
2018-03-09 05:31:43韩晓慧杜松怀孙丽华
农业工程学报 2018年4期

韩晓慧,杜松怀,李 振,孙丽华


韩晓慧1,杜松怀2,李 振2,孙丽华1

(1. 河北科技大学电气工程学院,石家庄 050018;2. 中国农业大学信息与电气工程学院,北京 100083)

针对实测触电故障信号具有非平稳特性而不易被辨识问题,提出了一种基于泄漏电流时频奇异谱和模糊聚类的触电故障诊断方法。首先,利用平滑伪威格纳-维尔分布(smoothed pseudo wigner-ville distribution, SPWVD)对触电故障信号进行时频分析并依据信号的能量分布特征选择时频区域;然后对选择的时频区域进行奇异谱分析,以获取的局部时频矩阵奇异值作为触电信号的特征量输入FCM,即可实现触电信号的故障诊断。对剩余电流保护装置试验平台上获取的实测触电故障信号的时频矩阵奇异值进行模糊C均值聚类,结果表明该方法识别准确率为97.50%,平均识别时间为0.008 5 s,其中植物和动物触电测试样本识别准确率分别为100%,95.00%,从而验证了基于泄漏电流时频奇异谱和模糊聚类的触电故障诊断方法的有效性,该研究可为研发新一代基于触电故障诊断的剩余电流保护装置提供理论依据和方法参考。


0 引 言


触电故障类型诊断实质上是一个模式识别问题,包括三个环节:信号采集、特征提取及状态识别,其关键在于如何有效提取各触电故障特征。若仅采用单一频域或时域分析方法提取现场获取的非平稳总泄漏电流信号故障特征,并不能全面反映触电信号所包含的频率及其幅值的时变特征信息。而用时域和频域的联合时频分析(time-frequency analysis,TFR)方法来揭示非平稳信号中所包含信息得到了越来越多的应用[14-15]。常用的联合时频分析方法按时频联合函数不同主要分为线性和非线性2种时频分析方法[16]。以线性时频分析方法为例的短时傅里叶变换方法[17]和小波变换方法[18-19]由于受Heisenberg不确定性原理的限制,难以获得理想的时频分辨率。以非线性时频分析方法为例的威格纳-维尔分布(Wigner-Ville distribution,WVD)由于具有较高的时频聚集性被广泛应用于信号分析处理领域,但存在固有的交叉项干扰问题,影响了对WVD分析结果的正确评估[20]。平滑伪威格纳-维尔分布(smoothed pseudo wigner-ville distribution,SPWVD)[21]是一种以WVD为基础的非线性时频分布,通过在时间轴和频率轴方向加窗函数自适应地调节窗口长度,抑制了WVD存在的交叉项干扰问题,能更准确反映信号时频特征,同时还具有时移和频移不变性,因此是分析信号的有效工具。


1 平滑伪威格纳-维尔分布

平滑伪威格纳-维尔分布(smoothed pseudo wigner-ville distribution,SPWVD)是反映信号能量的时频分布,其实质是对信号的瞬时相关函数作傅里叶变换时在时域轴和频率轴分别加窗函数进行平滑处理[22]。

信号()经SPWVD分析后的时频矩阵中,其行向量为某一频率随时间变化的分布,列向量为某一时刻随频率变化的分布,某位置上元素的大小就是相应时间和频率处信号SPWVD分析的能量。利用SPWVD时频矩阵可以用时频等值线图来表示信号的时频分布。图1所示为一仿真信号()及其经STFT(short-time Fourier tranformation)、WVD、SPWVD分析后的时频等值线图。仿真信号包括2个频率分量:在采样序列=0~0.8 s之间为一200 Hz的余弦信号,在=0.2~1 s之间又叠加了一个50 Hz的余弦信号。

图1 信号源s(t)及其经STFT、WVD、SPWVD分析的时频等值线图



2 SPWVD时频奇异谱特征提取

2.1 时频矩阵奇异谱分析




2.2 SPWVD时频矩阵奇异値特征提取

3 FCM聚类算法

模糊C均值(fuzzy C-means,FCM)聚类作为一种非监督动态聚类,利用隶属度表征数据的相对归属性,对数据实现柔性模糊划分。与硬分类K-means聚类相比,FCM对初始聚类中心要求较低,当数据维数较大时FCM可以得到更合理的分类结果[27-28]。



