
2018-01-09 06:48:56五花肉
质量与标准化 2017年9期



Keemun——Queen of Black Tea



Black tea is the second-most consumed tea in China. Instead of green tea’s fresh and pleasant features, black tea enjoys high reputation in the world for its fully fermentation, mellow fl avor and red color. Keemun black tea,known as “the queen of black tea”, is the most distinguished variety.

等级区分质量标准Quality Grade Standard


As the Chinese poem goes, “where there is Keemum black tea, there is pleasant tea aroma”. The floral,fruity and honey aroma of Keemum black tea is full of geraniol, benzyl alcohol and 2-phenylethanol, known as the Keemun aroma.

祁门红茶由安徽茶农创制于光绪年间,产自安徽祁门,其制作技艺多为师徒传承,不为外人所道。根据地方标准DB 34/T 1086-2009《祁门红茶》规定,祁门工夫红茶按品质差异,分为特茗、特级、一级~五级,祁红香螺、祁红毛峰按品质差异,分为特级、一级、二级,主要以芽叶的外形、色泽、香气、汤色等因素作为评判标准。

Originating from Qimen Country of Anhui Province,Keemun black tea was produced by the local tea growers during the Guangxu Period and developed secretly by master-apprentice inheritance. According to the local standard DB34/T1086-2009 Keemun Black Tea, the quality grade of Keemum Kung Fu black tea can be divided into premium, superior, and grade one to five; the quality grade of Keemun Mao Feng and Keemun Neptunea are divided into superior,grade one and grade two. The shape of bud leaves,color, aroma, liquor color and etc. are the standards for evaluation..

采制标准独树一帜Unique Standard in Picking and Processing


Picking fresh tea leaves is the top priority for guaranteeing the tea quality. Every April, 6 to 7 batches of Keemun spring tea and 4 to 5 batches of Keemun summer tea are to be picked. As there is a high requirement on Keemun black tea, merely 1 or 2 leaves will be picked from each bud each time.


To avoid damaging the effective ingredients of the fresh leaves during the storage and maintain the fresh and rich aroma of Keemun black tea, the fresh tea leaves should be put into production immediately once the picking process is completed. Then, it takes only 4 to 5 hours to complete withering and rolling process,and next, it’s the fermentation process.

发酵孕育醇厚甘美Fermentation for Mellow Taste


As black tea belongs to fermented tea, the quality depends on elaborate fermentation.


The temperature, humidity, and oxygen should be strictly controlled during the fermentation process.During the fermentation of Keemun black tea, the room temperature should be under 30 ℃ and the air humidity should be maintained at above 90%. After rolling and cutting the tea leaves, tea growers take the tea buds to the fermented basket and cover them with cloth soaked by warm water. After 4 to 6 hours,the tea polyphenol contained in the tea buds gradually oxidizes into thearubigins, and the baking will be ready when the vein becomes red brown. Following by a series of normalized process, the quality and characteristics of black tea, red liquor and red leaves will be fi nally realized.

结 语Conclusion


Tea has thousands of fl avors and one cannot savor all of them, so does the vicissitudes of everyone's life.Some prefer the fresh and mild green tea, while some indulge the strong and mellow black tea. Nevertheless,only by savoring tea slowly can we understand all kinds of flavors in the different stages of life and learn to appreciate the unbeatable beauties on the way forward.


咏 梅
体育科技(2016年5期)2016-08-10 09:51:11