特级教师吴迎迎执教“The Piper of Hamelin”教学赏析

2018-02-22 07:12:14占欢芳
小学教学设计(英语) 2018年8期


学习语言需要一定的载体。故事作为相对真实、独立、完整、有意义的语言素材,对学生提升学习兴趣,理解、体验语言运用,发展综合语言运用能力,培养美好情感以及思维品质具有重要作用。因此,故事教学在小学英语课堂上也越来越活跃,深受学生和教师的青睐。然而,在实际教学中,有些教师十分关注故事的语言结构和整体理解,而对如何启发学生的思维关注较少。在浙派名师小学英语课堂教学艺术展中,特级教师吴迎迎老师在执教“The Piper of Hamelin”(From Oxford English 4A Module 4 Unit 1 Read a story)中,巧妙地引导学生在真实具体的故事语境中进行分析、判断、推理、联想,为我们很好地诠释了在故事教学中如何在关注学生语言综合能力培养的同时发展学生思维品质。


思维品质的一个重要内涵是培养学生在特定情境下合理利用恰当的思维方式和知识技能,对情境作出正确的、合理的反应(袁辉,2017)。因此,设计活动情景化是教学活动设计的重要原则。在故事伊始,吴老师对full of mice进行了巧妙设计,为学生创设想象情境,使学生犹如身临其境,快速走进故事。



T:The city of Hamelin is full of mice now?How do people feel? (Show 4 pictures:Oh,no,the kitchen is fullofmice.I can’t cook.Go away.Yuk,my garden is full of mice.I can’t play.Go away.Oh,my god!My bedroom is full of mice.The baby can’t sleep.Go away! What?My dining room is full of mice.They eat my delicious cake.Go away!)

S1:Maybe they feel angry.


Ss:Maybe they feel sad/worried/awful/scared...

T:Now you are in the city of Hamelin.Can you act?Please work in four.One is the person of Hamelin.Others are the mice.

S1:Oh,my study is full of mice.Ican’tstudy.Go away.(Acting)

S2:No,my coat is full of mice.Ican’twear.Go away.(Acting)


设计情景化的教学活动能将学习任务与现实生活相关联,将活动置于情境中,使学生在感知语言、触动情感、发展思维的过程中内化课程内容、提升学习能力、发展思维品质。吴老师将文本中简单的full of mice具体化和可视化,分成kitchen,garden,bedroom,dining room四个场景让学生感受full of mice以及体会当时人们的心理。学生自己通过演一演的形式更是将自己头脑中积蓄的表象再现出来,创造出更加丰富多彩的想象场景,让自己置身于the city of Hamelin。情感越充沛,想象就越丰富。学生想象出了study,coat...等各种场景,深深体会到了当时人们的担心、害怕。有了这样的情感,学生对故事的后续发展就愈感兴趣。吴老师在故事一开始就创设了如此具有魅力的想象情境,瞬间将学生置身于故事中,开启了学生的思维之门。




T:Wow,the city of Hamelin is full of mice.The people are sad,worried and awful.What will happen next?Do you have any question?

S1:Dotheybuyalotof cats?

S2: Do they have the medicine to make the mice die?

S3:How do the people get rid of the mice?

S4: Do people of the Hamelin move away?

S5:Why are there so many mice here?

T:Good questions! Let’s read the story quickly and find out the answer.

Ss:The mice leave the city.

T:Yes,the mice leave the city,and people are still live in thecity.How dothemicego away?Please read the story again and underline the answer.

Ss:The piper plays beautiful music,and the mice walk behind him.They walk away from the city.

T:The piper is so cool.Who can be the piper and play the pipe?


T:The cool piper plays the beautiful music.But why is the piperunhappy?Read thestory again and find the answer.

Ss:The people of Hamelin don’t want to give the gold to the piper.

T:Maybe the piper is angry.Does he shout:hey,you are bad people?Does he fight with the people of Hamelin?Now you are the piper,what will you do?Can you be a very clever piper?Think and talk in pairs.

