打造国际产业合作支撑平台 助力重庆大开放

2018-01-26 01:43HeYufang
重庆与世界 2018年1期






① 意大利经济发展部副部长伊万·斯卡法罗特在第三届重庆—意大利国际汽车、运输与物流合作论坛上发言。 摄影/胡睿

② 第三届重庆—意大利国际汽车、运输与物流合作暨“一带一路”成功案例与未来机遇论坛在重庆两江新区举行。 摄影/胡睿




一直以来,重庆与意大利在汽车制作、交通服务领域合作密切。意大利汽车工业拥有法拉利、兰博基尼等众多蜚声世界的汽车品牌,有一批被世界公认的汽车设计大师。重庆则是中国最大的汽车制造基地,年产汽车300万辆,约占全国产量的五分之一,在全球汽车制造领域拥有独特地位。同时,重庆已与意大利CNH Industria公司在重庆开展公交客运、出租车、索道客运及相关产业综合服务合作。



Build a Platform for International Industrial Cooperation to Help Chongqing’s Opening Up to the Outside world

In order to further implement the innovation-driven development strategy and promote international industrial cooperation, Chongqing government issued the Circular on Further Promoting International Industrial Cooperation and Accelerating the Construction of International Cooperation Industrial Parks in 2017, determining to settle a batch of international cooperation parks intensively.In this year, domestic and foreign enterprises had gathered in developmental and industrial zones of Liangjiang New Area, Yubei District, Shapingba District, Changshou District and Bishan District in Chongqing, including Sino-South Korea Industrial Park and Sino-Japanese Industrial Park in Liangjiang New Area, Sino-German Industrial Park in Changshou District, Sino-British Industrial Park in Yubei District, which are basically completed. In addition, there has Sino-Switzerland Industrial Park being built by the joint effort of Liangjiang New Area and Industrial Park in Dianjiang District, Sino-Israel Industrial Park built by innovative and economic corridor in Yubei District.Chongqing International Cooperation Industrial Park are now beginning to take shape. With the gradual development of the International Industrial Park, Chongqing has had closer economic and trade contacts with other countries.

Sino-German lndustrial Park · lntelligent Ecological Park ln-depth lndustrial Cooperation

The construction of Sino-German Industrial Park•Intelligent Ecological Park started in Liangjiang New Area on June 19, 2017.As an old industrial base in China, Chongqing is now at a crucial moment of upgradation and has many complementary features with German industry. For German-funded enterprises intending to develop in China, Chongqing has the advantage of location, talents and comprehensive supporting facilities. The German technology can be combined with the market in Chongqing. As the first part of the three parts in the Sino-German Industrial Park, Intelligent Ecological Park aims at fostering “German Industry 4.0”, including industries of robotics, solar thin-film batteries, biomedicine and education.

As an important carrier of Sino-German cooperation, Sino-German Industrial Park • Intelligent Ecological Park further promoted the cooperation between two countries to develop deeply, linking“Made in China 2025” with “German Industry 4.0” to promote the transformation and upgradation of traditional industries in Chongqing and build Chongqing as a technological innovation height in Yangtze River Economic Zone.

Sino-ltaly lndustrial Park · Liangjiang New Area Achieving the Mutual Benefit and Win-Win Result

China-Italy Industrial Park, built by relevant departments of Liangjiang New Area and Italy, was officially launched in August in 2017. The park will further prompt the economic and trade cooperation between China and Italy, expand channels of communication and develop the potential of Chongqing in opening up and cooperation.

In recent years, the cooperation between Chongqing and Italy has been deepened comprehensively. More and more Italian enterprises have come to Chongqing to invest and develop here,at the same time, many Chongqing enterprises want to go to Italy

to seek business opportunities. In order to provide high-quality platform and good environment for enterprises of both parties to expand market, increase two-way investment and enhance mutually beneficial cooperation, Liangjiang New Area of Chongqing works with Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing to deepen cooperation between enterprises of Liangjiang New Area and Italy in areas like automobile, bio-medicine,aerospace, finance, commerce and trade, logistics,scientific and technological innovation, environmental protection, and lead cooperation projects to settle in China-Italy Industrial Park in Liangjiang New Area.

China-Italy Industrial Park in Liangjiang New Area in Chongqing is the first industrial park in China developed by Italy through Joint Collaboration Center,bringing more opportunities for Italy and Chongqing to increase mutual investment and promote cooperation and development. On August 3, the 3rd Forum of Chongqing-Italy International Cooperation in Automobile, Transportation and Logistics and Success Stories and Future Opportunities of “the Belt and Road Initiative” was held in Liangjiang New Area in Chongqing. During the meeting, Chongqing signed the Cooperation Agreement on Supporting to Establish China-Italy Industrial Park Between Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Management Committee and Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing and the Agreement on Establishing Bilateral Investment Promotion Center Between Italy and Liangjiang New Area (Chongqing) with Italy. Chen Lvping, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee, Deputy Mayor, Secretary of the Lianjiang Party Working Committee, Director of Liangjiang New Area Management Committee met with a delegation headed by Ivan. Scafarot, Deputy Minister of Italian Economic Development Department,and about 100 Chinese or Italian guests attended the meeting.

Chongqing always conducts close cooperation with Italy in automobile manufacturing and public transportation. Italian automobile industry owns many world-famous automobile brands like Ferrari and Lamborghini and a universally well-recognized group of automobile designers. Chongqing is the biggest automobile manufacturing base in China and has capacity to produce 3,000,000 vehicles, accounting for about 20 percent of China’s total automobile output and playing an important role in global automobile manufacturing area.

Chongqing has developed comprehensive service cooperation with Italian CNH Industrial in public transportation, taxi, ropeway and relevant industries in Chongqing. Public transportation priority is a fundamental way of solving the problem of traffic jams, and CNH Industrial is a good Italian provider of urban comprehensive transportation services with 64 factories, 180 national markets and 40 research and development centers. In early 2017, Chongqing Public Traffic Group launched the first pilot research project of optimizing the public transportation routes crossing the Yangtze River together with CNH Industrial Transportation Service Department, and the project covers 27 public transportation routes and 647 buses.As a platform for supporting international industrial cooperation, China-Italy Industrial Park (Chongqing)promotes exchanges and cooperation in technology and talents of relevant countries, local government and enterprises in forms of working together to build industrial parks, attending international trade negotiations and holding bilateral exchange activities.In the industrial chain, the park speeds up efforts to centralize research and development institutions and relative cooperation firms of relevant industries in the park and aims at improving value chain and vitality of the industries.

■ Editor: Yang Yan

Tr. by He Yufang

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