张银丽, 吕延庆
(洛阳师范学院 电子商务学院, 河南 洛阳 471934)
张银丽, 吕延庆
(洛阳师范学院 电子商务学院, 河南 洛阳 471934)
实践教学是整个教学系统中非常重要的一个环节, 对培养大学生的科学素养、 创新意识和动手操作能力意义重大。 电子商务专业实践教学目前存在总体规划不全面、 资源配置不完备、 项目及案例匮乏、 学生实训机会有限等问题。 将CDIO模型运用于电子商务专业的实践教学, 构建基于CDIO理念的电子商务实践教学体系, 需解决建设电子商务实验室、 建立并完善项目案例库、 加强校内实践和校企合作等关键问题。 基于CDIO模式的实践教学体系建设, 将成为培养电子商务复合实践型人才的实施途径和重要举措。
CDIO; 电子商务; 实践教学; 体系
电子商务是一门实践性极强的学科, 涉及计算机技术、 信息、 商务、 经济、 管理、 现代物流等诸多方面。 电子商务人才培养不仅要求学生掌握基本的电子商务理论知识, 还要求学生具有较强的科学素养、 创新意识、 独立工作能力和动手操作能力。 这些能力的培养必须通过完善的实践教学体系来实现。
实践教学之于电子商务课程教学相当重要, 是课堂教学的进一步延伸。 实践教学能够使学生充分感受电子商务项目的运作过程, 有效扩大学生的视野, 培养学生的商业意识, 提高学生的专业能力。 目前, 电子商务专业实践教学已引起高校的广泛重视。 但由于电子商务是新兴专业, 其实践教学还处于起步和探索阶段, 仍存在如下四个问题。
(一) 实践教学的总体规划不全面
电子商务专业实践教学按实验类型可分为基础类、 专业特色类、 创新类和创业类实验。 各实验教学的内容相对独立, 实验环节缺乏连续性和互补性, 实践教学比较零散, 缺乏系统性。 通过研究比较各高校的电子商务专业培养方案, 可以发现实践教学课程体系存在着一些问题。 如实践教学的总体规划不全面, 专业特征不明显, 技能不突出, 开设的实践课程差别较大, 实践教学的教材较少, 培养方向模糊。
(二) 实践教学的资源配置不完备
现阶段, 大部分高校都建立了电子商务实验室。 如采用模拟软件的形式, 建立电子商务网站的实训环境, 模拟网络营销、 B2B、 B2C、 C2C等电子交易。 模拟软件虽然能仿真电子商务的操作流程, 但只能进行简单的验证性实验, 网络集成化低, 过于单一和浅显。 学生只能掌握局部的理论和实践知识, 得到一些初步的感性认识。 这与现实中企业电子商务技术的要求存在一定差距。
(三) 实践教学的项目和案例匮乏
项目教学法, 是教师和学生按照项目进行教学, 即通过共同实施一个完整的“项目”而进行的教学活动。 案例教学法, 是一种通过模拟或再现现实生活的具体实例来进行教学的方法。 这种教学方法允许学生把自己融入情景中, 并通过研讨进行学习。 运用这两种教学方法, 可以增强学生的沟通能力、 团队协作能力及创造力。 然而这两种方法在实践教学中的应用并不理想, 实践教学的项目和案例较匮乏。 实训项目的设计和实施有一定难度, 合适的项目往往既要求能使理论知识和实践能力在其中得到完美结合, 又要注意新知识的引入、 教师和学生的协作, 整个过程是繁琐而复杂的。 同时, 实践教学中合适的案例也较少。
(四) 实践教学中学生实训机会有限
为实现复合型人才培养的目标, 大部分高校投入大量资金建设实训基地。 把企业项目引入学校, 加强校企合作, 为在校学生提供实习和培训的机会, 以期通过真实的项目运作来提高学生的实践能力、 分析问题和解决问题的能力。 但由于资金有限, 实训设备在各高校都不可能很完善, 学生实训机会有限, 技能无法得到全面的锻炼和培养。
电子商务课程具有强实践性的特点, 实践教学是课堂教学的有力补充, 深化并拓展了课堂教学的授课内容, 提高了课堂教学的有效性。 通过改革实践教学体系来深化实践教学, 培养学生解决实际问题的能力和创新能力, 提高其综合素质, 是电子商务专业教学改革的当务之急。
CDIO[conceive(构思), design(设计), implement(实现), operate(动作)]是近年来国际工程教育改革的最新成果, 它以产品研发到产品运行的生命周期为载体, 让学生以主动的、 实践的、 课程之间有机联系的方式学习工程。[1]CDIO模式层层递进地培养学生的工程基础能力、 个人能力、 团队协作能力和工程系统能力, 最终培养出具有综合知识体系的复合型人才。[2]CDIO教育理念虽然主要针对工科专业, 但该模式的核心思想是以培养学生的创新精神和实践能力为重点, 改变了以往重理论轻实践、 重个人能力轻团体协作、 重专业知识能力轻创新能力培养的局面, 充分适用于电子商务实践教学。
