Rodin Opened the Doors to the 20th Century罗二十丹世:纪的引路人

2017-12-05 10:34ByChristopheBusch翻译BillyBudd
疯狂英语·新悦读 2017年12期

⊙ By Christophe Busché翻译:BillyBudd

Rodin Opened the Doors to the 20th Century罗二十丹世:纪的引路人

⊙ By Christophe Busché翻译:BillyBudd

今年是法国雕塑家奥古斯特·罗丹(Auguste Rodin,1840-1917)逝世一百周年,多个欧美国家纷纷举办各种活动,纪念这位20世纪新雕塑艺术的创造者。罗丹一生的创作屡屡被人攻击和嘲讽,我们非常熟悉的《思想者》在问世之初就备受争议,而最受非议的要属《巴尔扎克》。《巴尔扎克》突破学院派的束缚,摒弃传统雕塑的条条框框,表现了作家的精神世界。尽管《巴尔扎克》最初不被作品的委托人接受,受到艺术界的冷嘲热讽,但最终经受住了时间的考验,成为西方雕塑划时代的作品。

The more he aged, the more Rodin ignored the rules of official1)statuary, and it was with a2)scandal that he once again3)demonstrated his freedom. The journalists of the time called it “The Balzac Scandal.”

In 1891, Émile Zola, then president of the Society of Men of Letters,4)commissioned a5)monumental statue of Honore de Balzac from Rodin. He was given 18 months for the task but he was to take seven years to complete it. In order to understand the character of the novelist, Rodin6)immersed himself in his world. He went to7)Touraine and surveyed the landscapes that inspired Balzac’s books. Over the seven years, Rodin8)portrayed Balzac in an9)infinite number of10)variations. And after all these years of research, Rodin finally produced his own vision of the writer.

It was a vision that no one could’ve imagined.

Véronique Mattiussi(Rodin Museum):(via translator)He totally rejected the11)conventions of public statuary. He rejected the way of identifying him as a man of letters using a pen or the slightest12)resemblance to him.

Colin Lemoine(Head of Sculpture BourdelleMuseum):(via translator)He simply wanted to13)grasp an idea of Balzac but also of Balzac’s literature. Of the great man, almost.The idea was to go beyond the simple statue of the writer, to move towards something more fitting with14)genius.

“MyBalzacin his pose and in his gaze makes one imagine the environment around him where he walks, where he lives, where he thinks. He’s not separated from what’s around him. He’s like a real, living being.”

Rodin had no doubts about hisBalzac.All that now remained was to present it to the15)exasperated people who had been waiting seven years.

Thomas Schlesser(Art Historian):(via translator)When it was presented to the Society of the Men of Letters, the society said, “No, it’s impossible. We can’t accept it.It does not correspond to our wishes.”

Colin:(via translator)The16)jury considered there to be something17)irreverent about it.It was badly made, badly sculptured. It was a failure.

What would be the reaction of the public who were impatient to see this work that everyone was talking about without ever


奥古斯特·罗丹——A true artist expresses what he thinks without fear of prejudice. 当罗丹的《巴尔扎克》第一次在公众面前亮相时,他们只看到了伟人“穿着邋遢”的浅显外表,却不能脱离表面探及其更深处的涵义。尽管遭遇了百般耻笑,但一个真正的艺术家不会曲意逢迎外界的指手画脚,他敢于表达、也勇于坚持内心所思、所想,因为真理从来不掌握在盲目的多数人手中,时间将证明一切的对错。having seen?

At the18)Salon of 1898, the greatest sculptors of the time were exhibiting, but the only statue that19)grabbed the public’s attention was theBalzac.

Véronique:(via translator)Nobody understood. He was20)insulted by everyone. They said it was a21)monolith, it was22)misshapen, a penguin. It was attacked in every way possible.

The Society of Men of Letters refused to pay Rodin.Certain that future generations would realize he was right,he said...

“This work that has been laughed at and23)scorned because people could destroy it. It’s the24)summing up of my whole life. It’s the very center point of my25)aestheticism. From the day I26)conceived it, I’ve been a new man.”

