
2017-11-15 18:15陈烨邹聪华陈彦青
中国医学创新 2017年30期

陈烨 邹聪华 陈彦青

【摘要】 目的:探索術前体位改变引起的心率变异性能否预测剖宫产腰麻后的低血压。方法:随机选择50例产妇在腰麻下进行择期剖宫产术,在剖宫产前1 d进行了体位变化检查。按仰卧位、左侧卧位和仰卧位的顺序记录无创血压(NIBP)、心率(HR)、心电图(ECG)和LF/HF比。采用5 min记录1次参数,在每个位置记录BP 3次,持续监测心电图。为了分析心率变异性,从监护仪获得ECG信号,并将其输入到计算机中以分析RR间期。使用MemCalc软件进行心率变异性(HRV)分析,每5秒计算1次LF、HF和LF/HF(低高频率比),在第1次仰卧位记录的LF/HF值作为对照值(基线LF/HF)。从左侧卧位到仰卧位时,LF/HF比增长2倍以上的产妇分到阳性组,2倍以下分到阴性组。手术当天的产妇均进行ECG、HR、NIBP和氧饱和度的监测,并在仰卧位静脉滴注晶体液[4~6 mL/(kg·h)]。产妇仰卧时测的HR和BP为基线值。取左侧卧位,L3~4间隙进行腰麻,药物为0.75%罗哌卡因2 mL,注射后产妇转为平卧位。每分钟测量无创血压,直到血压平稳。结果:根据体位改变检测结果,将产妇分为阳性组(23例)和阴性组(26例),71.4%(35/49)产妇发生低血压,阳性组占60.0%(21/35),阴性组占40.0%(14/35)。PCT阳性组低血压发生率为91.3%(21/23),高于阴性组的53.8%(14/26),差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。在腰麻(SA)剖宫产期间,PCT预测产妇低血压的敏感性和特异性分别为60.0%[95%CI(52.4,62.3)]和87.5%[95%CI(63.5,98.2)]。PCT的阳性预测值(PPV)和阴性预测值(NPV)分别为91.3%[95%CI(52.4,62.3)]和53.8%[95%CI(37.6,55.7)]。PCT作为产妇低血压的预测因子为0.76[95%CI(0.60,0.92)]。结论:术前体位改变引起的心率变化可预测剖宫产腰麻后低血压。

【关键词】 低血压; 心率变异性; 体位改变试验; 剖宫产

Prediction of Hypotension during Spinal Anesthesia for Elective Cesarean Section by Altered Heart Rate Variability Induced by Postural Change/CHEN Ye,ZOU Cong-hua,CHEN Yan-qing.//Medical Innovation of China,2017,14(30):019-022

【Abstract】 Objective:To investigate the effect of the postural change test with heart rate variability to predict the risk of hypotension during spinal anesthesia for cesarean section.Method:A total of 50 women scheduled to undergo cesarean section under spinal anesthesia were enrolled,a postural change test was performed the day before cesarean section.Non-invasive BP (NIBP) on the left arm,HR,electrocardiogram (ECG) and LF/HF ratio were recorded in the order of supine position,left lateral position and supine position.Each position was adopted for 5 min to record each parameter,blood pressure was recorded three times in each position,the ECG and HR were continuously monitored.In order to analyze heart rate variability,the ECG signal was obtained from the monitor and input into the computer to analyze the RR interval.Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis was performed using MemCalc software,the first time LF,HF and LF/HF (low to high frequency ratio) were calculated every 5 seconds,and the LF/HF value recorded in the first supine position was used as the control value (baseline LF/HF).From left recumbent position to supine position,LF/HF was more than 2 times allocated to the positive group,less than 2 times allocated to the negative group.On the operating day,all patients were monitored via ECG,HR,NIBP,oxygen saturation,and received intravenous crystalloid [4-6 mL/(kg·h)] in the supine position.We regarded HR and BP measured in the operating room just after lying supine on the operating room bed as baseline values.In all cases,SA was performed at the L3-4 interspace with the patient in the left lateral position.Hyperbaric 0.75% Ropivacaine 2 mL was administered through a spinal needle.Following injection,patients were immediately turned supine from the left lateral position,non-invasive BP was measured every minute until BP stabilized.Result:According to the result of body position change test,the pregnant women were divided into positive group (23 cases) and negative group (26 cases),71.4%(35/49) of maternal hypotension occurred,the positive group accounted for 60.0%(21/35),the negative group accounted for 40.0%(14/35).The incidence of hypotension in PCT positive group was 91.3%(21/23),which was higher than 53.8%(14/26) in negative group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.01).Sensitivity and specificity of the PCT to predict maternal hypotension during cesarean section under SA were 60.0%[95%CI(52.4,62.3)] and 87.5%[95%CI(63.5,98.2)] respectively.Positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of the PCT was 91.3%[95%CI(52.4,62.3)] and 53.8%[95%CI(37.6,55.7)],respectively.PCT as a predictor of maternal hypotension was 0.76[95%CI (0.60,0.92)].Conclusion:The change of heart rate caused by the change of body position before operation can predict hypotension after cesarean section.endprint