借鉴CDIO教育理念, 融合实践教学体系的关键要素, 将集教学理念、 教学主体、 教学过程、 教学层次和评价机制五位为一体的工程化实践教学体系模型运用于电子商务专业的实践教学, 形成五位一体的电子商务专业实践教学体系模型(如图1所示)。 结合基础理论、 实验教学和工程实践, 形成综合培训机制, 全面提高电子商务专业学生的工程化能力和职业素养, 以适应电子商务复合型人才培养目标的需求。[3]
(一) 教学理念建设
CDIO是一种新型的教育创新模式, 对学生参与实践项目的全过程、 学科知识的理解和应用起到了积极的推进作用。 高校电子商务专业的任务是培养有专业技能、 有社会意识和有实践能力的复合型人才。 贯彻CDIO理念, 可以加强电子商务专业建设, 提高电子商务人才的培养质量。 可以通过调整课程设置、 充实教学内容、 改进教学方法等手段, 整体化培养机制, 让学生以一种平衡和全面的方式发展。
(二) 教学主体建设
教师和学生是教学实践的两大主体。 基于CDIO理念的一体化实践教学, 要求教师要具备扎实的理论功底和良好的工程背景。 电子商务专业教师必须加强自身能力的持续提升, 扩充技术知识, 参与企业项目, 以培养学生的工程化能力。
(三) 教学过程建设
建立良好的实践环节, 必须在CDIO教学理念的指导下, 依据工程化实践教学的需求, 调整实践课程的教学模式。 如在课堂实验过程中, 对传统课程教学内容进行工程化, 通过充实改造工程教学内容, 强调“做”, 更多地培养学生的工程能力和职业素质。 在课外项目和企业实训过程中, 注重与企业的互助合作, 设置实训项目、 建立实习基地, 进入企业实习, 通过真实的工作环境、 真实的项目经历、 真正的工作压力和实际的工作机会, 进一步拓展学生的工程能力和专业素质。
(四) 教学层次建设
根据CDIO对学生工程基础能力、 个人能力、 团队协作能力和工程系统能力的划分, 对应地将学生实践培养分为四个层次: 基础层、 综合层、 应用层、 创新层。[4]基础层主要通过专业课程实践完成; 综合层注重专业知识和工程能力的培养; 应用层强调构建流程和系统开发能力的培养, 包括学生创业、 就业、 人际交往能力等方面; 创新层强调创新能力的培养, 主要通过企业实习实训和毕业设计达到目标。
(五) 评价机制建设
为了确保电子商务专业实践教学体系的良好运行, 有必要建立一套易于操作的评价机制, 真实有效地评估实践教学中所涉及的各项能力。 电子商务专业学生的评价机制贯穿整个学习过程, 学生课程学习阶段、 学生实验学习阶段、 学生实训阶段、 企业实习阶段等都需要评价机制的积极参与。[5]教师可制定课程评价表、 课程项目实验评价表和企业实习评价表等, 通过学生的反馈, 评估电子商务专业实践教学的效果。 调查表的设置, 可使教师及时掌握信息, 进一步优化工程化实践教学。
(一) 建设电子商务实验室
加强硬件建设是开展电子商务实践教学的基础, 要求电子商务实验室可以完成教学所需的各类实验。 在计算机环境中可进行认知性或演示性实验, 以加强学生对专业知识的理解; 在虚拟教学环境中可进行验证性或模拟性实验, 学生可以通过电子商务平台模拟参与电子商务活动; 在电子商务平台和网络环境下可进行综合性实验, 以便将电子商务专业知识灵活运用。
CDIO理念把工程素质、 实验、 课程设计和实习实训等各个实践环节有效地配合和衔接起来, 通过整体设计其内容, 形成一个有梯度、 有层次、 有阶段性的实践教学体系。[6]实践教学中, 教师要根据教学进度, 精心设计项目, 将学生所需掌握的理论知识和实践操作紧密结合, 并引入相关的案例进行案例分析, 逐步充实项目和案例库。
(三) 加强校内实践和校企合作
校内实践的主要形式是创建大学生实践创业中心, 其职能是组织学生参与电子商务创新和创业活动, 培养学生创新创业方面的兴趣和能力。 校企合作的模式是由企业提供实习基地、 设备和原材料, 企业为学校的教学计划提供建议, 企业技术人员和学校教师实现校企双方互聘, 实现“优势互补、 资源共享、 互利共赢、 协同发展”的双赢。 通过校内实践和校企合作, 从实践教学的真正意义上讲, 要着眼于学生个人技能的发展, 挖掘学生的潜能。
