文/克里斯蒂娜·库奇 译/郭晶晶 贺莺
By Christina Couch
10 Top Telecommuting Jobs to Live Abroad十大跨国远程办公职位
文/克里斯蒂娜·库奇 译/郭晶晶 贺莺
ByChristina Couch
As technology makes it increasingly easy to punch the clock1punch the clock打卡。in a virtual office, employees once tied to a desk may now have the ability to work from home or even abroad. In fact, studies from Global Workplace Analytics, a research and consultancy firm headquartered in Carlsbad2卡尔斯巴德市位于加利福尼亚州,是全美收入最高的地方之一。, Calif., show that approximately 3 million U.S. workers that aren’t selfemployed work from home full time while an estimated 52 million workers have telecommute-compatible jobs. For those who’d rather converse in foreign languages than by the company water cooler, here are 10 of the best gigs for telecommuting while abroad.
The industry is booming as are telework opportunities. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median wage for computer and information systems management professionals is $115,780 per year while the sector is projected to grow 18 percent between now and 2020. Norbert Kubilus, president of the Association of Information Technology Professionals, says that certain jobs within the field lend themselves more naturally to teleworking.
“Analysts, programmers, web developers, help desk staff can work remotely,” he says. “If people are responsible for the maintenance of a server, that can be done remotely, but you also have to have people who are handson to take care of installation and so on.”
Kubilus adds that IT pros are most likely to find telecommute opportunities in small- and medium-size companies and that those eyeing remote working opportunities should seek out positions that advertise the possibility for telecommuting.
“Most times, you’re not going to go to a company, interview for a job and mention, ‘Oh, I want to telecommute,’”he says. “That’s not going to fly.”
This job might actually reward you for moving abroad. Workers with fluency in a foreign language and sharp communication skills can land jobs in verbal and written translation regardless of where they live, says Carla Itzkowich, executive director of International Contact, a multilanguage communication company that produces marketing materials in 100 languages.
这份工作可能真会给你带来出国的回报。国际联络(International Contact) 是 一家多语言传播公司,可制作100种语言的营销资料。该公司执行董事卡拉·伊茨科维奇说,外语流利、沟通能力强的人可以找到口头或书面翻译工作,不受地域限制。
“(Translators) need to invest between$600 to $2,000 in tools of the trade, but once you’re set up, you pretty much can work your own hours, your own time,your own home,” she says.
Startup costs include a foreign language dictionary, a computer, a fast Internet connection that can support audio or video interpretation sessions and translation management software that prevents workers from using the same verbiage over and over again.Itzkowich adds that certification from an organization such as the American Translators Association can help someone break into the field but may not be absolutely necessary. Pay is typically by the word, so speed and accuracy count. Those who speak a less common language or who can specialize in an area such as finance or medical translation can charge more, says Itzkowich.
“Sales people are most conducive to remote offices because (many) don’t have an office location in a traditional office. They are located in their homes or customer locations,” says Jay Mulki, a Northeastern University associate professor of marketing who has conducted extensive research in the remote working field.
根据远程工作研究网(Telework Research Network)的调查,销售人员是居家工作的主力军。该研究团队2011年发表的一篇论文显示,有七成居家工作人员从事的是管理、专业技术、销售以及办公室工作。
According to the Telework Research Network, sales jobs dominate the work-at-home workforce. A 2011 paper published by the group shows that 70 percent of those working from home hold positions in management,professional, sales and office jobs.
Sales leaders looking to work abroad should seek out companies that have a broad consumer base in the employee’s country of choice, says Mulki. They, and all other remote workers, should create a separation between work and home life.
“When you work at home, work never goes away,” he says.
According to the Council on Public Relations Firms, a trade organization of more than 100 PR companies,approximately half of its member PR firms experienced double-digit growth during 2011.
Since much of the job revolves around communication, PR workers must be able to draft anything from speeches to press releases and should be able to create and control their clients’public images.
The upside is that much of that work can be done remotely. While public relations work lends itself to telecommuting both domestically and abroad, the Bureau of Labor Statistics
公关公司协会(Council on Public Relations Firms)是一个行业协会,成员包括上百家公关公司。2011年,这些成员公司中约有半数实现了两位数的增长。
该行业的优点是不少工作可以远程完成,在国内、国外都可以进行。劳工统计局的报告称,该行业员工拥有良好的职业前景,但缺点是工作时间长。2010年,近三分之一的该行业员工每周工作超过40小时。目前该行业的平均年薪徘徊在57,550美元左右,到2020年,预计将增长21%。reports that employees can expect good job prospects, but long hours—in 2010,nearly one-third of workers in this field clocked in more than 40 hours per week. The field is projected to increase 21 percent between now and 2020 while the median annual wage currently hovers around $57,550.
Someone has to develop applications,build computer games and create the next wave of can’t-live-without-’em digital tools. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the median salary for software developers is currently$90,530, while the job market will grow much faster than average—by 30 percent between now and 2020.
Barry Frangipane, co-author of the bookThe Venice Experiment, a memoir of his experience working as a software developer for a U.S. company while living in Italy, says that telecommuters working abroad should make sure that they can still interact with their U.S.-based coworkers. To do that,Frangipane’s company set up a webcam so that he could participate in weekly company meetings from Italy.
