Journal of Japanese Invasion of China and Nanjing Massacre

2018-01-23 02:18
日本侵华南京大屠杀研究 2018年4期


Academic circles in the studies of the history of the Nanjing Massacre paid more attention to the 6thdivision and 16thdivision of the Japanese Army.That's mainly because Hisao Tani was sentenced to death as the commanding officer of the 6thdivision in the post-war trial for the Nanjing Massacre;and it is widely known that Kesago Nakajima,the commanding officer of the 16thdivision recorded“the Policy of Exterminating POWs ”and his division was the garrison force of Nanjing.However,although as one of the main divisions attacking Nanjing,the 9th division of the Japanese army was stationed in Nanjing for a relatively short period of time,hence the atrocities committed by this division hasn't attracted extensive attention from the academic circle.The 7thregiment of the 9thdivision did not undertake the main attack in the battle of Nanjing.However,after the fall of Nanjing,it became one of the main forces in the city to undertake the“mopping-up”operation,launching repeatedly the operations in regions such as Nanjing Safety Zone where it committed a series of atrocities such as killing Chinese soldiers who laid down their weapons and civilians,raping women and plundering,etc.However,the History of the 7thJapanese Infantry Regiment compiled by the former officers and soldiers of the 7thRegiment after the war said nothing about the Nanjing Massacre.The complier of this book obviously tried to conceal the extremely disgraceful history.


Abstract:The cultural memory of the Nanjing Massacre is the result of a social construction.The tragic history of Nanjing Massacre itself could not tell the truth,only the society could provide a complete interpretation.Therefore,the evolution of the Nanjing Massacre historical memory illustrates the changing of the social context in which people understand the history.The rise of the thought of postmodernism is only a microcosm of the change of social context.Influenced by the thought of postmodernism,the introspection on modernity represented by rational-ism and logos centralism,the deconstruction of monism,and the promotion of pluralism have become the important value orientation of contemporary social science research,which result in the combination of the history and the memory.Thus the Nanjing Massacre has gradually spawned various forms of historical memory,from “text memory”to“body memory”,from “content memory”to“ritual memory”,from“human memory”to“location memory”.These new forms of historical memory of the Nanjing Massacre have broken the category of traditional historical writing,illustrated the evolution on memory subject,memory content,and memory forms,making the memory of the Nanjing Massacre diverse and stereoscopic.


Based on the historical facts,memorials,national public memorial ceremony and historical reconciliation,this paper made a survey on the difference of historical perception of the Nanjing Massacre among the public in China,Japan and the Western countries,and analyzed the cognitive characteristics and the political causes of the differences.According to the survey,Chinese respondents have a high level of awareness and positive attitude towards the historical facts of the Nanjing Massacre,but some other opinions also exist;Japanese respondents have a high level awareness of the historical facts of the Nanjing Massacre,but they show low awareness of the memorials and national public memorial ceremony with a relatively negative attitude towards the Sino-Japanese reconciliation and an obvious tendency to avoid this survey;the respondents of the Western countries have low awareness of the Nanjing Massacre with different focus in their understanding,but their attitude is positive.The main reason for the differences in the public's awareness and the change of attitude is the influence of the post-war international situation and government attitudes.To achieve the reconciliation of the historical issues between China and Japan through the Nanjing Massacre as a link,China and Japan shall set aside differences and face the issues together.


After the signing of the Tanggu Truce in May 1933,with the deepening of Japanese aggression in Peiping,the number of Japanese and Korean ronins living in Peiping increased rapidly.U-sing Japan's extraterritoriality in China as a protective talisman,these people mainly engaged in various illegal activities and had become the“malignant tumor”of the Peiping society.Among the illegal activities,especially the drug-trafficking and the forcibly occupying the residential housing for the drug-selling,had caused great harm to the Peiping society.This essentially was the scourge brought to China by the Japanese militarism.The local authorities in Peiping have taken a series of measures to stop the illegal activities of Japanese and Korean ronins.However,due to the extraterritoriality,those measures failed to achieve any obvious effect,instead,those activities increased fiercely.This reflects the unprecedented sharpness of the national conflicts in North China including Peiping,which indicates that Peiping had entered a“partially-occupied”state with growing crises.