在现代工程教育的倡导下, 我国许多高校吸收了欧美先进的CDIO工程教育理念, 开展了基于CDIO的实践教学体系的研究与实践。 CDIO理念适用于电子商务实践教学体系的建设, 通过实践教学体系的一体化建设, 可以使学生更好地理解和掌握课程知识, 有效提升电子商务专业毕业生的就业竞争力, 实现电子商务人才培养与企业实际用人需求的无缝对接。
[1] 雷环,汤威颐,EDWARD F C.培养创新型、多层次、专业化的工程科技人才:CDIO工程教育改革的人才理念和培养模式[J].高等工程教育研究,2009(5):29-36.
[2] 刘会英,盖玉先,徐宁.探索适合我国国情的CDIO工程教育模式[J].实验室研究与探索,2011(7):106-110.
[3] 廖志芳,胡志刚,任胜兵.软件工程CDIO“五位一体”实践教学体系[J].计算机教育,2010(11):128-131.
[4] 张璇,李彤.结合CDIO教育理念与案例教学进行教学探索与实践[J].教育与教学研究,2008(24):155-157.
[5] 琚春华,刘东升,周怡.电子商务专业分类人才培养体系的探索[J].中国高教研究,2011(3):87-89.
[6] 陈启元,任胜兵,胡志刚.工科大学生CDIO能力成熟度评估与改进体系研究[J].中国高等教育,2009(8):31-33.
The Zhensong Army and the Northern Expedition
WANG Zhan-xi1,2
(1. History and Culture College, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China; 2. Henan Transportation Vocational and Technical College, Zhengzhou 450005, China)
Abstract: In the history of Zhensong army, the most clashes occurred in Guomin army of Feng Yuxiang. Zhensong army used to be a bunch of brigands and a scourge wherever they went. Zhensong army paid allegiance, in turn, to Feng Yuxiang , Yan Xishan, Wu Peifu. Fight for turf, this army engaged with Feng Yuxiang’s Guomin army in Hu Han war and Xi’an campaign, both of which ended up with Liu Zhenhua’s defeat. After the siege of Xi’an, Liu Zhenhua split with his troops and they follow different factions. Liu Zhenhua’s Zhensong army was organized into Feng Yuxiang’s 8thgroup army, and this was when Zhensong army became a regular army. This army joined the war of Northern Expedition and fought hard baffling the enemy in Lanfeng battle and Kaocheng battle. After this army was reorganized into the 15thArmy, it joined “bandit suppression war”, the war of resistance against Japan, the war of liberation, and Liu Zhenhua became a real revolutionist.
