黄培奎,张智刚,罗锡文,刘兆朋,王 辉,林志健,高维炜
黄培奎,张智刚※,罗锡文,刘兆朋,王 辉,林志健,高维炜
(1. 华南农业大学南方农业机械与装备关键技术教育部重点实验室,广州 510642;2. 华南农业大学工程学院,广州 510642)
为进一步提高农机具姿态倾角的测量精度及适应性,提升农机具作业质量,本文采用MEMS惯性传感器ADIS16445与STM32F446 ARM处理器设计农机具姿态倾角测量系统硬件平台,以欧拉角算法进行姿态解算,考虑陀螺仪零偏与漂移特性,建立卡尔曼滤波模型,自适应误差协方差矩阵与,实现各种工况下农机具姿态倾角的精准融合解算。并通过三轴多功能转台试验与田间试验对系统进行分析验证。
图1 欧拉角法姿态解算原理图
式中a为三轴合加速度,m/s2;准静态时值为1 g,即本地重力加速度。
图3 系统总计设计
2.2.1 ARM核心处理器
根据系统的设计要求,选用ST公司STM32F446RC 作为系统的核心处理器。该ARM核心芯片为32位处理器,具有180 MHz的最高处理频率可满足姿态倾角数据处理要求;具有512 kB闪存和双模四SPI接口、16位DMA与低功耗等特点[34]。
2.2.2 MEMS微惯性传感器
姿态倾角测量系统的测量精度首先取决于所选取的惯性传感器精度,然后才是倾角融合的处理。本文选取具有6自由度的ADIS公司16445作为惯性测量模块,内置一个三轴陀螺仪和一个三轴加速度计,均具备动态补偿功能;集成温度传感器和SPI通讯[35]。其中陀螺仪的最大测量范围为±250°/s,相应分辨率为0.01°/s/LSB;加速度计测量范围为±5 g,分辨率为0.25 mg/LSB;温度计分辨率为0.073 86℃/LSB。程序设置传感器的采样频率为100 Hz,能保证田间地形高低起伏;农机具振动、晃动、高速作业等复杂工况下横滚与俯仰倾角的准确测量。姿态倾角硬件平台实物图如图4所示。
图4 硬件平台实物图
式中Δ为系统采样间隔0.01 s。
为验证农机具姿态倾角测量系统的精确性与适用性,本文采用SGT320E三轴多功能转台、BD982双天线定位测姿模块与雷沃ZP9500型高地隙喷雾机等设备进行试验验证。三轴转台是测试角运动参数的标准设备, 通过设置三轴运动参数模拟多种运动状态进而实现惯性传感器标定与姿态测量系统模型验证。BD982双天线定位测姿模块是由美国天宝公司生产的高精度定位测姿系统,姿态测量稳定性与测量精度高,广泛运用于各种工程测量领域,本文将其作为田间试验姿态测量对照。雷沃ZP9500型是一种高地隙宽幅喷杆喷雾机,喷杆长11.5 m,田间作业时喷杆姿态倾角变化大,适宜作为农机具姿态倾角测量系统田间试验平台。
SGT320E型三轴多功能转台由机械台体、电控系统及连接电缆组成。转台台体结构采用U-O-O结构,三轴均可连续无限旋转,其速率分辨率为0.000 1°/s[37]。SGT320E型具有位置模式、速率模式和摇摆模式等3种转台运动模式,支持外同步触发串口输出,可实现转台数据与传感器数据的同步记录。试验中分别采用三轴转台位置模式对ADIS16445三轴加速度计进行标定校验;采用速率模式对ADIS16445三轴陀螺仪进行标定校验;采用摇摆模式对农机具姿态倾角测量系统的融合算法模型进行验证并对其融合横滚角与俯仰角的测量精度进行测试。如图5所示,将农机具姿态倾角测量模块安装在内轴中心,保证ADIS16445的3个敏感轴分别与三轴转台的3个转动轴平行。
图5 三轴转台试验现场图
3.2.1 ADIS16445标定
参考文献[37]所列举的6位置加速度计标定方法,采用三轴多功能转台位置模式对ADIS16445的三轴加速度计进行标定。传感器预热完成后采集试验数据,每个位置采集5 min,分别统计在6个不同位置下三轴加速度计输出的均值,结果如表1所示。
表1 加速度计各敏感轴取向与加速度输出
由标定结果可知ADIS16445三轴加速度计的零偏值均在参考值0.075 mg(系数矩阵第4行为三轴加速度计零偏值)以内,加速度计性能符合试验要求。
参考文献[24], MEMS陀螺仪误差模型可表示为
式中为标度因素误差;B为与重力加速度无关的零偏;为陀螺仪零平均值随机零偏;为陀螺仪实际输出值。采用三轴多功能转台速率模式对进行ADIS16445的三轴陀螺仪标定。传感器预热完成后采集试验数据,设置转台以速率方式转动,每次运行5 min,每个敏感轴分别采集在速率为−200至200°/s(三轴转台的外框最高转动速率)。间隔为20°/s的ADIS16445陀螺仪数据,共计63组。采用数据拟合方法进行求解,如式(23)所示。
ADIS16445的三轴陀螺仪静态偏移(B)均在参考值0.15 °/s范围内,陀螺仪性能符合试验要求。
3.2.2 融合算法验证
采用信号发生器产生幅值为5 V,频率为10 Hz的方波同时触发三轴转台与农机具姿态倾角测量模块,并分别设置转台内轴与中轴以摇摆幅度为4°、摇摆频率为1 Hz摆动,模块预热完成后由静态零位置到摇摆运动模式模拟农机具实际作业时产生的横滚角与俯仰角,每组测试时长5 min,验证融合算法动静态测量精度,同时与普通陀螺积分方法进行对比。图6a为内轴摇摆产生横滚角,准静态测量误差的情况;图6b为中轴摇摆产生俯仰角,动态测量误差情况。
注:摇摆幅度为4°,摇摆频率为1 Hz。
由图6可知,在农机具实际作业时的倾角典型值(摇摆幅度为4°,频率1 Hz)的三轴转台摇摆测试中,利用普通的积分方法计算倾角在准静态时存在明显累计误差,陀螺仪漂移引起的误差随时间增长;动态误差普遍大于1°。如表2所示,基于卡尔曼滤波的融合算法能有效抑制有陀螺仪零偏与漂移引起的累计误差,倾角测量稳定精准。静态最大测量偏差为0.15°,动态最大测量偏差为0.5°。三轴转台试验结果即验证本文提出算法的优越性与有效性。
表2 基于卡尔曼滤波的融合算法的三轴转台倾角测试结果
Note: Typical value is the average value of multiple trial statistics max error,same as below.
