Five Facts About Qatar You Might Not Know

2018-03-29 06:45董婷婷
英语世界 2018年2期

The sovereign state of Qatar is currently at the centre of a storm1at the centre of the storm直译为“处在风暴中心”,这里意译为“处在风口浪尖”。,with its neighbours cutting off diplomatic relations. But this is not a country which often finds itself dominating the headlines.

[2] So what do people actually know about Qatar, apart from it hosting the football World Cup in 2022?

Here are five facts to get you started.

Men outnumber women—hugely

[3] In a country of about 2.5 million people, there are fewer than 700,000 women.

This imbalance can be attributed to Qatar’s sudden population explosion:this is a state built by immigrants, who are overwhelmingly young and male.

[4] The promise2promise前景;指望。of a job has meant people have flooded into Qatar—which is about the same size as Yorkshire—in recent years, taking its population from less than 700,000 in 2003, to an estimated 2.5 million in 2016.







[4] 2003年,卡塔尔人口不到70万。近几年,这个只有英国约克郡大小的国家因工作机会多,吸引了大量的移民涌入。2016年,卡塔尔总人口数已达250万左右。

[5] While there are female migrants,the vast majority are men building the infrastructure needed for the upcoming World Cup. They come from all over the world, although the largest numbers come from India and Nepal, making Hindus3Hindu印度教教徒。the third largest religious group in the country, after Muslims and Christians, according to the CIA’s World Factbook4《世界各国纪实年鉴》,由美国中央情报局出版,每年一期,内容主要包括国家社会、地理、政治、军事、人口、交通等概况。.

London’s biggest landlords?

[6] Qatar has been busy over the last decade or so buying up large swathes of London. Its portfolio includes, but is not limited to, the Shard5碎片大厦,位于伦敦泰晤士河南岸,高达1017英尺(309.6米),是全欧洲第二高的大厦。, Harrods, Chelsea Barracks6切尔西营,原为伦敦威斯敏斯特市一军事营地,近年来被重建开发成豪宅区。and the Olympic Village, as well having a stake in Canary Wharf7金丝雀码头位于伦敦市中心的东部,伦敦的主要金融中心之一。.

[7] In 2017, Ali Shareef al-Emadi, the country’s finance minister, estimated the country had “more than £35bn to£40bn ($45bn to $51bn) of investments already in the UK”. What’s more, Mr Emadi said the country was planning to invest another £5bn in the UK over the next three to five years—including more property.





Qatar really loves art

[8] Qatar is known as a conservative country, yet, in the last few years it has sponsored a number of exhibitions—including hosting the somewhat controversial artist Damien Hirst8英国最具影响力的艺术家,争议在于其作品:《母亲与孩子分离》是浸泡在甲醛中的奶牛和小牛;《脱离羊群》是甲醛溶液中的绵羊;《看在上帝的份上》采用婴儿头颅作为艺术品的模子,并在表面镶满8000颗粉色和白色的钻石。’s first solo retrospective9soloretrospective个人回顾展。in the Middle East,in 2013.

[9] The country also boasts the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha, which opened in 2008. It is said to house one of the most comprehensive collections of Islamic art in the world, exhibiting works from across three continents and 1,400 years.

A rather large teddy bear

[10瑞士艺术家,其作品平衡失调,无论是创作手法还是创作目的都流露出模糊感和残缺美。] Qatar’s love of art has spilled over from the museums and into its public spaces. Indeed, anyone who has ever been through Doha’s Hamad International Airport could not have missed the 23-foot yellow teddy sitting in the middle of the terminal.

[11] Lamp/Bear was created by Swiss artist Urs Fischer10瑞士艺术家,其作品平衡失调,无论是创作手法还是创作目的都流露出模糊感和残缺美。more than a decade ago, is cast from bronze and weighs almost 20 tonnes. According to Hamad International Airport’s official description, the bear is a “playful piece that humanises the space around it and reminds travellers of childhood or precious objects from home”.







[12] The cast bronze sculpture was bought at auction in New York for $6.8m(£5.3m) back in 2011.

Qatar has record riches—for some

[13] How does such a small country pay for all this? Well, thanks to its oil and gas reserves, as well as some good investments, Qatar has the highest GDP per capita in the world.

[14] In 2016, it was $129,700(£100,500)—more than $20,000 higher than the next closest country, Luxembourg, the CIA’s World Factbook said.

At the other end of the scale, Somalia’s GDP was estimated to be just $400 per head.

[15] However, Qatar’s wealth is in no way equally spread. The former Emir11埃米尔,某些穆斯林国家的酋长或王子、长官。,Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, is reportedly worth $2.4bn. But migrants interviewed by the BBC in 2015 revealed they were earning as little as$350 a month. ■






[15]然而,卡塔尔的财富分配极不均衡。前元首谢赫·哈马德·本·哈利法·阿勒萨尼据称坐拥24亿美元身家。但2015年BBC采访的移民们透露,他们每月收入少得可怜,仅350美元。 □

The History of the Teddy Bear/by Mary Bellis泰迪熊的历史
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