今年夏天,国内最火爆的一档综艺节目,要算《中国有嘻哈》(The Rap of China)了吧。与以往相对宽泛的“音乐选秀”不同,这次,节目聚焦到了一种音乐类型,而且是一种相对小众,甚至“地下”的类型。“嘻哈”,英文是“hiphop”,其实比纯粹“饶舌”的“rap”要更加宽泛,不过,今天二者混用已成普遍现象。这个节目不但让国人认识了身着奇装异服,走路摇头摆尾,说话指手画脚的“嘻哈一族”,让“a cappella”(清唱)、“freestyle”(即兴表演)、“flow”(韵律)、“trap”成为流行词汇,更让一个着黑衣、戴面具的“嘻哈侠”(Hiphopman)成为众人膜拜的对象。
面具后的“嘻哈侠”,本名欧阳靖,多年前曾经以“玩说唱的中国小子”(“the Chinese kid who raps”)扬名美国的他,如今已年过而立,身为人夫、人父,“嘻哈”精神未减,技术日趋成熟,此次以“侠”之身份现身,颇值得玩味。
按照《韦氏大学词典》(Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary)的定义,“Rap”意为“在音乐伴奏下,含有押韵对偶句的有节奏吟诵”(a rhythmic chanting often in unison of usu. rhymed couplets to a musical accompaniment)。“嘻哈”中的“rap”部分十分接近“口头诗歌”(spoken-word poetry),后者对口语的强调,自然让它与更加文人化的“书面诗歌”区分开来。“口头诗歌”源远流长,虽在诗歌变成印刷品之后曾经历了一段低迷期,但在20世纪,特别是在“哈莱姆文艺复兴”(the Harlem Renaissance)和“垮掉的一代”(the Beat Generation)的大力推动下,重又焕发光彩。吟唱着“什么是诗歌?那是人的整个灵魂,像柠檬一样,被一滴一滴挤入精妙的词汇里”(What is poetry? It is the human soul entire, squeezed like a lemon or a lime, drop by drop, into atomic words.1)的兰斯顿·休斯(Langston Hughes)在哈莱姆,从布鲁斯、嘻哈、灵歌中重新找回诗歌的音乐性,从底层黑人生活中重新找回诗歌的人民性;嘶吼着“我们不是污秽的皮囊,我们不是尘垢蔽体、面目模糊的火车头,我们是盛开在身体里的金色向日葵”(Were not our skin of grime, were not dread bleak dusty imageless locomotives, were golden sunflowers inside.)的金斯堡(Allen Ginsberg)在反文化(“垮掉”)浪潮中,一瀉千里地纵情吟诵,更是把诗歌从刻板现实的束缚中彻底解放出来。
当然,嘻哈又不同于“口头诗歌”,不仅因为它需要音乐伴奏,需要歌词押韵,更因为它的内容往往极其鄙俗、粗暴。嘻哈音乐CD封面,往往贴着“不良内容,家长注意”(Parental Advisory: Explicit Content)的标识;污言秽语、咄咄逼人的歌词,几乎是嘻哈音乐的标配。嘻哈界“斗法”,一大主要内容就是所谓的“freestyle battle”,而这在许多时候简直无异于“对骂”。难怪多年来嘻哈音乐在国内难入主流,而不得不标榜于“地下”。
2008年北京奥运会,许多观众都注意到,美国游泳健将菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps)在进入泳池之前,一直酷酷地听着iPod,后来有记者问他当时听的什么歌,他回答,是李尔·韦恩(Lil Wayne)的《我就是我》(“Im Me”)。当然,这首歌作为典型的“嘻哈”音乐,可没有多少可恭维的好内容。
听嘻哈,在许多人眼里,已经成为“坏孩子”的标志。然而,无论教师、家长如何阻止,孩子们还是会以他们的方式,向这些他们喜欢而师长坚决反对的东西靠近—— 一个大棒球帽,一身肥大球衣,一双大板鞋,在孩子眼里,显然比整齐划一的校服更有吸引力。
曾经与黑人高手“过招”,因“freestyle battle”七连冠而名噪一时的欧阳靖,在谈到父母对他选择嘻哈“事业”的反应时说,“I know without a doubt in my mind that their anti-hip hop mentality was just coming from a place of love and concern... They came to this country with a core belief of wanting to work hard so their son could have a better future. In their minds, a better future was not a rap career.”