“I could see people at the office at the meetings and they could see me,”he says. “We felt like we were really connected.”
Developers working abroad should also have access to technological upgrades the company makes. To ensure that his work stayed up-to-date, Frangipane kept one laptop in his U.S.-based workplace, one with him in Italy and linked the two using remote access software.
In the ever-expanding world of telecommuting, call center and helpline personnel lead the charge, says Kate Lister, president of the Telework Research Network and co-author of the bookUndress for Success: The Naked Truth About Making Money at Home.While wages in this sector usually lean on the low side—the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that customer service reps earn a median salary of $30,460 per year—opportunities abound in companies that range from medical helplines to fast-food chains.
“When you order a pizza, sometimes the dispatcher is sitting at home dispatching it from somewhere else in the country,” she says. “Even the IRS helpline folks are (sometimes) working from home.”
Telecommuting in this field comes with its own set of challenges, adds Lister. Finding jobs can be difficult with the wealth of work-from-home scams on the Web, and employees must have a quiet space where they work.
“There’s a zero-tolerance policy for background noise,” she says. Babies crying, dogs barking or doors slamming can mean losing the job.
Fall ill at a hospital in the U.S. and a transcriptionist in Australia might write up your doc’s notes, a specialist in South America could examine your test results,and a top surgeon in Europe could lead the operation by video chat. That’s why health care is one of the top fields for telecommuting, says Sara Sutton Fell, CEO and founder of Flexjobs.com, a job search site that specializes in telecommute,part-time jobs and positions with flexible schedules.
“The (health care) subcategories that we see the most (telecommuting jobs)in are nursing, pharmaceutical, case management, therapy, medical coding,nutrition and psychiatry,” she says. “So much of medicine now is digital. ... You don’t have to be in a room looking at an X-ray anymore.”
Fell says that telecommuting positions in this field range from data analysts and health care project managers to neurosurgeons who work remotely.Despite the increase in medical telecommute jobs, many positions still require workers to be physically present. To ensure that working from abroad is possible, employees should seek out telecommuting positions and clarify the parameters of telecommuting with their boss upfront.
Workers can create logos, websites,publicity materials and marketing products from any corner of the globe and get paid decently to do so. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 29 percent of graphic designers are selfemployed, meaning that many can make their own schedules, and the median pay is $43,500 per year.
Despite the independent nature of the job, many designers work in teams or on collaborative projects. To stay in sync with stateside team members, Jay Mulki says that employees working abroad should focus on communicating clearly, taking active steps to stay in contact with key team members and fulfilling every promise they make in a reasonable time frame.
“You need to come across as a person who is self-disciplined, who can control their work in terms of doing the work and initiating the work ... and be able to access people within the organization,” he says.
Training specialists, online instructors,curriculum writers ... the list of telecommuting positions in the education field is extensive. Sara Sutton Fell of Flexjobs.com says that telework education
培训专家、在线教师、课程编写者……在教育领域,适合远程办公的职位范围非常宽广。Flexjobs.com的萨拉·萨顿·费尔说,远程教育工作者jobs range from language instructors who conduct lessons by phone or video chat to those who work behind the scenes creating and perfecting online teaching tools. The majority of teleworking jobs are available at the college and university levels, she says, “but there’s a surprising amount at lower levels or in administrative on the education side.”可以是使用电话或视频聊天上课的语言教师,也可以是在幕后创建和完善在线教学工具的人。她说,大多数远程工作职位都在高等院校,“但是令人吃惊的是,中小学或教育行政提供的职位也不少”。
The trick to landing a telework position is seeing through the scams. To help eliminate ads designed to sap your time and money, Fell recommends using search terms such as “telecommute”and “telecommuting” over “work from home” or “work at home”, and carefully investigate companies that post listings for telecommuting jobs.
According to Flexjobs.com, there are currently more telecommute and flexible job positions in administrative work than any other field except medical and health care. Admin jobs may offer the ability to work from anywhere, but salaries are usually low. Workers holding positions such as office managers, financial clerks, bookkeepers, material recording personnel and administrative assistants have median salaries that range from$24,100 for bank tellers to $36,610 for desktop publishers, reports the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Frangipane says that workers in any
要想获得远程办公职位,需要有识破骗局的慧眼。为了过滤掉那些蓄意耗费时间和金钱的广告,费尔建议在检索时使用telecommute或telecommuting等关键词,而不是work from home和work at home,同时认真调查提供远程办公岗位的公司。
弗朗吉佩恩说,不论在哪个领域,都可以通过协商让目前不允许远程办公的职位慢慢具有远程办公的可能。弗朗吉field who have a job that doesn’t allow telecommuting may be able to slowly negotiate a telework option. Frangipane himself started working from home one day per week, then ramped it up to five days over time.
“Once they could see that I had high productivity working from home, then I said, ‘Hey, I’m thinking about moving my home,’” he recounts. “Regardless of where you are in the world, if you work the same hours as your office normally expects, then it really doesn’t seem to matter much when you move your home a little farther away, like 4,500 miles.” 佩恩自己起初每周只能在家工作一天,后来随着时间的推移逐渐增加到了五天。
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