残胶率3.5%~4.1%苎麻纤维作为试验样本,在不同喂入量1.0、1.3、1.6 kg及不同冲击次数4、6、8、10次条件下进行试验。通过国标GB/T5889-1986纤维残胶率的检测方法,对冲击后麻纤维残胶率进行测定,试验结果表明,当喂入量为1.3 kg和冲击次数为8时敲击开纤效果较好。为此,设计敲麻开纤机构为4排3列,共计24个敲击锤。
2.2.1 结构组成
1. 输送带 2. 输送辊 3. 链条 4. 槽轮 5. 转臂
1. Conveyor belt 2. Conveying roller 3. Chain 4. Sheave 5. Tumbler
注:2为转臂拨轮的角速度,rad/s;3为槽轮运动时的平均角速度, rad/s;4为输送辊运动时的平均角速度,rad/s;21为转臂拨轮的运动角,(°);22为槽轮的运动角,(°)。
Note:2is angular velocity of tumbler dial wheel,rad/s;3is average angular velocity of sheave for the movement,rad/s;4is average angular velocity of the conveying roller for the movement,rad/s; 21is moving angle of tumbler dial wheel,(°); 22is moving angle of sheave,(°).
图4 间歇输送装置结构示意图
Fig.4 Structure diagram of intermittent transportation device
2.2.2 参数确定
设定转臂拨轮转动与凸轮轴传动比为1,即2=1,则根据公式(5)可知,槽轮的单次运动时间2=0.28 s,此时凸轮的升程时间3=1=0.44 s,满足槽轮运动时间小于凸轮升程时间的设计要求,避免了敲麻锤自由落体敲击麻纤维时麻纤维处于输送状态。
输送带由输送辊通过槽轮链条驱动,输送辊直径和槽轮传动比决定了麻纤维在输送带上移动的位移,槽轮单次驱动输送带移动的位移1必须小于设计的敲麻锤面宽30 mm,否则会出现麻纤维的“漏敲”现象。
式中1=115 mm,其中输送辊直径为105 mm, 带厚度为5 mm;2=0.28 s为槽轮单次运动时间;3为槽轮运动时的平均角速度,其值为1=2=3=5.5 rad/s。
根据公式(6)可知,当链传动比=1/3时,输送带单次运动位移量1为29.51 mm,满足设计要求。由此可确定输送辊与槽轮链条传动比=1/3。
该机构采用曲柄滑块原理,牵引滑块4由连杆3的带动下在竖直导轨10作竖直方向往复运动,聚拢滑块7和聚拢板8由聚拢杆5带动在横向导轨的作用下横向聚拢的往复运动,完成对麻纤维的往复式聚拢作业。其中,为了保证聚拢板8张开时不脱离输送带宽度850 mm,确定其两侧聚拢扳最大张开距离为850 mm,聚拢板完全聚拢时,2个聚拢板的内侧距离为200 mm,即聚拢机构完成1个工作循环。通过两侧的聚拢板流线型曲面设计,聚拢板的前端弯曲成100°圆弧,可实现少量扩展到输送带边界的纤维被带回,避免了麻纤维的“纠缠”现象。两侧聚拢板的底端包裹着柔性材料,安装时与输送带之间预设一定的挤压力,保证在工作行程中聚拢作业的可靠性。
1. 聚拢机架2. 曲柄3. 连杆4. 牵引滑块 5. 聚拢杆 6. 链轮 7. 聚拢滑块 8. 聚拢板 9. 横向导轨 10. 竖直导轨
2.4.1 结构设计
2.4.2 水理参数确定
通过水理装置再次将残留的胶质洗脱和对纤维的开纤,而影响麻纤维水理效果主要因素为喷嘴进口压强、喷嘴直径、喷距(喷嘴出口与麻纤维的垂直距离)、水洗次数[22-24]。样机水理参数选择以课题组邵运果等的研究结果[25-26]为基础,确定喷嘴进口压强1.2 MPa、喷嘴直径2 mm和喷距30 mm为设计参数。为获得较好的水洗次数,试验设计4种不同的水洗次数,即3、4、5、6次。由试验结果可知,当水洗次数为5次数纤维的水理效果较好,而且再次增加水洗次数对水理效果影响不大反而增加设计成本,由此确定水理装置采用5组阶梯布置的水理机构。
1. 上水理输送辊2. 麻纤维束3. 挤压辊4. 弹簧5. 防缠喷水头 6. 上水洗喷头 7. 下水理输送辊 8. 下水洗喷头
1. Above conveying roller of washing mechanism 2.Ramie fiber bunch 3. Extrusion roll 4.Spring 5. Water nozzle for anti-winding 6. Above washing nozzle 7. Below conveying roller of washing mechanism 8. Below washing nozzle
图6 水理机构结构示意图
Fig.6 Structure diagram of washing mechanism
基于间歇输送辊直径,选取水理输送辊直径2为 115 mm,则由公式(9)计算出水理输送辊的转速5≥0.91 rad/s。确定水理输送辊转速5=1 rad/s时,其线速度2=57.5 mm/s,大于间歇输送装置输送辊的平均线速度,实现了麻纤维的连续化生产。
图7 水循环系统
ZMFQSL-1型苎麻开纤水理设备由武汉碧连天环保设备有限公司试制,样机配套电机功率为14 kW,外形尺寸为12 000 mm×1 100 mm×1 780 mm(长×宽×高)。并于2017年8月在鄂州市葛店经济开发区苎麻试验基地进行试验(如图8所示)。试验材料选用江西恩达麻世纪科技股份有限公司经过高压碱煮和生物联合脱胶工艺后的苎麻纤维,含胶率为3.5%~4.1%,平均长度为1.8~2.7 m。
图8 苎麻开纤水理设备性能试验
表2 样机主要性能指标对比
表中试验数据表明,样机敲击开纤水洗脱胶后纤维的残胶率为1.8%~2.0%,脱胶效果好于圆盘敲麻机的开纤脱胶效果;束纤维断裂强度约大于圆盘敲击机束纤维断裂强度,为4.3cN/dtex;本机生产效率远高于圆盘敲击机,大于120 kg/h。样机处理后的纤维并丝率远远小于圆盘敲麻机处理的纤维并丝率,小于2‰。其它各项性能指标均达或超过设计指标与相关标准。究其原因,本样机只需人工喂入,麻纤维直线后续处理过程中敲击开纤与水理脱胶全由机械自动完成,因而麻纤维受到的敲击开纤与水洗洗脱更加均匀,生产出的麻纤维品质均一,故纤维的脱胶效果与生产率都较高。而圆盘敲麻机依靠熟练操作工的经验连续不断的翻转麻纤维,在恶劣的工作环境中不可避免产生翻转不均导致漏敲现象,同时人工翻转时部分纤维回转,导致敲击处理时纤维易产生麻结,增大了圆盘敲麻机的纤维并丝率。两种设备敲击锤面均采用包胶缓冲,但本样机采用机构自动敲击,次数均匀且不易产生在圆盘敲麻机中由人工控制所带来的过度敲击现象,因而本样机处理纤维的束纤维断裂强度好于圆盘敲麻机。
2)试验结果表明,该机运行工作时性能稳定可靠,开纤水理效果明显,麻纤维品质均一,麻纤维残胶率为1.8%~2.0%,束纤维断裂强度为4.3 cN/dtex,并丝率小于2‰,生产效率大于120 kg/h,各项性能指标均好于圆盘式敲麻机麻,且均达或超过设计指标与相关标准。
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Design and test of ZMFQSL-1 type ramie fiber opening and washing machine
Su Gongbing, Wu Qiming, Yuan Langjia, Zhou Huiyong
