
2018-02-14 19:54:43TheWallStrengthandPowerinFundamentalArchitecture
建筑遗产 2018年2期

The Wall: Strength and Power in Fundamental Architecture

[美 ]詹姆斯 · 沃菲尔德 James Warfield

顾心怡 译 Translated by Gu Xinyi




比起建造行为的其它方面,承重墙的建造最为基本,也最具有逻辑性。美国诗人罗伯特 · 弗罗斯特在其诗作《修墙》中生动描绘了砌筑最简单的石墙所具备的清晰的建造方法。





随着文明的进步,防卫需求也逐渐增加。加固的城墙成为普遍需要,这一最基本的建筑元素也具有了文化意义。在弗罗斯特优美的诗作中提到了建造任何墙体内在的社会学意义。从前罗马时期到文艺复兴,带有城墙的防卫性城市与纪念性的城塞成为人类保护其社区免受怀有敌意的外来者的破坏与侵犯的需求的可视的建筑表达。墙再也不是简单的、只需要大量非技术性劳作的建造问题。中国长城的各个区段,西班牙阿维拉的城墙,以及印度杰伊瑟尔梅尔的巨大城堡都使用了成千上万的劳工。由于经常使用奴隶、战俘和最底层的市民,这些墙也象征了其建造者低微的社会地位。这里再次引用平克 · 弗洛伊德:



No aspect of construction leading to the development of architecture is more significant than the wall. In China, the Great Wall cascades through the mountains and across the landscape for thousands of miles, reflecting the power of emperors and the planning and construction skills of its builders. In Peru, the colossal zigzag walls of the fortress Sacsayhuaman combine the power of the emperor with the skilled stone artisans to create a precision in stone wall craftsmanship that has never been accomplished in the world before or after. These two great monumental works celebrate the apex of architectural skills that began with man’s most primitive efforts in the construction of that most fundamental feature of architecture: the wall.

All in all, it’s just another brick in the wall. (Pink Floyd,The Wall)

More than any other aspect of construction, the loadbearing built wall represents the most basic and the most logical aspect of the act of building. In his poem ‘Mending Wall’, American poet Robert Frost eloquently described the clear building method of erecting the simplest of stone walls:

We keep the wall between us as we go.To each the boulders that have fallen to each. And some are loaves and some so nearly balls. We have to use a spell to make them balance.

Rock by rock, placement by placement,step-by-step, this simple effort represents the building methodology employed from most primitive times to build for man’s needs. For the builder, there is a true and almost instantaneous sense of accomplishment, a visible built work, a reward for hard labour. The first shelters in most cultures were elemental, built by hand of local materials, stone stacked up on stone. With time, some cultures developed masonry skills and the wall became a design tool utilised to address more sophisticated social and cultural issues such as defence, privacy, land ownership and even town planning.The first walls were likely developed in rural areas where stones were cleared from the land and stone fences were built to define planting fields. Loadbearing walls built from local stones were developed as a basic construction method to build houses, and more fences were added to corral farm animals and establish land ownership. Eventually, stone walls were constructed to house farm families, and in time, town communities were formed. Walls in towns defined the streets as served to separate public movement and provide privacy for the residents behind the walls.

Before I built a wall, I’d ask to know what I was walling in or walling out,and to whom I was like to give offense.Something there is that doesn’t love a wall, that wants it down. (Robert Frost,‘Mending Wall’)

As civilisation progressed, defensive needs increased. Fortified town walls became a common requirement and this most basic of architectural features took on a cultural significance. In Frost’s beautiful poem, he addresses sociological meaning inherent in the construction of any wall. From pre-Roman times until the Renaissance, defensive walled cities and monumental forts arose as visible architectural expressions of man’s need to protect his community from aggression and the ravage of hostile outsiders. The wall became no longer a matter of simple construction, the one requiring a large, if unskilled,labour force. Thousands upon thousands of labourers were required to build the various links of the Wall of China, Spain’s walled city of Avila, and India’s massive Fort Jaisalmer.Often requiring the labour of slaves, prisoners of war or the poorest townspeople, the wall became a metaphor for the societal insigni ficance of its builders. To quote Pink Floyd once again:

All in all, you’re just another brick in the wall. (The Wall)

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