An Informative Read

2018-03-13 07:54

Xi Jinping: The Governance of China (Volume II) contributes to understanding of Chinese President Xi Jinpings thoughts on the CPC, Chinas future path of development, and the nations policies. This is an edited review of the book by Jon Taylor, Chair of the Department of Political Science at the University of St. Thomas in Houston:

A little over three years ago, the State Council Information Office of China, the Party Literature Research Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the China International Publishing Group(CIPG) edited and published Xi Jinping: The Governance of China. The book received notable attention both in China and abroad.

Xi Jinping: The Governance of China (Volume II) follows up on the approach taken in Volume I by compiling 99 important speeches, answers to questions, conversations, letters, and instructions from Xi, also General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, from August 2014 to the end of September 2017.

I believe that Xi Jinping: The Governance of China (Volume II) is useful and informative for a couple of reasons. First, like the first volume, it offers the reader critical knowledge on Xis thinking about how and where China is going. Second, while the book is a collection of speeches and other official pronouncements, it provides the reader with a relatively handy reference guide that offers the reader an understanding of the thoughts of Chinas leader during the past three years. Such insight is important for those interested in Chinese politics and government, as well as those interested in international relations.

The choice of the word “governance”

Xis choice of the word governance for both Volumes is instructive because it conveys a general message that governance, whatever its form, is of high importance for Chinese statecraft, be it for domestic issues such as the deepening of economic reforms or for international issues such as economic globalization. As is typical of Xis style, there are nods to Chinese history and literature. Xis use of traditional Chinese history and culture reinforces his faith in the superiority of Chinas governance system and its modernization efforts. Xis observation on governance succinctly exemplifies what would become Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era during the 19th CPC National Congress. In this respect, this book speaks to Chinas vigorous domestic and international aspirations by offering some theoretically and practically important points on governance theory. He implies that good governance, led by the CPC, has enhanced Chinas model of democratic politics, offers an institutional platform for effective governance, enhances the Partys role in public policymaking, and encourages socialist market-oriented reforms.

The new era, governance, and Xi Jinping Thought

Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, Xis primary goals as CPC Central Committee general secretary have been to pursue the realization of the Partys Two Centenary Goals: building a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020 and building a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, and harmonious by the middle of the 21st century and fulfilling the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation. These themes were discussed in Volume I and are expanded upon by Xi in Volume II by linking these goals to governance. Volume II offers the reader a sense of where and how Xi views the CPCs ability to engage in pragmatic reform based on the realities of a changing society. As evidenced in Volume II, Xis impact on the Party and the nation during the new era will have a significant impact on the Partys governance capabilities, particularly in areas such as economic reform, social harmony, state-owned enterprise reform, and Party-building, to name but a few areas.

The book offers a reference to better understand Chinas model of development and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, particularly its current path led by Xi and is necessary reading for anyone interested in knowing Xis views - and Chinas path to the future.