不过,就像充斥着打斗、血浆的各种“侠”漫画也可以表现“希望”、“理想”甚至“反思”一样,嘻哈除了像“Imma buy you a drank; Then take you home with me; I got money in my bank”(我要给你买杯酒,然后带你回我家,我银行里有的是钱)这种粗鄙的腔调之外,也可以表现普通大众的喜怒哀乐,甚至政治诉求。欧阳靖曾经在2007年创作过一首名为《致奥巴马的公开信》(“Open Letter to Obama”)的歌,在今天这个没有了奥巴马的时代,相信许多美国人听这首歌的时候,当会别有一番滋味在心头吧。
Yo, yo, Dear Obama, Comma
First off this is truly an honor. Im a supporter
I wanted to say how strongly I believe in your bipartisan ways
Red state, Blue state, Thats kinda late
(Red state“红色州”指选民倾向于投票给共和党的州,Blue state“蓝色州”则指倾向于投给民主党)
In your eyes, its only the United States
Your campaign in 04 made an impact.
Alone you opposed to war in Iraq
The other candidates cant lie.
You still won the Senate by the landslide(壓倒性胜利)
Critics said we cant stand,
Then you stood on the podium(讲台)and told em said “Yes we can”
We wanna live in a country with wealthfare reform
When healthcare for uninsured children is norm
Tougher ethics laws for those out to hurt us
Tax relief for low income workers
Rest in peace, Sean. These days are so violent
(Sean Bell,在2006年11月25日晨,他婚礼当天,被纽约便衣警察乱枪打死。据称,警察朝他与两位朋友所驾驶的车上开了50多枪。)
We need a statewide ban on racial profiling
Gas prices are outlandish(怪异的). Might I suggest higher fuel efficiency standards
Terrorist threats got the whole world scared
Any types of disaster, we must be prepared
Listen up, the fact is real: Christians, Buddhists and Muslims on Capitol Hill
Instead of separate State from the church
First you have to figure out what your faith is worth
Religion is what you envision.
Dear Obama, Im a Cynic. I admit Worlds got my patience limit for this gimmick(花招)
No matter what they spin it, it only takes a minute
Before I get lost and turn the TV off, But you came through speaking to the way I felt
Plus the way you dealt with the critics, I was with it
The only Candidate fanning the flame of hope
Youve been through hard times. Truth is why people put their faith in you
And I speaking from my heart, I hope that youre listenin
No one else has been in the position that youre sitting in
Poised(准备好的)to make history, Rebuild trust Its time to heal the wounds that defy(藐视)all of us
Im callin all my people that are sitting up straight Barack Obama in 08
I dont know politics, thats no joke
But I do know that I get one vote
You wanna make change then you gotta take note
Whatcha gonna do huh? (Take it to the Polls)
“The idea of seeing the country as constituted by such a heterogeneous people, with none more privileged than another, has proved crucial to our cultural imagination.”2(美国的文化想象中一个重要的方面就是,这个国家的人民构成多元化,没有哪一类人比其他类的人享有更多特权。)作为一个由移民建立的国家,理想状态的美国,就像一个充满爱心的“圣母”,敞开怀抱欢迎着来自四面八方,或焦虑,或渴望,或雄心勃勃,或忐忑不安的孩子们。直到20世纪初,万里迢迢赶来的异乡客们还在感叹着这里可以向所有人敞开的丰饶:“America is a land of plenty. Anyone who has as much common sense as the hill-billies(乡巴佬)have will never have to worry about his living. The land is covered with food which, if properly distributed, could without any difficulty feed all the races of mankind.”3(美国是一片丰饶的土地。任何有点基本常识的人在这里都不用担心生计问题。这片土地长满了食物,如果分配合理,可以养活各个种族的人们。)然而,现实的美国却是另一番景象:
Let America be America again.
Let it be the dream it used to be.
