The Long Engagement《永久的婚约》

2018-01-08 05:48:57爱艺
英语世界 2017年9期


The Long Engagement (oil on canvas,107cm × 53.3cm, 1859) is a painting by the Pre-Raphaelite artist Arthur Hughes. The painting was originally titled “Orlando”.

[2] In an overgrown forest setting,a curate meets his fiancée. The man stands in the shadow of the tree and the woman looks at her name carved into the bark of the tree. Their hands are clasped together and a faithful dog stands at their feet staring up at them.

[3] The title refers to middle class social conventions of the time, in particular the fact that the parents of a girl engaged to a poorly paid curate would typically not allow the marriage until he had secured a more remunerative position—i.e. within the church hierarchy. The girl is depicted looking at her own name (Amy) carved,some while ago, into the trunk of the tree by her fiancé as an expression of his love. The carving, however, is about to be covered by rambling ivy growing up the trunk; ethereal youthful passion is becoming lost to worldly capitalist demands. It can be said that this symbolism reflects the stark realities of late 1850s and 1860s Victorian England,which certainly is the observation made by English historian A. N. Wilson.In his book The Victorians (London:Arrow Books, 2003), Wilson makes the following observation and analysis of the signif i cance of The Long Engagement:




It depicts an emotional predicament stemming directly from an economic situation. The prosperity which had created the vast bourgeoisie with its gradations from lower to upper middle class had also created a code. You could not marry, and maintain the position in society to which you aspired, until you had a certain amount of money in the bank.(p. 260)

[4] Hughes had finished an earlier painting, April Love, of a similar theme.The Long Engagement was given to the Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery in the will of a “Dr Griff i ths” in 1902, and has remained in the collection to present day. ■


[4]休斯此前创作过一幅类似主题的画,名为《四月之恋》。1902年,遵从某位“格里菲思博士”的遗愿,《永久的婚约》一画被赠予伯明翰博物馆和美术馆,获藏至今。 □

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