Barbara Musetti(Doctor of History of Art):(via translator)In this misshapen form on which sits the powerful skull,the symbol of creative genius, one can perhaps see a resemblance to the image that Rodin would like to leave behind, a legacy for27)posterity made from his own work.

Rodin had never been so28)daring. The history of sculpture can be divided into Pre-Balzac and Post-Balzac periods.Colin:(via translator)It’s considered by some people as a sort of29)tipping point in sculpture, towards a free,30)expressionist and expressive form of sculpture. It really is an31)unprecedented piece of sculpture.

Barbara:(via translator)He was the artist who32)laid the foundations for the development of modern sculpture.He was the artist who acted as a link, if you like, between the two centuries.

With hisBalzac, Rodin literally opened the doors to the 20th century.

ButBalzacshocked33)curating circles so much that it was only in 1939 that his statue was finally34)erected in Paris.


◆ Society of Men of Letters of France 法国文人协会:由巴尔扎克、雨果(Victor Hugo)、大仲马(Alexandre Dumas)、乔治·桑(George Sand)等法国著名作家创立于1838年,旨在保护作家们的各种合法权益。协会成立初期,申请入会的作家必须满足通过出版社出版作品的条件,自行印刷出版的不算。

◆ Émile Zola 埃米尔·左拉:


◆ Honoré de Balzac 奥诺雷·






















1) statuary [ˑstætjuːərɪ] n. 雕像,雕塑,雕塑群

2) scandal [ˑskænd(ə)l] n. 丑闻,流言蜚语

3) demonstrate [ˑdemənstreɪt] v. 展示,证明

4) commission [kəˑmɪʃ(ə)n] v. 委托制作

5) monumental [mɒnjʊˑment(ə)l] adj. 纪念性的

6) immerse oneself in 埋头于,专注于,沉浸于

7) Touraine 都兰,法国西北部地区,是著名的葡萄酒产地。区内的历史古城图尔(Tours)正是巴尔扎克的出生地。

8) portray [pɔːˑtreɪ] v. 描绘,刻画

9) in fi nite [ˑɪnfənɪt] adj. 无限的,无数的

10) variation [veərɪˑeɪʃ(ə)n] n. 变化,变体

11) convention [kənˑvenʃ(ə)n] n. 惯例,习俗

12) resemblance [rɪˑzembləns] n. 相似,相似之处

13) grasp [ɡrɑːsp] v. 抓住,领会

14) genius [ˑdʒiːnɪəs] n. (时代、语言的)精神;才华,天赋

15) exasperated [ɪɡˑzɑːspəreɪtɪd] adj. 激怒的,恼火的

16) jury [ˑdʒʊərɪ] n. 艺术作品评选委员会,尤指参加巴黎沙龙画展作品的评选委员会

17) irreverent [ɪˑrevərənt] adj. 不敬的,无礼的

18) Salon 指法国国家美术协会沙龙,《巴尔扎克》就是在这场1898年的沙龙上首次在公众前亮相。

19) grab [ɡræb] v. 抓住

20) insult [ɪnˑsʌlt] v. 侮辱,凌辱

21) monolith [ˑmɒnəlɪθ] n. 整块石料,庞然大物

22) misshapen [mɪsˑʃeɪpən] adj. 畸形的,怪异的

23) scorn [skɔːn] v. 轻蔑,嘲笑

24) sum up 总结

25) aestheticism [ˌiːsˑθetɪsɪzəm] n. 唯美主义,审美感

26) conceive [kənˑsiːv] v. 构思,构想

27) posterity [pɒˑsterɪtɪ] n. 子孙,后代

28) daring [ˑdeərɪŋ] adj. 大胆的,勇敢的

29) tipping point 转折点

30) expressionist [ɪkˑspreʃənɪst] adj. 表现主义的;名词为expressionism,表现主义,现代重要艺术流派之一。

31) unprecedented [ʌnˑpresɪdentɪd] adj. 空前的,史无前例的

32) lay the foundation for 为……奠定基础

33) curate [ˑkjʊərət] v. 管理,组织(艺术展)

34) erect [ɪˑrekt] v. 竖起,竖立

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