4 实测触电信号故障诊断

4.1 触电信号采集与SPWVD时频分析

本文所使用的触电故障信号来自于剩余电流保护装置试验平台上获取的总泄漏电流信号,试验原理详见文献[11]。在10 kHz的采样频率下,采集了400组动植物触电总泄漏电流数据,其中包含了200组植物触电和200组动物触电数据。对采集的信号进一步分析发现,可以用触电前一周期和触电后一周期的数据共0.04 s时长的信号作为待分析触电故障信号,图2、图3所示为上述2种触电类型场景下的具有代表性的总泄漏电流时域波形及SPWVD时频等值线图和三维图谱。

图2 植物触电总泄漏电流及SPWVD时频等值线图和三维图谱

图3 动物触电总泄漏电流及SPWVD时频等值线图和三维图谱

由图2和图3的SPWVD分析结果可以看出,动植物触电总泄漏电流能量主要集中在频率0~150 Hz之间。因此,考虑利用总泄漏电流在频率0~150 Hz之间的时频区域奇异值作为动物触电与植物触电模式识别特征量。

4.2 基于SPWVD时频矩阵奇异谱分析的触电故障信号特征量提取

4.3 基于FCM聚类的触电模式诊断




注: 隶属度值越大,代表隶属于对应的触电类型程度越高。

Note: The greater the membership value, the higher the degree of representation of the samples attached to belonging to the corresponding type of electric shock.

图4 隶属度划分矩阵

Fig.4 Division matrix of membership degree


由隶属度矩阵可知,第281~340列(待验样本)的隶属度最大值分别为0.999 7,0.999 9,0.999 9,…,0.999 7,0.999 8出现在第1行,判定待验样本与样本1~140属于同一触电类型样本,即待验样本为植物触电故障类型样本,与实际类型一致;另外,从图4a中也可明显看出第281~340采样样本的隶属度最大值均出现在植物触电划分矩阵中,由此也可判定待验样本为植物触电故障类型样本。第341~373、375~379、381~386、388~389列(待验样本)的隶属度最大值分别为0.951 5,0.912 1,0.954 4,…,0.923 6,0.864 1出现在第2行,判定待验样本与样本141~280属于同一触电类型样本,即待验样本为动物触电故障类型样本,与实际类型一致,但第374、380、387列的最大值分别为0.551 8、0.605 6、0.594 6出现在第1行,判定待验样本为植物触电故障类型样本,与实际类型不一致;同样,从图4a、4b中也可看出第281~340采样样本中除有3个采样样本的隶属度值大于0.5出现在植物触电划分矩阵中,其余采样样本的隶属度最大值均出现在动物触电划分矩阵中,由此判定有3个待验样本为植物触电故障类型样本与实际故障类型不一致,其余待验样本为动物触电故障类型样本。

由以上识别结果可以看出,120组测试样本中有3组样本识别错误,识别准确率为97.50%,其中植物触电测试样本识别准确率为100%,动物触电测试样本中有3组样本识别错误,识别准确率为95.00%,取得了较好的检测效果。平均识别时间为0.008 5 s,少于文献[13]中量子遗传模糊神经网络触电故障诊断算法所需迭代1 156次的训练时间,克服了神经网络训练速度慢的问题,提高了识别效率,从而验证了用所提取的总泄漏电流信号的特征量诊断触电故障信号类型状态的正确性和有效性。

5 结 论

本文针对触电故障信号的诊断问题,提出了一种基于平滑伪威格纳-维尔分布(smoothed pseudo wigner-ville distribution,SPWVD)时频奇异谱特征提取和模糊C均值(fuzzy C-means,FCM)聚类的触电故障信号的诊断方法。


2)引入奇异谱分析方法对触电故障信号0~150 Hz频率范围内13个子频带形成的局部时频矩阵进行奇异值分解,得到各子频带奇异值构成的13维向量作为触电故障信号的特征量;

