金泽21世纪美术馆,石川,日本The 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan, 2004

2018-01-04 08:51:16建筑设计妹岛和世西泽立卫SANAA
世界建筑 2017年12期

建筑设计:妹岛和世 + 西泽立卫/SANAA

Architects: Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA

The 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan, 2004

建筑设计:妹岛和世 + 西泽立卫/SANAA

Architects: Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA

1 外景/Exterior view



展厅空间的比例各不相同,并带来了多种照明方式:从透过玻璃天花的明亮日光到无自然采光的空间。高度从4~12m不等。这个流通空间的材料和序列使它可以作为额外的展览区。4座全玻璃窗的内院各具特色,为建筑中央带来了充足的日照,并为公共区域和博物馆区营造出一个流动的边界。尽管面积很大,这座建筑仍让人感到明亮、通透、自由。□(尚晋 译)

Kanazawa is situated on the north coast of Japan, and is one of the nation's historical centres.The 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art sits in the centre of Kanazawa and in addition to museum spaces includes community gathering spaces, such as a library, lecture hall, and children's workshop. The intertwined public and museum zones are designed to provoke interaction between potential user groups, with the public spaces encircling the museum zones.

The site links together the diverse but equally important municipal functions surrounding it.Circular in form, the building has no front or back, opening it for exploration from all sides. The exhibition area is fragmented into numerous galleries that are all embedded in a fi eld of circulation space.This approach provides individual gallery spaces with different characteristics while creating flexible museum circulation that allows for a variety of expanded or contracted ticketed areas. The scattered bulk of the galleries also creates transparency and a feeling of openness marked by long vistas through the entire depth of the building. A walk just inside the curved glass of the exterior facade smoothly unfolds a 360 degrees panorama of the site.

Gallery spaces have various proportions and provide diverse lighting options; from bright daylight through glass ceilings to spaces without natural light.The heights range from four metres to twelve metres.The materiality and sequence of the circulation space is geared toward use as additional exhibition area.Four fully glazed internal courtyards, each unique in character, provide ample daylight at the centre of the building and a fl uent border between public zone and museum zone. Despite its size, the building feels bright, open, and free.□

2 总平面/Site plan

3 外景/Exterior view

4 平面/Plan

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 金泽市/City of Kanazawa

主要功能/Principal Use: 博物馆/Museum

设计团队/Design Team: Toshihiro Yoshimura, Yoshifumi Kojima, Koichiro Tokimori, Kansuke Kawashima, Tetsuo Kondo, Shoko Fukuya, Mizuki Imamura, Naoki Hori, Junya Ishigami, Erika Hidaka, Keizo Eki

结构设计/Structural Engineer: Sasaki Structural Consultants / (Mutsuro Sasaki, Yasutaka Konishi)

机械设计/Mechanical Engineer: ES Associates

电气设计/Electrical Engineer: P.T. Morimura & Associates, LTD停车场顾问/Parking Consultant: Central Consultant Inc.

景观设计/Landscape Design: Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA

家具设计/Furniture Design: Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA

承建商/Builder: Takenaka Corporation, Sumitomo Densetsu, Ams Corporation, Taikisha Ltd.

结构/Structure: 钢框架及钢筋混凝土/Steel frame and reinforced concrete

基地面积/Site Area: 26,010m2

占地面积/Building Area: 9379m2

总建筑面积/Total Floor Area: 27,920m2

摄影/Photos: SANAA

5 剖面/Sections

6 剖面/Sections

7 外景/Exterior view

8 内景/Interior views




HU Rongrui: The circular plan of the building and the glass curtain wall of the exterior structure forms a continuous and even interface, aiming at eliminating the hierarchy in the relationship between the building and the environment, and highlighting the characteristics of the building's equal treatments to the surrounding areas in every direction. This is one of the most important features of the building. The architect arranged the four entrances evenly in four directions to ensure that the building has good accessibility from all directions. Each entrance door is aligned with the surrounding curtain walls, and looks plain and simple, so as to keep the integrity of the circular outline of the building as much as possible, and to reduce the interference to the continuous and even curtain wall interface. Of course, there are some slight differences between the four entrances on the width of the openings, the usage and sizes of the rain cover. In this way, a certain degree of recognition and orientation can be attained in the premise of ensuring the overall image integrity.(Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

FAN Lu: In the project of 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art at Kanazawa, the building is circular in form, with a group of small blocks embedded in it. Those blocks that house different functions have square or circular shapes, four to twelve metres heights, solid or void appearance.Gathering together, they bring about flexible circulation and rich spatial perception. Then the entrance placement embodies architect's design intention. The museum has a building area of nearly 10 thousand square metres, but is furnished with four unobtrusive entrances. This arrangement emphasises: firstly, interior space experience is more important; and secondly, although the building facades are completely transparent, the feeling for the site is acquired surround the curved façade glass.

9 内景/Interior views

10 内景/Interior views

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