5.ChineseGovernment'sInvestigationintheEarlyDaysofNewChinaoftheCriminal EvidenceoftheUnit100oftheJapaneseInvadingArmy…………………………………………………………………………………………QinShiqiang,WangWenfeng(51)

In 1936,Unit 100 of the Japanese Invading Army was established in Xinjing of Manchukoku,which used the livestock and crops as the research objects and conducted a large number of experimenting on human being.When Japan surrendered in 1945,Unit 100 blew up buildings and destroyed the criminal evidence of the biological warfare.Most of the members of the Unit 100 fled to Japan and some were captured by the Soviet army.In the early days of new China,China conducted an investigation of the criminal evidence of the Unit 100 in connection with the need to bring Japanese war criminals to trial together with the Soviet Union,and expose the crimes of the biological warfare of the US army in the Korean War.Participants in this investigation included Japanese who used to have contacts with the Unit 100 in Northeast China and Chinese labors who worked in the Unit 100.They helped us to clarify the basic situation of the Unit 100 and provided precious materials for the following studies on the Unit 100.

6.Onthe“Railway-careVillage”intheOccupiedAreaofNorthChinaduringtheAnti-JapaneseWarofResistance… ……………………………………………WangZhanxi(59)

“Railway-care Village”,also known as“Road-care Village”or“Road-maintenance Village”,is a rural governance system established by the Japanese puppet regime in the occupied areas to protect the railway.The“Railway-care Village”in the occupied areas of North China was first established by the propaganda and relief squad of Japanese Army and then controlled by the Japanese North China Transportation Co.,Ltd.“Railway-care Village”had not only the military function expected by the Japanese army to protect the railway,but also the political role of maintaining the order of the local region plus its economic function of plundering the raw materials and labor force of the occupied areas.The Japanese puppet regime used the military force to force the villagers of the“Railway-care Village”to join the road-protecting activities,while carrying out the policy of conciliation to win the people's support.With its rigorous ruling,the“Railway-care Village”became the“fortress”of the Japanese puppet regime to maintain its railway safety in the occupied area of North China.


With the deterioration of the war situation and the pressure of the growing domestic social crisis,Japan convened the Greater East Asia Conference of the Asian puppet regimes in an attempt to facilitate the construction of the“Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere”and to solve the crisis.However,the disguise of“Co-existence and Co-prosperity”failed to conceal the aggressive nature of Japan,nor could it change the result of Japan's final defeat.


Due to the Japanese invasion of China,the system of the prisons in the occupied areas of Henan Province was seriously damaged.After the establishment of the puppet regime,a series of reconstruction work was carried out,however the recovery situations of the prisons in different places were inconsistent.Generally speaking,the prison reconstruction process was very slow.To strengthen the management of the various prisons,the puppet government had carried out many measures in custodial ability,reporting system,prisoner control,but those measures failed to be well implemented and had become a mere formality.Meanwhile,the food supply for prisoners in each prison was always insufficient,the prisons were in the state of dilapidation with extremely poor health and medical conditions.The labor work of the prisoners and their behavior modification existed in name only,and the life and health of prisoners couldn't be guaranteed.


After the outbreak of the full-scale war of resistance against Japanese aggression,with the Nationalist Government moving to Chongqing,large areas of east and central China'had fallen in succession.The strategic importance of artesian wells as one of the well salt bases in the rear area became prominent soon,which were gradually taken seriously by the Japanese as one of the key targets of the strategic bombing.The Japanese army and naval air forces bombing of the artesian wells consisted with their strategic bombing towards the rear area all the time.The air force of the Japanese Army and Navy used to bomb the artesian wells during the“Operational Plan No.101”and“Operational Plan No.102”.