S1:I’ll play the music,and the mice come back to the city again.

S2:I’ll play the music,and all the mice from the world come to the city.

S3:I’ll play the music,and tigers and lions come to the city.

S4:I’ll play the music at night,and the people can’t sleep well.

S5:I’ll play the music,and all the gold walk behind me.

T:You are so clever.What does the piper do in the story?Is the piper as clever as you?Let’s read the story again.

Ss:The piper plays the music again and allthe children walk behind him.


问题是形成教学与学习行为的核心,是开启学生思维的金钥匙。当学生对所学知识产生了冲突和好奇,必然会产生问题,这种认知冲突就是促进学生思维发展的原动力。吴老师在读故事环节中,设计的问题链一问接一问,一环套一环。由表及里,步步深入,每一问不仅推进故事的发展,更是促进学生的思维产生一次次飞跃。问题1 What will happen next?让学生预测这个fullofmice的Hamelin会发生什么。在读故事前,吴老师已经通过想象情境的创设让学生有了身临其境的感觉。因此问题1一抛出,学生的思维就非常活跃,预测了各种可能性。开放式的预测活动发散了学生的思维,激起了他们阅读故事的欲望。紧接着问题2 How do the mice go away?的提出以及让学生演一演piper带着mice离开的场景让学生体会到piper的聪明和人们的喜悦,为故事的发展做了一个很好的情感铺垫。而就问题3 Why is the piper unhappy?以及问题4 Now you are the piper,what will you do?的预测,更是启发了学生的想象。学生凭借之前情节所提供的线索以及具体情境所创设的情感,展开想象的翅膀,打开思维的通道,提出了各种clever piper会做的理智事情。学生并非漫无目的的预测,而是基于对上述问题理解后进行的合理推理和预测,培养了学生思维的开放性和准确性。问题5 What does the piper do in the story?让学生带着自己的预测找到了故事的结局。吴老师设计的问题链就是学生的思维链。在读中环节,我们充分感受到吴老师如何带领学生一步步深入文本,建立起学生的思维路径。


语言是思想的外壳,情感的载体。通过语言文字的介体可以走进文本,走进作者的内心世界。对文本语言文字进行仔细品味揣摩,可以挖掘文本内涵,发展学生思维品质。在故事的读后环节,吴老师对故事文本的两个词 Sure与No进行了深刻分析,对文本的结局和原版故事的结局进行了比较。在分析、比较中吴老师引导学生发现语言的矛盾点,探究矛盾的原因,进而把握the people of Hamelin的内心世界和人物的性格特征。


T:Thepeoplesay “Sure”when thepiperasksabagof gold and then he can make the mice leave the city.But after the mice leaving, the people say“No”and they do not want to give the piper his gold.Are they bad?


T:I don’t think so.Are the people serious when they say“Sure”?Let’s listen.(My house is full of mice.I want to die./Help me! Let the mice out.I will give you everything!!!)


T:Ithink the people are careless when they make a promise.Our story is an adapta-tion of the story“The Pied Piper ofHamelin”.In ourstory,the children come back at last.But in the original story,the children nevercome back.We should keep our word from the story.


思维必须凭借语言来表达和深化。吴老师深入挖掘文本,以Sure与No这对矛盾为切入点,通过自己创编的语言My house is full of mice.I want to die./Help me! Let the mice out.I will give you everything!!!将隐含在文本后人们的内心活动展现得淋漓尽致,让学生充分感受到当时人们在情急之下做出carelesss的承诺。再通过故事文本结局(被piper音乐带走的孩子们又回到了Hamelin)与原版故事结局(被piper音乐带走的孩子们永远都没有回到Hamelin)的比较,让学生体会、感悟:We should keep our word.读后环节,吴老师带领学生涵泳品味语言,让学生们更好地感知语言、运用语言和发展语言。这种积极的、创造性的思维活动不仅让学生深刻感悟到了故事,更是拓宽了学生的思维之路。

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