雷沃ZP9500型自走式高地隙喷杆喷雾机(简称高地隙喷雾机)是雷沃重工股份有限公司2016年推向市场的一款植保机械,四轮驱动、最小转弯半径3.2 m,最高离地间隙1.1 m,喷幅11.5 m,广泛运用于水稻、小麦等种植全过程田间植保管理。
美国天宝公司生产的定位测姿模块BD982支持高精度定位、姿态和航向输出,稳定性高,动态响应快,当主从天线基线长度为10 m时其横滚/俯仰角动态测量精度可达0.05°。本文试验基线长度为1.4 m测量精度可达0.1°。广泛运用于工程机械,汽车,农业机械等领域。
1.ZP9500型高地隙喷雾机 2. 农机具姿态倾角测量系统 3. BD982双天线定位测姿模块
图8 横滚角融合算法田间对比验证试验
图9 俯仰角融合算法田间对比验证试验
表3 自适应卡尔曼滤波田间倾角测试结果
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黄培奎,张智刚,罗锡文,刘兆朋,王 辉,林志健,高维炜. 农机具姿态倾角测量系统设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(22):9-16. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.22.002 http://www.tcsae.org
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Design and test of tilt angle measurement system for agricultural implements
Huang Peikui, Zhang Zhigang※, Luo Xiwen, Liu Zhaopeng, Wang Hui, Lin Zhijian, Gao Weiwei
Agricultural implements tilt angle measurement is one of the key technologies to achieve agricultural implements and equipment precision operations. For example, the precision navigation control and the leveling control of agricultural implements are all dependent on the accurate measurement of tilt angle. What’s more, agricultural implements of tilt angle are one of the key parameters of agricultural mechanics modeling and agricultural implements safety warning learning. In order to further improve the quality of agricultural implements operation, we developed a new agricultural implement tilt angle measurement system in this paper and verified by tests on triaxial turntable platform and field. Modern micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) technologies provide the moderate-cost and miniaturized solutions for the development of attitude reference system. Using highly-integrated inertial measurement units (IMUs) ADIS16445 provided by ADI company and micro ARM processor STM32F446 provided by ST company, we built the hardware platform. ADIS16445 ISensor® includes tri-axial gyroscopes and tri-axial accelerometers, the raw sensors data was sampled by STM32F446RC processor through SPI interface. The attitude calculation was carried out based on the Euler angle algorithm. The Kalman filter model with four state vectors and two observations was established to fuse the accelerometer and gyroscope information to achieve the accurate measurement of the tilt angle of agricultural implements. Considering the zero bias and drift characteristics of the gyroscope and the motion characteristics of the MEMS micro sensor, adaptive error covariance matrix Q and R rules were established to achieve precise tilt angle measurement of agricultural implements under different working conditions. Tests were conducted on SGT320E triaxial turntable platform and ZP9500 high level sprayer provided by LOVOL company dual in the field with the assistance of antenna positioning and attitude module BD982 provided by Trimble company. The SGT320E triaxial turntable platform was the standard equipment for testing the angular motion parameters and inertial systems. By setting the triaxial motion parameters to simulate a variety of motion states, it had speed, position and sine swing modes on all triaxial with a rate resolution of 0.0001°/s. In this paper, we used six position accelerometer calibration method and gyroscope error model to verify the performance of accelerometers and gyroscopes. Three-axis multi-function turntable test results showed that ADIS16445 built-in gyroscopes’ and accelerometers’ zero bias were under 0.15°/s and 0.075 mg, qualified to meet the system design hardware requirements. Kalman fusion algorithm were more accuracy and effective compare to simple integral by gyroscope and can solve the problem of zero bias and drift characteristics of the gyroscope with tilt static measurement error accuracy was 0.15°, typical dynamic measurement accuracy was 0.3°, maximum measurement error was less than 0.5°. The BD982 supports high precision positioning, attitude and heading output with high stability and fast dynamic response, which is widely used in construction implements, automobiles, agricultural implements and other fields, making it to be the leader of the industry. In this paper, the baseline length was 1.4 m with the measurement accuracy of 0.1°. Test results from high level sprayer showed that the average error of the attitude inclination was less than 0.55°, maximum measurement error was less than 0.91°, which satisfied the precise operation requirement of the agricultural equipment. Test results also verified that self-adaptive Kalman filter algorithm was more accuracy and stable than normal Kalman filter algorithm, which made the system development by this paper have more applicability. The agricultural implements tilt angle measurement system developed in this paper not only can reducing costs but also can improving the quality of agricultural implements operations.
mechanization; algorithms; design; agricultural implements; tilt angle measurement; multisensory fusion; adaptive Kalman filter; euler angle method
S220.5; TP391
黄培奎,博士生,主要从事农业机械姿态检测与导航控制。 Email:peikuihuang@stu.scau.edu.cn.