Taihang Mountain and Lvliang Mountain are important strategic pivots of North China.In the full-scale war of resistance against Japanese invasion,these two mountains served as both a supporting platform for the cooperation and mutual response of the“Two Battlefields”(the fron-tal battlefield and the backstage battlefield),and main domain of the cross-infiltration and fierce competition of the“Three Regimes”(regime of CPC's base,the Kuomintang regime and the Japanese puppet regime),also a crucial stage for the“Four-party Powers”(the KMT Central System,Yan Xishan's local power,the CPC,and the Japanese puppet).Such a complicated political and military ecology could well interpret the various power relations at that time and show the overall history of China's full-scale war of resistance against Japanese invasion as well as the history of China during the period of full-scale resistance.Also,it could highlight the role of mainstay of the CPC and the CPC-led Eighth Route Army during the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese invasion.Based on this,Taihang Mountain and Lvliang Mountain have become inevitable topics of studies on the history of Anti-Japanese War,especially the history of the Eighth Route Army and the revolution history of the CPC.Early in the period of the Anti-Japanese War,the work of collection,collation and research on the bases of resistance against Japan in Taihang and Lvliang Mountains had already begun.Over the past decades,remarkable achievements have been made,especially since the reform and opening up,but there are also some obvious deficiencies with plenty of room for further perfection.

11.ReviewoftheStudiesontheSino-JapaneseCurrencyWarduringtheAnti-Japanese WarointheAcademiaofChinaandJapan…………………………WangMeng(103)

Research Survey on the wartime currency war have achieved good progress and research findings in the academia of China and Japan,which fully demonstrated that research in this field is of great significance for the academia of the two countries to deepen the study of the history of Sino-Japanese War and the study of history of Sino-Japanese relations in modern times.The research findings of the academia of the two countries differ in terms of publication,research orientation,and research methods,reflecting different research interests.As a kind of battle of“Human Conspiracy”in this war of military forces,its diversity and continuity are still influencing the related research in the academia of China and Japan.Learning from history,it is very necessary for us to have a deep understanding of the nature of the double-edged sword of modern currency war.

12.TheStudentCampaignofResistanceagainstJapan&NationalSalvationafterthe MukdenIncident——CenteringonKwangHuaUniversity……………HanXu(113)

After the Mukden Incident,various universities across the country launched a fierce campaign of resistance against Japan and national salvation.While actively participating in the students’petition and national salvation publicizing activity in Shanghai and even the whole country,students of the private Kuang Hua University showed their own characteristics,that is,the obvious sense of political criticism in the campus campaign of resistance against Japan and national salvation,the prolonged activities and their radical attitude,which were difficult to be controlled by the university administration and the local party&government authorities.This situation was related to the fact that Kuang Hua University was a private university,and was not likely to appear in the national universities and missionary universities.From the case of Kuang Hua University,we could be aware of the certain diversity and complexity in the model of student campaign of resistance against Japan and national salvation after the Mukden Incident.


During the anti-Japanese war,most Arab countries were still under the colonial rule of Western powers and had not yet achieved complete independence and liberation.However,in the wave of justice amid the World Anti-fascism War,Arab world provided aid to China through the diplomatic suport,people-to-people exchange,public support and boycotts of Japanese products and so on.Apart from its sympathy for China's adherence to the war of resistance against Japanese invasion and its pursuit of national liberation as well as the traditional friendly relations between the Arab world and China,people-to-people diplomacy in the Arab world had also played an important role.


Regarding the number of soldiers who fought,got killed and evacuated from the city in the Battle of Nanking,there are many different opinions and till now,there are no complete and accurate statistics.Based on the newly-found historical records in Taiwan,this paper analyzed and sorted out the data about the Central Military Academy Model Army the 72ndArmy(the 88thDivision),the 74thArmy(the 51stand 58thDivision),the 66thArmy,etc.The troops'number and casualty and the number of soldiers withdrawing from Nanjing were analyzed to identify the relatively accurate figures mentioned above.