【Key words】 Hypotension; Heart rate variability; Postural change test; Cesarean section

First-authors address:The Fujian Provincial Jinshan Hospital,Fuzhou 350000,China


腰麻是剖宫产手术常见的麻醉方法[1],但腰麻后妊娠子宫压迫腹部大血管可引起产妇低血压,导致产妇和胎儿出现一系列问题,如恶心、呕吐、胎儿窘迫等[2-4]。因此预防产妇出现低血压是非常必要的。之前已有多种方法来预测剖宫产腰麻后产妇低血压,包括脉搏变异指数、脑氧饱和度(SCO2)和术前体位改变引起的心率变化[5-10],但预防效果均较差。而本次研究是利用心率变异性(heart rate variability,HRV)来预测剖宫产腰麻后低血压的发生。HRV反映了自主神经功能变化,由低频(LF)(0.04~0.15 Hz)和高频(HF)(0.2~0.4 Hz)组成。LF代表交感神经和副交感神经系统,而HF代表副交感神经系统,因此LF/HF比的大小可代表交感神经系统的功能性[11-15]。本研究旨在探讨体位改变引起的LF/HF变化能否预测剖宫产腰麻术后低血压的发生,现报道如下。

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料 随机选择2016年10月-2017年2月接受择期剖宫产的产妇50例,ASA Ⅰ级,身高160~165 cm,年龄24~30岁。排除标准:排除妊娠期高血压病、糖尿病、胎盘前置及心血管疾病。

1.2 方法 在剖宫产前1 d下午进行体位变化试验(postural change test,PCT)。以仰卧位、左侧卧位及仰卧位顺序进行持续无创血压(NIBP)、心率(HR)、心电图(ECG)和LF/HF比的记录[7]。每个体位维持5 min,并记录各个参数,每个体位血压记录3次。为了分析HRV,从心电监测仪上拷贝ECG信号,并输入电脑使用MemCalc软件进行RR间期和HRV线性分析[16]。MemCalc软件可从RR间期每隔5 s计算出LF、HF和LF/HF。在第一次仰卧位记录的LF/HF值视为对照值(基线LF/HF),从左侧卧位变为仰卧位时,LF/HF显示出2倍以上增加的产妇视为阳性组。为了确保产妇和胎儿的安全,当产妇因低血压引起恶心,眩晕或其他症状难以仰卧时,试验终止。


[4~6 mL/(kg·h)]。产妇仰卧时测的HR和BP为基线值。取左侧卧位,L3~4间隙进行腰麻,药物为0.75%罗哌卡因2 mL。注射后产妇由仰卧位转为平卧位。每分钟测量无创血压,直到血压平稳。为预防产妇低血压,晶体加快输注[16~20 mL(kg·h),子宫向左推移]。低血压定义为收缩压低于基线值得20%。必要时予静脉注射麻黄碱维持血压稳定。

1.3 统计学处理 统计软件采用SPSS 22.0进行分析。所有参数数据表示为平均值±标准偏差(x±s)。使用Mann-Whitney U检验分析产妇年龄、胎龄、基线LF/HF、布比卡因剂量、感觉阻滞水平、麻黄碱给药频率和Apgar评分。使用Fisher精确检验来比较PCT阳性和PCT阴性组之间的低血压和麻黄碱的使用频率。另外,使用SPSS 22.0软件测量受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)下的面积来评估研究前确定的截止点的准确性,曲线下面在0.5~0.7时诊断准确性较低,在0.7~0.9时有中度准确性,在0.9以上有高准确性。

2 结果

50例产妇均能完成PCT,其中1例腰麻失败改为全身麻醉。23例产妇被分配到PCT阳性组,另外26例产妇转入PCT阴性组。两组身高、体重、胎龄、基线LF/HF,基线BP和HR、罗哌卡因剂量、感觉阻滞平面、手术和麻醉时间、晶体液量、失血量及尿量比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),见表1。71.4%(35/49)产妇发生低血压,阳性组占60.0%(21/35),阴性组占40.0%(14/35)。PCT阳性组低血压发生率为91.3%(21/23),高于阴性组的53.8%(14/26),差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);PCT阳性组麻黄碱给药总剂量大于PCT阴性组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),见表2。PCT阳性组中最低的SBP为(81±15)mm Hg,与PCT阴性组的(90±13)mm Hg相比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。在腰麻(SA)剖宫产期间,PCT预测产妇低血压的敏感性和特异性分别为60.0%[95%CI(52.4,62.3)]和87.5%[95%CI(63.5,98.2)]。PCT的阳性预测值(PPV)和阴性预测值(NPV)分别为91.3%[95%CI(52.4,62.3)]和53.8%[95%CI(37.6,55.7)]。ROC曲线下面积值:0.760[95%CI(0.599,0.921)],最佳诊断点为204%,见图1。

3 讨论





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(收稿日期:2017-06-07) (本文编辑:张爽)endprint

低血压: 一个容易被忽视的大问题