3)通过对120组触电故障信号特征量进行FCM聚类测试,结果表明该方法识别准确率为97.50%,平均识别时间为0.008 5 s,其中植物和动物触电测试样本识别准确率分别为100%,95.00%,由此验证了SPWVD时频矩阵奇异谱特征提取和触电信号故障诊断的有效性,为触电故障信号的诊断提供了有效手段。

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Diagnosis of electric shock fault based on time-frequency singular value spectrum of leakage current and fuzzy clustering

Han Xiaohui1, Du Songhuai2, Li Zhen2, Sun Lihua1

(1.,,050018,; 2.,,100083,)

Residual current devices (RCDs), a type of protective equipment in low-voltage systems, are widely used to prevent and avoid leakage accident of power grid and protect the safety of life and property. At present, the operation of an RCD is based on sensing the root mean square value of residual current in an electrical circuit. The circuit will be interrupted on the action of a relay when the residual current exceeds a predetermined level (30 mA for human safety), known as the tripping current. Although such devices offer a large degree of protection, they are prone to nuisance tripping or maloperation in the actual operation of the grid due to the lack of the ability to diagnose electric shock type and identify touch current, which reduces the reliability and the rate of proper commissioning for RCDs. Thus, aiming at the problem that the measured electric shock signals are non-stationary and difficult to diagnose the type of electric shock, a new method of fault diagnosis of electric shock signal based on time-frequency singular spectrum of leakage current and fuzzy clustering is proposed. First of all, a simulation signal is used to compare and analyze the time-frequency analysis performance of short-time Fourier transformation (STFT), wigner-ville distribution (WVD) and smoothed pseudo Wigner-Ville distribution (SPWVD). The simulation results show that the STFT presents a lower time-frequency resolution because of the fixed window function, the WVD has serious crosstalk terms and it is difficult to determine the frequency components of the signal, and the SPWVD suppresses the crosstalk of WVD and reflects the distribution of signal frequency components with time through the smoothing of time-frequency window function. Therefore, SPWVD is chosen as the time-frequency analysis method in this paper. Then, numerous groups of total leakage current signals were measured using a recorder on the electric shock experiment platform of RCDs. We select a total of 0.04 s of data (one cycle before the electric shock and one cycle after the electric shock) as electric shock sample data. The SPWVD is used to analyze the total leakage current signal to obtain the time-frequency matrix, and the frequency band width of the main spectrum energy is 0-150 Hz, which can be divided into 13 sub-bands. The singular value decomposition (SVD) is adopted to decompose the time-frequency matrix formed by 13 sub-bands, and the singular values corresponding to the respective sub-frequency band are obtained as the feature vectors of the electric shock signal. And then the fuzzy C means (FCM) algorithm is applied to perform the clustering of extracted feature vectors to get the electric shock signal type. Finally, a total of 400 groups of animals and plants shock data are used as the research object. Among them, 140 groups of animal electric shock samples and 140 groups of plant electric shock samples are taken as known samples, and 60 groups of animal electric shock samples and 60 groups of plant electric shock samples are used as test samples. The experimental results show that there are 3 groups of samples in 120 groups of test samples which are wrongly identified and the recognition accuracy rate is 97.50%. Among them, the accuracy rate of plant electric shock test sample is 100%, and there are 3 samples in animal electric shock test samples, which are identified incorrectly and the recognition accuracy rate is 95.00%. The above results verify the correctness and validity of diagnosing the type of the electric shock fault signal by the extracted characteristic value of the total leakage current, which can lay a solid theoretical and technical foundation for developing new generations of adaptive residual current protection devices.

electric current measurement; electric power systems; diagnosis; electric shock fault; time-frequency matrix; singular value decomposition (SVD); feature extraction; fuzzy C-mean (FCM) clustering









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Han Xiaohui, Du Songhuai, Li Zhen, Sun Lihua. Diagnosis of electric shock fault based on time-frequency singular value spectrum of leakage current and fuzzy clustering[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(4): 217-222. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.04.026 http://www.tcsae.org

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