Key Words: the northern expedition; the army of Zhensong; Liu Zhenhua
On the Authorship of Qin Stele Inscription— Influence of Confucianism in Qin’s Governance Policies
DING Yan-jie
(Center for Studies of Qilu Culture, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014, China)
Abstract: Previously the inscriptions on the Qin Stele is thought to be composed by Li Si, however historical findings suggest that Li Si inventing the Small Seal Script and the Qin Stele is a gradual process, raising the question of whether Li Si did inscribe Qin Stele, or the real author is yet to be known. Qing and Han dynasties have a comprehensive historian system. The Doctor is a title given to Qin historians, which is recorded in historic writings and recognized by performing the Fengshan ritual along with the Emperor Qin Shi Huang. Qin Stele inscriptions have significant evidences to be influenced by Confucianism, indicating a Qin Confucian Doctor might be responsible for the Qin Stele, instead of Li Si. Qin Stele inscriptions reflected the Qin social policies emerged from the Warring States to the Han dynasty’s political reforms and cultural fusions.
Key Words: Qin Stele; Li Si; Small Seal Script; Confucianism
韩世康, 赵 昕
An Analysis of the Interaction between Athenian Polis and Dramatists during the Classical Period
HAN Shi-kang, ZHAO Xin
(School of History and Tourism, Shanxi Normal University, Linfen 041000, China)
Abstract: Drama, one of Athenian polis’s important approaches of educating the citizens, was viewed as important as poetry. Dramatists were meanwhile educators, and the authority and the people were both aware of the educational function of drama, which, along with the interaction between Athenian polis and the dramatists, was why Athenian drama was flourishing during the classical period.
Key Words: Athens; tragedy; comedy; politics
Philological Study of Mistranslated and Inaccurate Buddhist Scripts during Six Dynasties —— Illustrated with The Sutra of the Difference between Good and Evil
(School of Culture and Arts, Zhejiang Technical Institute of Economics, Hangzhou 310018, China)
Abstract: The translation time and translators of many Buddhist scripts translated during Han-Wei Six Dynasties were unidentified. A considerable number of characters in these scripts were not recorded in existing lexicon books, and can provide authentic instances of relevant lexical uses, to identify such characters as traceable. The Sutra of the Difference between Good and Evil, taken as an example, can provide illustrations of the lexical uses in the mistranslated and inaccurate Buddhist scripts.
Key Words: Han-Wei Six Dynasties; inaccurately translated scripts; The Sutra of the Difference between Good and Evil; philological study
李颜伟, 武千茹, 范成功
Fourfold Hermeneutic Motion and Analysis of Translator’s Subjectivity — Viewed from Xu Yuanchong and Yang Xianyi’s Versions of Li Sao
LI Yan-wei, WU Qian-ru, FAN Cheng-gong (School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China)
Abstract: A comparative study of two English versions of Li Sao translated separately by Xu Yuanchong and Yang Xianyi, Dai Naidie shows that, by adopting different translation skills, they both achieved satisfactory effect in conveying the meaning and style of the original text. Both sides exercised their subjectivity properly, through which Chinese cultural treasure was able to be reborn under the western cultural contexts. In the view of hermeneutic motion of trust, aggression, incorporation and restitution, the three translators saw proper subjectivity as their principles. Nevertheless, they were different from each other in specific translation strategies. After establishing the translator-text cooperation, all of them chose to make some supplement towards their translations: adding their own comprehension to the original’s implication, historical background and so on, or adding attributes and modifiers to fill the cultural vacancy. In this process, Xu strictly adhered to the structure of the original by utilizing the rhyme of abab and preferred literal translation plus domestication. In contrast, Yang and Dai preferred foreignization and they broke the original rhyme and adopting that of aabb, aaab, aaaa instead.
