刘 蕾,马 涛,刘雪玲,倪天翔
(1.中国矿业大学(北京) 资源与安全工程学院,北京 100083;2.青海省地质环境监测总站,青海 西宁 810001;3.长安大学地质工程与测绘学院,陕西 西安 710054;4.中国地质环境监测院,北京 100081)
刘 蕾1,马 涛2,刘雪玲3,倪天翔4
(1.中国矿业大学(北京) 资源与安全工程学院,北京 100083;2.青海省地质环境监测总站,青海 西宁 810001;3.长安大学地质工程与测绘学院,陕西 西安 710054;4.中国地质环境监测院,北京 100081)
图1 模型试验设计图(单位:cm)Fig.1 Schematic diagram of test model(unit:cm)
本文以西安地铁2号线的地铁隧道结构为原型,断面呈马蹄形,隧道埋深20 m,结构高度9.55 m。根据试验条件,本次试验的几何相似比Cl=20、弹性模量相似比CE=1.5,根据相似理论原理[15],计算各物理量的相似比见表1。
表1 模型试验各物理量的相似比Table 1 Similitude ratio of the model test
本次试验在试验模型中预设地裂缝,地裂缝宽度10 mm,倾角80°,裂缝中用粉细砂填充。
根据相似比,模型隧道高47.75 cm,宽47 cm,厚2.75 cm,长1.8 m;采用细石混凝土浇筑而成,混凝土标号C15;结构模型内纵向配筋为38根Φ2钢筋,纵筋间距40 mm;横向配筋为86根Φ2钢筋,间距20 mm。地铁隧道断面见图2。
图2 隧道模型断面图(单位:cm)Fig.2 Section diagram of tunnel model(unit:cm)
试验中采用TST-10型10 kg激振器产生振动荷载。西安地铁2号线的列车为六辆车编组,列车轮对荷载P0=160 kN。由激振器产生作用于基底的激振力可表示为:
试验中采取10 Hz的频率对轮轨进行加载,共设置4个激振点,激振点与下盘地铁隧道边界的距离分别为60 cm、80 cm、100 cm、120 cm,具体位置见图3。
图3 激振点位置图(单位:cm)Fig.3 Layout of vibration exciters(unit:cm)
分别在填筑高度15 cm、50 cm、85 cm的位置埋设三层土压力盒,其中填筑高度15 cm、85 cm的位置分别布设三条测线,一条测线位于地铁隧道中轴线,另两条测线位于隧道中轴线两侧30 cm的位置;在填筑高度50 cm层于隧道两侧布设两条测线,测线与隧道中轴线的距离为30 cm。各测线均与隧道纵向平行,每条测线布置土压力盒5个,上盘3个,下盘2个,各压力盒距地裂缝的距离分别为:上盘37 cm、20 cm、3 cm;下盘3 cm、20 cm。土压力盒具体布设情况见图4。
图4 土压力盒布设位置图(单位:cm)Fig.4 Layout of pressure cells (unit:cm)
本文采用附加土压力分析振动荷载导致的土压力动力响应,附加土压力指的是在激振时测取的土压力与未施加激振荷载时的静土压力的差值。图5~图7分别为地裂缝未活动时10 hz激励下各测线的附加土压力曲线。
图5 地裂缝未活动时15 cm高度附加土压力曲线Fig.5 Additional earth pressure curves at the height of 15 cm before the ground fissure movement
图6 地裂缝未活动时50 cm高度附加土压力曲线Fig.6 Additional earth pressure curves at the height of 50 cm before the ground fissure movement
图7 地裂缝未活动时85 cm高度附加土压力曲线Fig.7 Additional earth pressure curves at the height of 85 cm before the ground fissure movement
图8~图10分别为地裂缝上盘下降1 cm时10hz激励下不同高度土体的附加土压力曲线。
图8 地裂缝上盘下降时15 cm高度附加土压力曲线Fig.8 Additional earth pressure curves at the height of 15 cm after the ground fissure movement
图9 地裂缝上盘下降时50 cm高度附加土压力曲线Fig.9 Additional earth pressure curves at the height of 50 cm after the ground fissure movement
图10 地裂缝上盘下降时85 cm高度附加土压力曲线Fig.10 Additional earth pressure curves at the height of 85 cm after the ground fissure movement
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LIU Lei1,MA Tao2,LIU Xueling3,NI Tianxiang4
A large scale model test was carried out to study the dynamic response of the earth pressure in ground fissures area under vibration loads of train. The metro tunnel model and the layer model was built. The metro train vibration was simulated by the vibration exciters. The earth pressure was tested by the pressure cell. The test results show that the additional earth pressure on the side of the vibration exciter is bigger. The additional earth pressure reduces when acrossing the ground fissure. The additional earth pressure on the axes of tunnel is bigger than that on the side of the tunnel. When the halling wall of ground fissue descends, the additional earth pressure above the tunnel has the distributing disciplinarian of that on the side of halling wall is bigger than that on footwall,while the distributing disciplinarian is opposite in the other area of ground fissure. The additional earth pressure becomes small when the vibration exciter moving to the halling wall from the footwall. Before the ground fissure movement, the additional earth pressure distribution is affected mainly by the ground fissure. When the halling wall descends, the additional earth pressure distribution is affected mainly by the contact state of the tunnel and the soil.
ground fissure;metro tunnel;train loads;earth pressure;model test
刘 蕾(1983-),女,博士,主要从事地质工程及安全工程等方面的研究。E-mail:2370574038@qq.com