The successful development of this machine can provide an efficient, safe and reliable device for the ramie fiber opening and washing. It can also greatly reduce the requirement of operator technology and the work intensity, but improve the working environment. While it provides a basis not only for the upgrading and updating of ramie processing equipment but also for the scale and Standardized development of ramie production, shows a new design idea for the opening and washing of other degummed fiber at the same time. The problems of fiber opening and washing after the degumming of ramie have plagued the development of the industry for a long time. At present, because of the high labor intensity and low efficiency of manual cleaning, it is the inevitable choice to achieve the goals of mechanized and efficient water washing. Focusing on the problems of follow-up processing of degummed fiber, many technicians both here and abroad have designed many types of ramie opening machines, such as traditional circular knocking machine, rotary hammer type fiber opening machine and ramie fiber washing machine. But now people still use the traditional circular knocking machine to open the fiber and wash it in another machine, which depends on the operators’ experience to flip the fiber in the process of knocking and opening the fiber. But, the operators cannot flip so symmetrically because of the bad working environment that the opening machine misses some knockings, which results in the bad uniformity of ramie fiber. According to the technical requirements of ramie fiber automatic production, the ZMFQSL−1 type ramie fiber opening and washing machine was designed and manufactured. This prototype mainly consists of opening device, intermittent transportation device, gathering device, washing device, and system of water circulation. It adopts the combination of the opening device and intermittent transportation device to realize the process of fiber strip-shaped linear intermittent transportation, knocking and opening, and intermittent transportation. By using eccentric design of cam and cam follower assembly, the opening device can realize the hammer’s free falling motion and finish the knocking and opening of the ramie fiber. Washing device is made up of 5 sets of washing mechanisms which are in ladder arrangement, and it can complete the washing process of the ramie fiber by the pressure water washing of 2 sides during the conveying and the extrusion of the pressure roll, which achieves the further opening and washing of fiber as well as the recycling of water resource, and at the same time increases the feasibility of the popularizing of the prototype. The size of the prototype (length × width × height) is 12 000 mm × 1 100 mm × 1 780 mm, and its power of electric machinery is 14 kW. The operation widths of opening device and washing device are 850 mm, and the nozzle pressure of the washing device is 1.2 MPa. Experiment result shows that the machine works stably and performs reliably, the productivity is more than 120 kg/h and the quality of ramie fiber is uniform, the average residual gum content is less than 2.0%, the Bundle-fiber breaking force is 4.3 cN/dtex, and the splitting rate is less than 2‰, and every indicator of performance meets or exceeds the related standards. The successful development of this machine can provide an efficient, safe and reliable device for the ramie fiber opening and washing. It can also greatly reduce the requirement of operator technology and the work intensity, and improve the working environment. It provides a basis not only for the upgrading and updating of ramie processing equipment but also for the scale and standardized development of ramie production, and shows a new design idea for the opening and washing of other degummed fiber at the same time.
agricultural machinery; washing; fiber; mechanism design; performance test
苏工兵,吴奇明,袁浪佳,周会勇. ZMFQSL-1型苎麻开纤水理设备设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(7):264-270. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.07.034 http://www.tcsae.org
Su Gongbing, Wu Qiming, Yuan Langjia, Zhou Huiyong. Design and test of ZMFQSL-1 type ramie fiber opening and washing machine[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(7): 264-270. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.07.034 http://www.tcsae.org