
2018-01-06 02:02:25克雷格黑德乔治译析吴文安
英语世界 2017年11期





With a twist of his wrist he slips a hood over her head and tightens the drawstrings with his teeth and free hand. He is a falconer, I see, and a good one. My knees feel rubbery.






[2] Frightful sits quietly. She cannot see, so she does not move, which is the reason for a hood. If a falcon is hooded she will not bate, that is, she won’t fl y off your fi st and hang head down by her jesses, beating her wings and hurting herself.

“What will you do with her?” I ask.

“How old was she when you got her?”

“About ten days.”

“Then I can’t let her go. She is imprinted on you. If you raise a bird from a chick, it thinks you’re its mother and that it looks like you. Such a bird won’t mate with its kind, because it sees people as its kind. Set free it is worthless as far as the perpetuation of the species is concerned. And perpetuation of the species is what protecting endangered animals is all about—to let them breed and increase their kind.”


[3] “No hunger streaks,” he comments as he turns Frightful on his fi st and looks her over. “I must say, you take good care of your bird for a kid.” Hunger streaks appear in tail and wing feathers if a bird does not get the right food during the time the feathers are growing in.







[4] I am thinking what to do. Mr. Longbridge has wrapped the leash tightly around his hand and now begins to move.

I walk beside him, desperately working out a plan to save her.

I try pity. “Sir, I need that bird badly. I hunt with her. She provides food for my table.”

“There’s a supermarket in Delhi,” he says, hurrying along. I hurry along too.

I try politeness. “Please, Sir, let her go.”

“You heard me.”






[5] The sun now shines out of a hazeless sky, and I can see his face more clearly. He has bony cheeks, a long nose, and heavy brows. Dark crow’sfeet mark the corners of his eyes.

I try reason. “Sir, you say you can’t let her go because she won’t breed. If she is useless, I might as well keep her. She’s useful to me.”

“She’ll be bred in captivity.”

“But how, if she won’t mate?”

“Artificial insemination. The university has a very successful arti fi cial breeding program for endangered birds of prey.” He is holding Frightful out from his body; I reach out to grab her. He sees me move and draws Frightful against his chest. I can’t reach her.

[6]我又试着用哲学来说服他。“但关起来的鸟儿不是真正的鸟儿。一只鸟儿只有成为山林和天空的一部分才算完整。 ”

[6] I try philosophy. “But captive birds are not really birds. A bird must be part of the landscape and sky to be complete.”


【第一段】第二句中的插入语“我看得出来”移至句首,更符合中文习惯。短语a good one的译文明确为“好手”。山姆看得出这位“官员”是驯鹰好手,觉得不好对付,于是腿发软。

【第二段】动词bate很特殊,专指鹰躁动不安扇动翅膀,需要用比较大的词典才能查到。短语about ten days(直译:大约十天)需要添加“出生后”,意思才更清楚。而短语be imprinted on在这里的意思也较为特殊,指鸟儿由人工饲养,从小见到的就是山姆,算是鸟儿的第一印象。假官员在此编造理由,哄骗山姆。后来山姆把“惊悚”放生,它仍然找到了伴侣。


【第四段】山姆脑筋急转,尝试了几种方法营救“惊悚”。一是抢夺,二是激发同情心,再就是哀求,但都没用。最后一句you heard me,如果直译会是“你听到我了”,这在中文里意思不明,于是转译为“刚才都跟你说清楚了”。最后两句描写假官员的相貌,显然不是一个和善的人。

【第五段】短语in captivity意思是“俘虏、囚禁、圈养”等,因为猎鹰是鸟,所以选择“笼养”一词。山姆一边跟“官员”理论,一边想抢夺猎鹰,还是做不到。假官员满口谎言,还随时提防山姆抢夺猎鹰。山姆毕竟是少年,对付不了假官员。


【小结】这一选段有一些专业术语,需要深入查证,以免理解错误。另外,此处心理独白和对话很多,译文要考虑少年口语的特征,不宜过于成人化和书面化。同时,山姆的语气和假官员的话语也要有所区别。一些排比句式(比如I try pity/politeness/reason/philosophy)的译文应该既体现原文句式特征,也要表意清楚。 □

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