Written on My Mother’s 100th Birthday

2018-01-05 01:43:03ByFengJicai
Special Focus 2017年12期

By Feng Jicai

Translation by Wang Xiaoke

Written on My Mother’s 100thBirthday

By Feng Jicai

Translation by Wang Xiaoke

Chinese elders will never forget their “longevity locks.” It is a small,exquisite accessory given to a newborn by his parents or an elder member of the family. The lock is commonly silver, made by a country craftsman, with several delicate bells attached to it. On it is the inscription “Chang Ming Bai Sui” (长命百岁 ) which means“(you will have) a long life of 100 years.” These auspicious words,though they do not often come true, are the typical blessing for Chinese children. In Chinese culture, such longevity itself stands for a blessed perfection of life. However, I never thought that one of my dear family members could literally have this blessing—to live to her 100s.How lucky I am!

How many people in the world can live to 100, and witness the vicissitudes of a whole century?

I am proud to tell you, my mother is one such person.

I did not have the extravagant hope for Mother to see a century until her 90th birthday. Then almost romantically, I started to dream of it. Our whole family had this hope along with faint worries. Without saying anything, my siblings and I,and even our children made concerted efforts to look after Mother, doing whatever we could to achieve this honorable goal.Especially when she was ill, we took on the challenge together as a well-trained team. We managed to win one “battle” after another with tacit cooperation and great effort. Actually, in these years after our father’s death (which made Mother emotionally fragile), all of us have become experienced in consoling her. I can’t remember how many times we have spoken on the phone about Mother’s happiness and health.

We are always as happy as children when we participate in Mother’s birthday every year;and no doubt in her eyes, we will remain kids forever. But in recent years, these kids have grown old,too. Now my youngest brother is 70, and my eldest sister is 80.Only when you are old enough,can you really know how precious it is to be a kid. What does it feel like to keep being a son at age 75? I guess not so many people can understand it as I do. It’s like staying in the shade of an ancient big tree. You know that you can still come back to your familyof-origin, and smell the unique warm breath which belongs only to your mother.

Life is peculiar. When you’re a child, your mother takes care of you and protects you from any danger. If someone’s knocking on the door, it would always be your mother who goes to see who’s out there. She would never ask you to do that. But when you grow up, the roles reverse. Now it is time for you to protect your mother and to answer the door.Such natural reversals of roles are some of the best parts of humane goodness. I went to my mother’s 91st birthday party, and then her 92nd, 93rd, and so on.As we moved forward together, I gradually had the strange feeling that she was becoming more of a daughter to me, and that what I should do was protect her, holding her inside the palmof my hand and helping her to realize the magnif i cent dream of a centenarian.

冯骥才和母亲Feng Jicai and his mother








Mother lives with my younger brother. I visit her after work every Tuesday and Friday,and I am never absent for a single day. Mother knows that I’ve been busy at work and thus would not make me worried about her health. On the days I visit, she dresses up in advance in order to greet me with an air of good spirits.My mother has broad interests and hobbies, and she is keen to know whatever information I collect from different channels.I often playfully call her “an aged supervisor of the world.”She is also an active WeChat user who forwards all the beautiful pictures and fun videos she receives every day.When I attend meetings in other cities, sometimes I will receive a WeChat message from her asking, “Are you tired, my little boy?” On the other hand,because she will not tell me her own physical condition, I have to ask other people about it. My top priority has always been her health.

Time elapses, and our goal of her one-hundred-year life span seemed not to be so distant any more.

Last year, we celebrated mother’s 99th birthday. She was in good condition, still having considerable body strength as well as clarity of thinking.When I began to talk about the celebration of her 100th birthday, she suddenly said, “I am not intending to celebrate it. Just save the celebration for my 101st birthday!” I was at fi rst confused, and then understood what she meant.

Maybe the “100th birthday”was just too splendid a day for her. It somewhat implied entering another stage of life and seemed to be like the record bar for a high jumper to challenge.So perhaps, she began to have an impulse of both escaping and pursuing. Therefore, my siblings and I came to an agreement that none of us would mention her 100th birthday before the day really came, lest she felt pressured. But I put pressure on myself instead. I was afraid that she might be ill before the day.

My fear was realized. Two months prior to her birthday,she suddenly suffered from erysipeloid which caused complications of chilly fevers and a swollen shank. We immediately sent her to the hospital. The injection and transfusion seemed to be effective, but her condition was not stable. Fortunately,she finally recovered and went back home—that was three days before her birthday. Although the sickness was cured, her appetite and nerves were spoiled after all the transfusions and medicines from the past 50 days. So instead of a party, we each came in turn to Mother, each having a very brief talk with her, so that she could have a good rest. She had“longevity noodles” with my wife,my younger brother, and me for lunch. We made an agreement that in accordance with tradition,the whole family would hold a “compensational birthday party” for mother as long as she completely recovers.

On such an important day which comes only once a century,the simple celebration is hardly satisfactory. However, it is a day when my mother reaches a golden milestone on her life journey. The long and hard journey of one hundred years has already been recorded; a brand new century is now before her eyes. As for me, I still feel like dreaming a fantastic and luminous dream.

There was no feast of delicacies,or four-generation gathering. We just put several homely dishes of mother’s preference on the small table: a few glasses of red wine and a bowl of braised food including fungus, gluten, eggs,and a little tender meat. We made a toast to our mother in a warm atmosphere. I kept the precious memories in my mind instead of taking a photo, because Mother was still too weak to dress up.She only ate a few noodles, a little spinach, and a sip of wine. I think that long-term company with mother is her children’s greatest happiness, and I believe many people will feel the way I do.

At this moment, I am willing to tell this happiness to all my friends, because it is something worthy of sharing with you.♦

(F r o m T o n i g h t N e ws,September 28, 2017)








文/冯骥才 译/王小可


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