建设工程合同中Defects Notification Period真不等于“缺陷责任期”吗?

2018-02-15 07:46:45文/李
建筑 2018年12期

文/李 健

本文讨论建设工程合同领域常有争论的两个术语——“缺陷责任期”和“缺陷通知期Defects Notification Period”。这两个词在实质意义上也是对当事人权利义务关系产生重要影响的时间概念。


试译:“Defects Liability Period”means the period during which the Contractor shall perform the obligation to remedy defects according to the Contract and the Employer may retain the Retention Money for the construction quality (except where the money as Performance Security has been submitted), calculated from the date on which the Works or Section is actually completed ( “Warranty Period” means the period during which the Contractor shall perform the obligation to maintain the Works or Section, calculated from the date on which the Works or Section is checked and accepted (

例 2——“Defects Notification Period” means the period for notifying defects in the Works or a Section (as the case may be) under the Sub-Clause 11.1 [Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects] , as stated in the Appendix to Tender (with any extension under Sub-Clause 11.3 [Extension of Defects Notification Period]), calculated from the date on which the Works or Section is completed as certified under Sub-Clause 10.1[Taking Over of the Works or Sections] .(, Contract for Construction, FIDIC, 1999)



1.看了两例,我们注意到,“Defects Notification Period缺陷通知期”与“缺陷责任期Defects Liability Period”,两者表述或意思很相近。中文文献多认为两者不同,譬如来源不同、起算点不同、期限长短不同等,或者认为前者是从业主角度说的,后者是从承包商角度说的。有专门解释FIDIC文本的英文文献认为,大陆法系的法律从业人员(civil law practitioners)常常误解例2中的Defects Notification Period,指出Defects Notification Period的设置的原因是…at common law the only remedy for breach of contract is damages,…if a defect occurs either before or after the issue of the Taking-Over Certificate a common law judge is usually not empowered to grant specific performance,即在英美普通法系中,违约的唯一救济手段是损害赔偿,在工程接受证书签发前后一定期限内工程出现缺陷,法官无权给承包商作出“特征履行”的判决。对于建设工程来说,这是不合适的。Thus common law construction contracts normally provide for an additional period of time during which the Contractor is obliged to remedy defects. 这样,普通法系建设工程合同通常规定一个“额外”期限,在这个期限内承包商有义务修补工程缺陷,合同义务继续存在,…the Contractor is still under the obligation to carry out any work which becomes instructed by the Engineer or Employer, to the extent that a defect occurs which is or is not attributable to the Contractor,即只要出现缺陷,承包商都有义务去完成工程师或业主指示的任何工作,即使缺陷由非承包商原因引起(此时引起的结算问题可按有关变更程序办理)。

2.有两点值得我们关注:第一,“Defects Notification Period”是“违约的唯一救济手段是损害赔偿”普通法原则的“衡平”手段;第二,“Defects Notification Period”有必要单独定义的原因在于用来区别legal defects liability法定“缺陷责任期”。我们注意到,合同自由原则已成为合同法的普遍原则,在工程东道国法定义务限度内,合同救济手段也可以约定——中国的示范文本就取这个态度(见例1);中国《建筑法》确立的建筑工程质量保修制度,The State shall establish the system of the warranty of quality for construction projects(Article 62.1,Construction Law of the PRC)——其实质是法定的质量保证义务(当然包含维修义务)。

3.我认为,Defects Notification Period与“约定的agreed”“缺陷责任期Defects Liability Period”,完全“可以”认为是一回事;基于合同自由和权利义务对等原则,中文文献中所列举的不同点都可以溶解在当事人的自由“约定”中;而所谓legal defects liability period法定“缺陷责任期”,在中国,就是warranty of quality,例1中将“保修期”译成Warranty Period,就是根据实质意思所做的翻译,而没有照字面译成“Maintenance Period”——它似乎是Defects Liability Period以前的称呼。

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