Key Words: George Steiner; Hermeneutic; the fourfold motion of translation; the two English versions of Li Sao; the subjectivity of translators; a comparative study
郑东方, 汪愫苇
Research on Tourism English Teaching under the Belt and Road Strategy
ZHENG Dong-fang, WANG Su-wei
(1. College of Foreign Language, Anhui Science and Technology University, Fengyang 233100, China; 2. College of Foreign Language, Anhui Science and Technology University, Fengyang 233100, China)
Abstract: The strategy of “the Belt and Road” devised by the central government, is a new policy responding to the current economic development situation internationally and domestically. While new requirements for the third industry are addressed under the new economic situation, the tourism English will play an important role in introducing the Chinese civilization and culture “going-out”. The issue of how to deal with tourism English teaching in college so to produce a large number of qualified tourist service talents has been listed on the agenda. A discussion will be made on the college tourism English in teaching in this thesis under the new strategy, and some solutions to these problems.
Key Words: the Belt and Road; Chinese culture; tourism English
Research on the Path of the Reform of Oral English Teaching from the Perspective of Vocational Students Skills Competition
QIN Ci-feng
(Foreign Language Department, Anhui Institute of International Business, Hefei 231131, China)
Abstract: Vocational Students Skills Competition is a platform for displaying the results of vocational education. The performance of the competition is also one of the important standards for evaluating the talents cultivation quality of vocational colleges. Currently, there are some shortcomings of oral English teaching in terms of teaching concept, content and approaches, which makes it very difficult to improve students’ communicative ability. Aiming at cultivating students’ ability, oral English teaching should make full use of the directive impact of Skills Competition so as to conduct the comprehensive reform of teaching content and approaches and constantly enhance the quality of talent cultivation.
Key Words: skills competition; college oral English teaching; path of reform
The Idea of Peasant Social Identity about Mao Zedong and Liang Shuming
LU Dan-ling
(Institute of Marxism, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China)
Abstract: Mao Zedong and Liang Shuming both have penetrating understanding of peasant status. They share similar points of view: large peasant population, identical survival conditions and heavy burden of life. They also have different opinions, mainly about individuality of peasants’ mindset, social structure and social status. Comparing similarities and differences between the two thinkers help gain better understanding of Chinese peasants, whose role is fundamental for an agricultural country, which is reflected in the identification of peasants’ social status under certain circumstances. Uniting Chinese peasantry and the victory of the new democratic revolution in China is a reference for the traditional society to find the social orientation of the peasantry in the transition of modem society.
Key Words: peasant; social identity; the new democratic revolution in China
The Two Dimensionality and its Contemporary Value of Lenin’s National Capitalism Thought
HUANG Shu-ting
(School of Marxism, Luoyang Normal University, Luoyang 471934, China)
Abstract: The connotation of Lenin’s national capitalism thought is extremely rich. In Lenin’s theory, national capitalism is the approach and the implementation of socialist values the goal, a gradual transformation into socialism and subsequently communism. The national capitalism was merely a way or method to the end. The comprehensive study on the rational kernel, two dimensionalities and its contemporary value of Lenin’s National Capitalism thought can fully show the whole appearance of Lenin’s national capitalism thought.
Key Words: Lenin; national capitalism; dimension; contemporary value 宋宇皓
Overcoming Destructive Factors and Upgrading News Media Public Opinion Guidance
SONG Yu-hao
(SMG Radio, Shanghai Media Group, Shanghai 200051, China)
Abstract: The concurrent public opinion ecology, represented by the new media, has been undergoing great changes and raising the bar of demands for news media. To fulfill the duties of news media, to raise the standard of public opinion guidance, it is necessary to overcoming various destructive factors, mainly from 4 perspectives: discrete selection of contents, careful adjustment of the magnitude of news broadcasting, scientific stetting of news broadcasting frequency and extensity.