Let it be the pioneer on the plain
Seeking a home where he himself is free.
(America never was America to me.)
Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed—
Let it be that great strong land of love
Where never kings connive(共谋)nor tyrants(暴君)scheme
That any man be crushed by one above.
(It never was America to me.)
O, let my land be a land where Liberty
Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath(花环),
But opportunity is real, and life is free,
Equality is in the air we breathe.
(Theres never been equality for me,
Nor freedom in this “homeland of the free”.)
Say, who are you that mumbles in the dark?
And who are you that draws your veil across the stars?
I am the poor white, fooled and pushed apart,
I am the Negro bearing slaverys scars.
I am the red man driven from the land,
I am the immigrant clutching the hope I seek—
And finding only the same old stupid plan
Of dog eat dog, of mighty(强权)crush the weak.4
真实的奥巴马究竟是否如“信”中所唱—— 如同侠客一般,大刀阔斧地去解决这个国家积攒下来的如山的问题,历史自有评判,但这首歌至少代表了底层人民的期盼。嘻哈乐团黑眼豆豆(Black Eyed Peas)创始人will.i.am在奥巴马当选后也说,“Now that Obamas president it changes inner-city youths. They can now not just dream to be Lil Waynes or 50 Cents, but they can now dream to be Obamas.”5(如今奥巴马做总统了,这也改变了穷人区的年轻人。他们现在不只是梦想着以后可以做李尔·韦恩或者50美分这样的嘻哈歌手,也可以梦想着有一天能成为奥巴马了。)
兰斯顿·休斯说,“诗人,在你自己的语言里,挂起你自己。不然,你就死了。”(Hang6 yourself, poet, in your own words. Otherwise, you are dead.)7 拥有你自己的语言,用你自己的语言表达你的生命,这才是真正的freestyle。今天,越来越多的嘻哈歌者已经不再仅仅嘶吼着他们对于“金链子”、“钞票”、“豪车”、“异性”的渴望,就连教育专家们也看到了嘻哈的积极之处。“You(指家长)can investigate and turn him(指男孩子)on to a genre of artists known as MCs, who rhyme about love, hope, building better communities, and spirituality, issues that have long been at the center of African American culture... Theres also hip-hop artist Nas, who takes on war, AIDS, and black-on-black violence in his verse. In ‘I Know I can, the chorus sung by children, he raps, ‘I know I can / Be what I wanna be / If I work hard at it / ... Ill be where I wanna be.... Hip-hop is one of the most important media of this generation. Enjoy the beats and the brilliance of some of these guys, while wondering aloud the spin and marketing machine that simultaneously creates the Lil Wayne in XXL and the Lil Wayne in Word Up.”8(家长朋友,你可以研究一下,让你的孩子去听一类叫做MC的嘻哈歌手的歌,他们歌唱爱、希望、共建更好的社区、寻求心灵提升,这些东西其实一直以来就是非洲裔美国人的文化核心所在……有个嘻哈歌手叫Nas, 他唱有关反对战争、艾滋、黑人对黑人的暴力等内容。在《我知道我能行》这首童声合唱的歌曲中,他的rap是,“我知道我能行/做我想做的人/……如果我足够努力/……我就会到达我想去的地方”……嘻哈是这一代最重要的媒体之一。跟上他们的节拍,欣赏他们的才华。同时,也反思一下,那个创造了Lil Wayne的《XXL》和《说起来》这样烂俗歌曲的市场机器吧。)
1. The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes. Vintage Classics, 1995. P.5.
2. Immigrant Voices: Twenty-four Narratives on Becoming an American. Ed. Gordon Hunter. Signet Classics, 1999. P. ix.
3. Ibid. P. 326.
4. The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes. P. 189- 190.
5. Packaging Boyhood: Saving Our Sons from Superheroes, Slackers, and other Media Stereotypes. Eds. Lyn Mikel Brown, Sharon Lamb, and Mark Tappan. St. Martins Press, 2009. P. 194.
6. hang,双关语,既指“悬挂、抓住”,也有“上吊”之意。
7. The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes. P. 5.
8. Packaging Boyhood. P. 194.