Dumpling Time Abroad

2018-03-14 01:46ByKongDaren
Special Focus 2018年1期

By Kong Daren

Dumplings (called Jiaozi in Chinese) are a staple food of China. Legend has it that they were invented one-thousand eight hundred years ago by a sage of Chinese medicine named Zhang Zhongjing. They are a perennial favorite of the Chinese people who eat them at festival times.

Dumplings are also a traditional food in Europe and are eaten at Christmas time. With the emigration to the New World, certain areas of America and Canada celebrate“Dumpling Festival.”

Dumplings are called“pierogi”in Poland,“varenyky”in Ukraine,“pelmeni” in Russia, “koldunai” in Lithuania, “pirohy” in Solovakia, “ravioli” in Italy and “maultaschen” in Germany.

The dough skin is like the Chinese version no matter which recipe it is. Some are made with egg and can be stuffed with meat or vegetarian filling.They can be pan-fried, boiled, stewed or baked; and some are even wilder than that—they are wrapped in bacon.

American National public Radio (NPR)reporter Carolyn Beans recalled the dumplings her grandmother made for her as a child.“Christmas was my grandmother’s time to shine.She was a rigid perfectionist about how she made her dumplings and they were always featured prominently as the star attraction of her dinner table.After her passing we could never recapture the amazing flavor of the dumplings she used to serve us back then.But regardless of how they taste,dumplings are definitely a part of our Christmas dinner. I guess my grandma probably agreed with me.”





美国国家广播(NPR)记者Carolyn Beans,回忆起奶奶做的饺子。









其实,土耳其的Manti、黎巴嫩的Shish Barak等等,也像中国的饺子,也是他们的美食。


But where did European dumplings come from? Everyone is in complete agreement—Marco Polo brought them back from China.

Why do Europeans have dumplings at Christmas time?Historically, the Vatican held devoutly to the ideas of thrift and a diet consisting of light foods.The resourceful Europeans passed down a secret dumpling recipe:vegetable-filled dumplings.

After a “humble and thrifty”Christmas Eve (December 24),Christmas Day (December 25)is a day of extravagance and gluttony with all manner of baked goose, roast duck, broiled fish and barbecued meats making their way onto the traditional dinner table.

Lately the religious overtones of the European Christmas feast have gone by the wayside. It’s now mainly a day of family party or gathering, but dumplings have once again made their way back to the Christmas dinner table.

In 2017, I spent Christmas with a German business partner who gorged himself on dumplings. On the afternoon of Christmas Eve,the entire family began kneading dough and stuffing the Christmas dumplings with luscious filling.They even made one stuffed with meat and sauerkraut called“Bigos.”

In the blink of an eye we felt suddenly back in northeast China.

Most stunning is a certain kind of Polish pot sticker called Uszka filled with wild porcini mushrooms picked in the mountain. When served with a thin broth made with wild mushrooms and mountain-brewed Riesling wine, it just completes the picture of a perfect dining experience.

Actually, things like Turkish Manti and Lebanese Shish Barak are also really similar to Chinese dumplings and are considered a delicacy in their home country.

Most likely there was just one large family at the dawn of human civilization. After a whole year of battling for survival, they probably sat down together to knead up some dough, mix up some filling, enclose it in dough skins and toss them in a steaming vat of boiling water.The light must have glinted off of the bright smile on their otherwise exhausted faces as, for that brief shining moment in time they left the cold and their struggle for survival at the door and enjoyed a feast of piping hot, succulent dumplings.(Translation: Chase Coulson)

暴力饺子 Bacon-wrapped dumplings

俄罗斯饺子 Russian dumplings: pelmeni

德国饺子 German dumplings: maultaschen

波兰饺子 Polish dumplings: pierogi

Christmas Eve平安夜