Key Words: news media; public opinion guidance; broadcasting contents; broadcasting frequency; broadcasting extensity
杨 倩
Observation on Regional Teacher College Teacher Education Courses—On the Basis of LICC Paradigm
(Institute of Education Sciences, Luoyang Normal University, Luoyang 471934, China)
Abstract: “Microscopic reform”, which is constantly emphasized by international education community, refers to modifications on the level of classroom practice. Classroom is the practical version of curriculum and the “culture medium” of teachers, which is targeted at learning on the part of every individual student and focused on real growth and study of every individual student. A thorough understanding of classroom is an indicator of a teacher’s maturity. Focusing on regional college teacher education courses, using participation and observation method as the initial approach, this study analyzes classroom teaching by accessing 68 observation spots, 4 elements and 20 perspectives, for the aim of optimizing classroom teaching and then students’ learning, and of improving teaching effectiveness and classroom cultural substance, which is to be elevated to the levels of the school and the overall education environment, an essential aspect of education efficiency and prospects of not only regional teacher colleges but also that of the whole community.
Key Words: regional teacher college; teacher education courses; classroom observation; LICC paradigm 李晶冰, 管亚军, 吕明磊
College Student Ideological Education under the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Family Education — Illustrated with Chen Heqin’s Family Education Theory
Li Jing-bing, Guan Ya-jun, Lu Ming-lei
(Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China)
Abstract: Family education is the foundation of school education. In Chinese people’s mind, the family and the home education is very important. Large parts of students come from other provinces; some students are lack of family education. Chen Heqin’s theory and practice about family education is a precious wealth of Chinese modern education. Chen Heqin’s family education thought has great importance on ideological education of college students for the administrators.
Key Words: ideological education; college student administration; family education; college student; Chen Heqin
韦 敏
University Applicability Oriented Foreign Language Education during the Transitional Period
(Qinzhou College, Qinzhou 535011, China)
Abstract: Currently, Chinese outbound economy is rapidly expanding and demanding large number of personnel competent in foreign languages. Presently, education of major international languages such as English, Russian and French are overwhelmingly significant, while the education of minority languages is relatively deficient. The existing problems in this field can be categorized into the following aspect: monotonous teaching paradigm, low effectiveness, lacking of instructors with practical work background, lack of teaching materials of applicable value, biased emphasis on education theories, and deficient practical type teaching. Therefore, 4 suggestions are proposed in this paper: adjusting pedagogical structure; cultivating personnel competent in minority foreign languages; raising the bar of teaching effectiveness; expanding the talent tank of education experts in this field; strengthening school-enterprise cooperation; creating a application environment for foreign language teaching; optimizing foreign language competence evaluation and implementing comprehensive evaluation.
Key Words: transformation; university; applicability orientation; foreign language talents; cultivation paradigm
姜 珊
The Vocal Characteristics of the Character Charlotte in Opera “Werther”
(Dalian Branch of Shenyang Conservatory of Music, Dalian 116600, China)
Abstract: The French opera “Werther” is a description of a female image to analyze. The image of the character Charlotte plays an important role in the opera. Composer Massenet successfully captured the inner feelings of the characters, making the musical lines fluctuating and captivating, to bring to the audience a strong satisfaction and artistic sensation.
Key Words: Werther; Charlotte; Massenet; singing skills; emotion processing
ZHANG Yin-li; LÜ Yan-qing
The practice teaching is an important link in the whole teaching system. It is essential to cultivate students’ scientific literacy and innovation consciousness and hands-on ability. By applying CDIO concept to practice teaching, this paper analyzes the present situation of E-commerce major relevant to practice teaching and the existing problems, constructs a practice teaching system for E-commerce major, and analyzes the key problems to be solved by implementing the practice teaching system. Based on CDIO, the construction of practice teaching system will be the way and important measures to cultivate talented personnel.
CDIO; E-commerce; practice teaching; system
张银丽(1974—), 女, 河南洛阳人, 副教授; 吕延庆(1976—), 女, 河南洛阳人, 博士。