There’s a reason why we go to visit friends and family when they’re taken ill, and it isn’t just to deliver grapes1葡萄(葡萄汁、葡萄酒)在希腊罗马文化中象征着欢乐和慈爱;在基督教文化中则象征着上帝的恩典和救赎。此外,西方有葡萄可治顽疾一说,称为“葡萄疗法”(ampelotherapy)。. We all intrinsically know that good relationships make us feel better.
[2] Well now there is evidence that this isn’t purely an emotional reaction; good relationships can actually help to prevent illness, help us recover more quickly or prevent deterioration of health conditions. The phrase ‘laughter is the best medicine’ may technically not be true, but it seems it should at least be part of the prescription.
[3] It’s clear we need to find new and different ways of preventing and managing health conditions, and a growing body of2a body of 大量(知识、信息)。evidence suggests that relationships with friends, family and partners may hold some of the answers. For example, those of us with strong relationships are 50% more likely to survive life-threatening illness than people with weaker ones.
[4] However, just when we need them most, the effects of living with a health condition can put our relationships under strain. The effects of a condition and treatment can change our lifestyles and lead to anger, guilt, grief and anxiety. But health conditions can also bring people close together, reminding us what’s important and giving those around us a chance to show in some very practical ways just how much they care.
[5] The key to managing a long term condition is often about making the adjustment to your new normality, whether that’s facing an illness yourself or as a partner, family member or friend to someone who is3此处省略someone who is (facing an illness himself)。.
[6] Whether for better or worse, few relationships are unchanged by the effects of a long term health condition, and there are times when all of us would bene fi t from some extra support.
[7] If you’re coping with the effects of a long term health condition on your relationships, don’t be afraid to ask for support. Here are some tips for keeping your relationships rich:
[8]Don’t bottle it up:It can be tempting to skirt around4skirt around对某事避而不谈。the issue with friends and family in case people get upset, but open communication is really important.
[9]Expect change:Realise that the dynamics of your relationships may change, particularly if a partner or family member is taking on the role of‘carer’. Don’t make assumptions about how this will make you both feel.
[10]Make time and space for intimacy:In a couple relationship, try to separate yourself from the patient/ carer role now and again to allow time for intimacy with your partner. Perhaps create a special room in the house where these roles no longer exist and you can spend quality time together.
[11]Consider counselling:It’s tempting to keep a ‘stiff upper lip5stiff upper lip(面对困难)不动声色,面不改色。’, but talking to somebody impartial about how you feel and putting mechanisms6mechanism途径,办法。in place can help you cope with the changes in your relationship.
Love Is the Best Medicine
ByRuth Sutherland